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The primary goal of this researcher is to inform those

students about how squash bread roll can improve our health due
to these main ingredients. Nowadays, teenagers and children would
rather eat unhealthy foods than healthy ones. This research also
aims to make it a healthy snack appetizer with unique squash, as
well as sellout to customers for a better outcome in their
subject entrepreneurship. Which is a fantastic idea given that
bread is also considered a breakfast meal, implying that this
product can be of great assistance, particularly to children who
dislike vegetables but can eat bread. Furthermore, bread is a
simple pastry that can be purchased anywhere near a home. It also
does not cause much damage, indicating that this product is
easily purchased by children, who are the researchers' target
For the research conclusion, the majority of
respondents liked the appearance and texture of the mentioned
innovative products, as it truly appealed to the students. They
also stated that, despite the fact that the product was cooked
with bread, the taste of squash remained and, instead of tasting
bad, it became tasty due to the main ingredients, which are the
squash. The majority of the students unanimously agreed to make
it as a student snack. Lastly, based on the research, the
students or respondents agreed on this type of innovative product
because of the benefits it can provide, such as health benefits,
natural ingredients, and the ability to be eaten anywhere the
student’s desire. The researchers suggested that students
evaluate the taste and texture of the product for future
reference. They can also try other types of vegetables or fruits
to try this type of snack.
The research squash bread roll can help us in a variety of
ways in our daily lives. It is high in fiber and a good source of
complex carbohydrates, which can help provide long-term energy.
Squash bread rolls are also high in essential vitamins and
minerals like vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron, which can help with
overall health. Squash bread rolls are also low in calories and
fat, making them a healthy and filling snack.

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