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Task 1:

Inspiring others to work voluntarily and to the best of their ability toward goals,
sometimes in a way other than what they would have otherwise chosen, is the process of
leadership. Leadership is viewed as a social process in which someone affects others'
behavior without using threatening or violence. A Leader is someone who has a higher
level of vision, and often directs performance to a higher standard and develops human
character beyond conventional limits. People in the business who have the ability to get
others to work for the purpose of growing the business voluntarily are all leaders. In
Easten Medical Equipment company, Mr. Nguyen Lam Hoan is the Sales Director, Tuan
Anh and Tran Minh Quang are the sales team leaders.
A management theory called scientific management examines work flows to boost
economic efficiency, particularly labor productivity. Calculate the daily workload of
employees using science, taking into account the time and resources needed to set up the
right technological procedures and create standards for each job. F. Taylor's theory also
takes into account time reduction, process optimization, and standardizing each stage. As
in the Eagle team of Easten Medical Equipment company, the Eagle team leader Tran
Minh Quang has adapted scientific management style to manage his subordinates. He
came from a disciplined background and even though he knew it was business policy to
encourage a more laid-back leadership style, he always had to give orders and expect
prompt results when necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to motivate them to work by
dividing the work in a very scientific way to specialize the operations of workers, so that
they operate in a chain and are closely supervised, unable to lazy work. Scientific
management ignores the psychological and emotional components of individuals and
places an excessive emphasis on expertise, which is akin to mechanizing them.
According to numerous studies, an effective and productive business depends on
employee motivation and job satisfaction. Team Eagle member Huong Mai demanded to
be moved to Team Dragon after criticizing Tran Minh Quang's management style. She
believes that she should have more influence over decision-making. One of the team
members claimed that he had only been given the standard work to do and that nothing
new had been learned. This is a sign of tying employees to the production technology line
for management. Workers are exploited for labor and are not interested in spiritual needs.
However, this way of management helps Minh Quang to have a reasonable way of seeing
and assigning tasks, he will visualize how the work is progressing, what are the
advantages and disadvantages, on that basis, guide and create conditions for employees to
well perform their assigned tasks. He always pays attention to the coordination between
departments and individuals, in a smooth and effective manner, so the new business
results are the most successful in a total of 6 teams working with Mr. Hoan.
With the following guiding ideas, Fayol developed the theory of management according
to the organization: Teamwork: fostering a sense of unity and solidarity throughout the
entire business and assisting one another at work; assign suitable, understandable, and
connectable work; each person is in charge of their own task, and there is a relationship
between authority and responsibility. There is one boss who gives commands to
everyone. In Dragon team, Mr. Tuan Anh has applied classical adminitration to mornitor
his subordinates. Every morning, Tuan Anh loves to meet his team for a briefing. He lists
the responsibilities for the day and gives his employees the opportunity to select their
own assignments and address any problems with one another before getting down to
business. In general, Tuan Anh is more focused on keeping his team happy than he is on
occasionally hitting targets. He supports the collective spirit, promotes creativity, and
motivates people through values such as culture and welfare. However, because it gives
people freedom in their work, the team's results are often at the worst and don't meet their

Task 2:
The leadership style known as the autocratic style is defined by individual control over all
decisions and limited team member input. Autocratic leaders rarely take input from their
subordinates and frequently make decisions based on their opinions and judgment.
Absolute, authoritarian control over a group is a hallmark of autocratic leadership. Tran
Quang Minh has adopted an autocratic leadership style, which occasionally causes
workers to feel disrespected and negatively toward the manager. However, this is a
leadership approach that is seen as being quite powerful. Tran Quang Minh makes all
decisions on working practices and procedures; team members are seldom trusted to
provide opinions or complete crucial duties; work is structured and regimented; the
members' unconventional ideas and concepts are not encouraged; and rules are presented
clearly and come first. He ignore new proposals and do not consult other members. As a
result, members who feel that their skills and opinions are not respected and satisfied,
may reject creative solutions to problems, thereby harming overall success of the group.
When working in a team, this approach appears to be detrimental. However, the
autocratic tendency has benefits including preventing stagnation, testing employee skill,
and inflicting positive pressure.

Democratic style: although the team leader makes the final decision, team members are
encouraged to express their thoughts and viewpoints because they are more actively
involved in the process. It provides the team leader with a good and healthy platform to
foster more comradery and close cooperation. Tuan Anh has applied democratic style to
encourage employees to participate in team projects. They are better able to integrate and
relate to one another as a result. In order to produce the best work results and be prepared
to dedicate themselves to the firm, this leadership style also assists employees in better
understanding one another. This style helps Tuan Anh broaden his perspectives and may
acquire more opinions and experiences through democratic management, giving him
more helpful information for more precise decision-making. This allows for the most
thorough and objective planning of the plan or campaign. This management approach
contributes to the development of a contemporary and expert workplace culture. Tuan
Anh will pay attention to the thoughts of his team members and comprehend their desire
to see more good developments. As a result, the members of the company are more
closely knit together.

The concept of values, ethical standards, business philosophy, code of conduct, business
ideas, management techniques, and regulations and policies that employees embrace and
follow together make up corporate culture. This is every value accumulated over the
course of the company's existence and development, influencing the feelings, ways of
thinking, and actions of every employee to advance the company's objectives. Corporate
culture consists of 4 main components, namely: vision, mission, core values and business
Organizational culture is referred to as the conventions, values, and beliefs of a group of
individuals that collaborate to accomplish a goal. The history of an organization's growth
and elements that affect how an organization forms its style, such as significant historical
choices, leadership style, and attitudes, all play a significant role in what makes an
organization unique. Both the strategic choices made by an organization and the norms,
practices, and beliefs that each member holds dear are ways in which they are conveyed.
There are five characteristics of organizational culture. Firstly, organizational culture
explains the nature of interpersonal relationships. In it, each individual as a part of the
organization and the organization as a part of the society. Secondly, this idea relates to
behavioral control, which includes norms, experiences, and binding regulations that
members must abide by. Thirdly, organizational culture is a set of values, beliefs,
perspectives, and ways of thinking that have been passed down over a significant amount
of time and are acknowledged by the organization. Next, attribute of an organization is its
organizational culture. Finally, organizational culture has an impact on performance and
aids in environment adaptation for organizations.
One of the crucial elements that helps an organization develop its own identity and set
itself apart from rival organizations is its corporate culture. Corporate culture creates
distinctive intangible values such as: The working environment in the organization, the
development of discussions and management decisions, the employees' trust in the
decisions and policies made by the organization's leadership, employee loyalty, and
teamwork in all of the organization's activities, as opposed to tangible assets that are
simple to copy. Additionally, corporate culture is capable of instilling in its members the
consciousness and values of the organization. Based on this, the organizational culture
fulfills its functions for the organization's management activities: creating work
motivation, increasing enterprise competitive advantage, coordinating and controlling the
members of the organization to accept and strictly comply with the regulations of the
There are several factors influence on Easten Medical Equipment company’s culture:
The leader is the individual who is directly involved in managing the company, who
establishes the policies, and who oversees the extracurricular activities associated with
his place of employment and staff. The culture of a company is directly influenced by the
leader's ideas, beliefs, and personality as that company is run.
Subordinates, who make up the majority of an organization's human resources, are those
who report to the leaders. Of course, one of the variables influencing company culture is
the availability of human resources. The room's productive atmosphere is largely created
by the way the participants engage with one another. In addition to office hours, business
travels, and team building, these factors have a significant impact on how the culture of
the company develops.
Corporate culture is influenced by the workplace. Employees cannot work in a messy or
noisy environment because those conditions interfere with their ability to concentrate and
induce discomfort, both of which lower labor output.
Enterprises are the gathering place of many cultures, ethnic groups, of all working ages
and genders across regions. Every person has a unique cultural identity and set of beliefs,
which shapes their way of thinking, how they perceive issues, and how they respond. The
unique aspects of each person's culture will, to some extent, shape and effect the
corporate culture once they are all part of the same organization. The enterprise's
corporate culture is an intangible asset that adds to its overall strength. Because corporate
culture is firmly anchored in trust, it is crucial for carrying out the objectives and duties
of the organization. At Easten company, core values, rituals, conferences, meetings,
training sessions, training, even communication culture... have all contributed to the
development of a distinctive style, which is highlighted by the fact that it is built on 5
principles: Passion - Trustly - Ethical - Sincerely – Transparency.

ADAIR, J. (2019). Develop Your Leadership Skills: Fast, Effective Ways to Become a
Leader People Want to Follow. Kogan Page.
Kelly, P. and Cole, G. (2020) Management: Theory and Practice. 9th Ed. Cengage.
NORTHOUSE P. (2018) Leadership: Theory and Practice. 8th Ed. London: SAGE.
Mullins, L. J. (2019) Organisational Behaviour in the Workplace. 12th Ed. Harlow:

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