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Name 1 Early Childhood (5 Years Old)

Name 2 COF: _______

Toy Analysis: Snakes and Ladders

I. Physical Properties of the Toy

A. General Description
B. Packaging
1. General Packaging
2. Portability
3. Containment and Storing
C. Individual Parts and Safety
1. General Size of Toy Parts
2. Cleaning
3. Toxic or Non-toxic
4. Choking Hazard
5. Durability
6. Safety of Parts
7. Risks of Misuse
II. Intrinsic Properties of the Toy
A. Degree of Realism
B. Degree of Structure
C. Reactive or Non-reactive Nature
D. Motivational Value and Attractiveness
E. Play Value and Cost-effectiveness
F. Environmental Considerations During Play
G. Grading and Adaptation
H. Gender-appropriateness
III. Therapeutic Properties of the Toy
A. Required Actions
1. Motor and praxis skills.
2. Sensory-perceptual skills.
3. Emotional regulation skills.
4. Cognitive skills.
5. Communication and social skills.
B. Required Body Structures and Functions
1. Mental Functions.
2. Sensory Functions and Pain.
3. Neuromusculoskeletal and Movement-related Functions.
4. Voice and Speech Functions.
C. Social Demands
D. Levels of Play
E. Age-appropriateness
F. Versatility or Variety of Activities

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