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Today I will tell you about the bad weather I experienced. it's about the
weather was rainy and cloudy during our trip to Ba Na Hill in 2022 .
The weather was so nice, its had sunny and slight windy when we hit the
road from hotel near the beach to the Ba Na mountain. We moved to the top of
the mountain by aerial cable car (sky tram). but then, dark clouds appeared, the
sky was getting darker. It started to rain and the weather got colder. in the cable
car we couldn't look any thing in the outsight, everything was blurred. suddenly
the cable car is stopped. I feel terrible because all of my family member are stuck
in the air. after 15 minutes, the cable car restared and took us to the top of the
But, the weather was still raining and cloudy. Bad weather prevented us to
go outsight and seesighting some natural beauty of Bana Hill. So we decided to
have a lunch and rest at the hotel.
In all, this is still an experience I will never forget.

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