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The preposition "for" in assessment FOR learning implies that assessment is done to improve
and ensure learning. This is referred to as FORmative assessment, assessment that is given
while the teacher is in the process of student formation (learning). It ensures that learning is
going on while the teacher is in the process of teaching.

Teacher does not lose anything if as he/she teaches he/she checks for understanding now and
then. This is to ensure that before he/she proceeds further or comes near the end of the
chapter, unit or course or grading period, the students understood the lesson.

It is tragic and a waste of time if teacher just proceeds with his/her teaching presuming that
students understood the lesson only to discover at the end of the unit or grading period that
students after all did not understand the lesson. So much time has already been wasted.

Besides, lack of understanding of the lesson must have bean compounded because the "ABCs"
of the lesson weren't mastered and teacher already proceeded to "XYZ*. Too late to discover
that at the end of a unit or a grading period the students did not learn what was expected of

Formative assessment also includes the pretest and the posttest that a teacher gives to ensure
learning. This is also termed pre-assessment.

Why the pretest? It is to find out where the students are of determined their entry knowledge or
skills so teacher knows how to adjust instruction.

Why the posttest? It is to find out if the intended learning outcome has been attained after the
teaching-learning process.

If not all students have attained it, then teacher has to apply an intervention or a remediation.
Why do these have to take place?

To ensure learning, thus the term assessment FOR learning.

In Assessment FOR Learning, teachers use assessment results to inform or adjust their
teaching. When in the process of teaching, teacher discovers that the students did not
understand what was taught, teacher adjusts her/his instructional strategy.

One did not work and becanse it did not work and expects better results he/she has not to
repeat the use of the same strategy.

In summary, assessment FOR learning means teachers using student's knowledge,

understanding and skills to inform their teaching. It occurs throughout the teaching and learning
process to clarify and ensure student learning and understanding.

Assessment OF Learning is usually given at the end of a unit, grading period or a term like a
semester. It is meant to assess learning for grading purposes, thus the term Assessment OF
Learning. It is referred to as summative assessment. The effectiveness of summative
assessment depends on the validity and reliability of the assessment activity and tools.

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