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Pomodoro Technique: An Intervention to Improve the

Retention of Knowledge of SHS Students

1) Sperm production begins in the _____.

a. Vas Deferens
b. Seminiferous Tubules
c. Ejaculatory Duct

2) At which stage in the uterine cycle does the secretory phase occur?
a) Days 1-5
b) Days 5-14
c) Days 14-28

3) What is the cell produced from fertilization.

a) Zygote
b) Embryo
c) Gamete

4) Where does sperm maturation occurs?

a) Vas deferens
b) Epididymis
c) Seminiferous Tubules

5) What layer of uterine sheds during menstruation?

a) Endometrium
b) Myometrium
c) Epimetrium

6) Where does morula turn into blastocyst?

a. Uterus
b. Cervix
c. Fallopian Tube

7) What is the average menstrual cycle?

a. 28 days
b. 24 days
c. 18 days
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8) How many eggs are released during menstrual cycle?

a. 1
b. 1,000
c. 10,000

9) What occurs during the 14-28 days of menstruation?

a. Shedding of the surface of the endometrium
b. The endometrial lining thickcens and endometrial cells multiply
c. An egg leaves the ovary and enters the pelvic cavity

10) Where are the eggs created?

a. Ovaries
b. Fallopian Tube
c. Cervix

11) Which of the following accurately describes the secretory phase of menstrual cycle?
a. Shedding of the surface of endometrium
b. The endometrial lining thickens and endometrial cells multiply.
c. The process through which an egg leaves the ovary and enters the pelvic cavity.

12) Which hormone causes the release of the follicle from the ovary?
a. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
b. Progesterone
c. Estrogen

13) What occurs during 1-5 days of menstruation?

a. Shedding of the lining of the Uterus
b. An egg is released from the Ovaries
c. The lining of the uterus builds up

14) Where does fertilization occur?

a. Fallopian tube
b. Cervix
c. Uterus

15) When ovulation takes place, the ovum (egg) is released by the
a. Ovarian Follicle
b. Cervix
c. Uterus

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