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Nomes: Turma: 2001

Professor: FREDERICO LUDUGERIO Data: ....../....../ 2022


I get up at seven o’clock every morning on weekdays. I brush my teeth and get dressed. Then, I
have breakfast with eggs, honey, butter, cheese, olives and tomatoes. After breakfast, I leave
home at about eight o’clock and go to school by school bus. I have lessons between 8:30 am
and 3:00 o’clock pm. I have lunch with my friends at school at 12:30. After school, I attend my
music course at 3:15 pm and play beautiful songs with my violin. I usually arrive home at
about five o’clock and watch some cartoons on TV. I do my homework and have dinner with
my family at eight o’clock. After dinner, I go to my room and listen to music. I sometimes go
online and search information about my school subjects. I read a book before I go to bed. I
always sleep at 9:30 pm. On Saturdays, my family and I usually go to a supermarket and do
shopping. We sometimes go to the cinema and watch a film. In the afternoons we go for a walk
in the park and feed the birds there. On Sundays, my family and I always visit my
grandparents. They live in a village and they have some animals. I play with their dog Goldy
and milk the cows. Sometimes, I pick fruits or vegetables from their garden. My grandmother
makes her delicious banana cake and serves tea with it. We all sit in the living room and talk to
each other. We sometimes play games. In the afternoon, we go back home around four o’clock.

1) De acordo com o texto, todas as atividades abaixo Dave faz à tarde, EXCETO:

a) “watch some cartoons on TV” d) “have lunch”

b) “attend my music course” e) “play beautiful songs”
c) “go to school”

2) Sobre a rotina de Dave, assinale V para VERDADEIRO e F para FALSO:

( ) Ele acorda no mesmo horário de segunda à sexta-feira.
( ) As aulas dele na escola são apenas na parte da manhã.
( ) Ele sempre dorme mais ou menos no mesmo horário.
( ) Ele vai ao mercado aos sábados.
( ) Os avós de Dave moram na cidade grande, próximo à cidade dele.
( ) A rotina dele é diferente nos dias de semana e aos finais de semana.

Marque a opção que completa corretamente os parênteses acima:

a) F – F – V – V – F – V. d) F – F – F – V – F – V.
b) V – V – V – V – F – V. e) V– F – V – V – F – V.
c) F – F – V – V – F – F.

3) Em: “I do my homework and have dinner with my family at eight o’clock”, se, ao
invés de I, o sujeito fosse “she”, por exemplo, a frase ficaria: “she does my homework
and have dinner with my family at eight o’clock”. A regra que se aplica ao verbo
destacado é a mesma aplicada, no verbo, em:
a) “I have breakfast with eggs, honey, butter, cheese, olives and tomatoes”
b) “My grandmother makes her delicious banana cake”.
c) Dave watches TV.
d) Dave goes to the supermarket on Saturday.
e) Dave’s family likes potatoes.

4) Dave gosta de assistir TV. Principalmente, filmes. Observe o gosto dele em relação a
DAVE 😊 ☹
1. comedy X
2. horror X
3. sci-fi X
4. romance X

Sobre o gosto de Dave, use (1) LOVE, (2) LIKE (neg.), (3) HATE e (4) LIKE para criar
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5) Para fazer a interrogativa do simple present é preciso usar o DO ou DOES

(dependendo do sujeito) antes do sujeito e, caso na 3ª pessoa do singular, passar a marca
de 3ª pessoa do verbo principal para o auxiliar (DOES). Marque a opção que
exemplifica corretamente a regra descrita:
a) She doesn’t like horror movies.
b) Does they like to go out together?
c) Do she have a car?
d) Does Dave like comedy?
e) Nenhuma das opções acima tem um exemplo correto.

6) Com base no schedule do Peter, complete as frases abaixo:

a) Peter __________ (have) breakfast around 7:30 – 8:00 am on _____________________


b) Peter _____________ (study) Science __________________________ (frequência).

Cada questão vale 0.3 pontos.

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