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7 Las Cebollas – 8 Las Armendras

1. Why does Esperanza feel like a misfit?
She doesn't know how to do some of the simple things the others do.

2. Why does mama believe that she and Esperanza are fortunate?
She thinks they are fortunate because they had a place to live and found work so
quickly while others do not.

3. How has Mama’s appearance changed since she left Mexico?

She does not wear her hair up anymore because she had to work.

4. Why is it difficult for Esperanza to do the jobs she is assigned?

She never learned how to do them because she had servants to do them for her.

5. How does Miguel help Esperanza?

He helps her by showing her how to do jobs like sweeping.

6. Why does Miguel decide to work in the fields instead of working on the railroad?
Miguel didn’t work on the railroads because when they hire Mexicans to lay tracks,
but he wanted to repair the engine.

7. How is the mystery of the bundle that Miguel and Alfonso had to water at each
train stop solved?
The bundle was rose roots that came from Papa's garden. It needs to be wet to stay
7 Las Cebollas – 8 Las Armendras

8. Why does Esperanza feel humiliated at bath time?

The others stared at her because she thought someone was going to wash her.

9. Why does Marta come to the Jamaica?

She came because she wanted people to strike against the farmers.

10. Why aren’t many of the workers at Isabelle’s camp eager to strike?
The workers are not eager to strike because they are afraid they might lose their
jobs and their homes.


▪ Why do you think Esperanza tells Isabelle that her current situation is temporary?
I think she misses her old life and wants to believe that she can have it back.

▪ Why are Mama and Esperanza so emotionally affected by the rose bushes that
Miguel and Alfonso plant?
They were moved because these were Papa’s roses, and because Miguel and Alfonso
could save some of them from the fire back in California.

▪ What do you think Mama means when she tells Esperanza, “Do you know I am so
proud of you for all you are learning”? What is Esperanza learning?
I think Mama means that Esperanza has started to change from a spoiled little
girl to a mature young woman. Esperanza is learning to work, cook, and take care
of other children.

▪ Do you think the workers should strike?

In my opinion, the workers should not strike, they should make their point and

wait because most of them, like Esperanza, cannot risk losing their jobs.

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