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NIM : 19046041

Directions: READ the recipe, then ANSWER the questions.

1. one serving of Monkey’s Delight

2. Cut bananas into 1/4-inch slices.
3. Brush the slices with lemon juice.
4. Banana, nut, lemon
5. A knife.
6. I got it by squeezing the lemon so that the juice came out.
7. Maybe the banana will rot.
8. Maybe I'll add ice cream, chocolate meses or chocolate syrup for the topping.
9. Maybe I can replace the beans with raisins or choco chips.
10. I will make ten times the ingredients to make it.

READ EACH sentence. Write the letter of the PHRASE or word THAT is the MEANING of the
underlined words. Use clues from the other words in the sentences to help you.

1. Go to bed.
2. Anger.
3. Change your mind.
4. Disciplined.
5. look like.
6. is bothersome, ANNOYING.
7. Very HARD.
8. Depressed.
9. Easy
10. A long time.
11. tired, worn out
12. Quit.

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