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My father goes to the Jawab: Turtle/Crocodile/Giraffe

(Kantor) .............
12. (Singa) ........ lives in the forest.
Jawab: Office/School/Church
Jawab: Lion/Tiger/Snake
2. My mother always goes to the
13. (Ikan) ....... live in water
(Gereja) ..... everysunday
Jawab: Fish/Dog/Bird
Jawab: Church/Market/Mall
14. Tomorrow is (Kamis).....
3. I go to the (Sekolah)......
Jawab: Thursday/Sunday/Monday
Jawab: Garden/Beach/School
15. Next week is (Senin) ....
4. Cinta likes to go to the
Jawab: Friday/Saturday/Monday
(Perpustakaan)......... to read books.
16. Last month is (Juli) .....
Jawab: Library/Office/Kitchen
Jawab: June/July/Mey
5. I save my money in the (Bank).....
17. Two months ago is (September)......
Jawab: Bank/Canteen/Mall
Jawab: September/October/November
6. She is a (Guru) .......
18. Next three months is (Januari)......
Jawab: Teacher/Doctor/Nurse
Jawab: January/March/April
7. He is a (Polisi) ....
19. I always go to the Library by
Jawab: Policeman/Soldier/Driver
(Mobil) ....
8. I have a sister. she works at the
Jawab: Car/Motorcycle/Bicycle
hospital. She is a ....
20. They always go on vacation by
Jawab: Nurce/Teacher/Chef
9. He is a (Koki) ....... who works in a
Jawab: Plane/Train/Bus
21. You can go to the beach by (Bus)....
Jawab: Chef/Doctor/Pilot
Jawab: Bus/Boat/Pedicab
10. Bita likes to keep (kelinci) ...... as her
22. Mia went to the campus yesterday by
(Kerata api)......
Jawab: Dog/Cat/Rabbits
Jawb: Train/Truck/Bajaj
11. I have five (kura-kura) ........

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