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Electrical Design of Electrical Machines


 Modes of Heat Dissipation

Heat is a form of energy which transfers between bodies which are kept
under thermal interactions. When a temperature difference occurs between
two bodies or a body with its surroundings, heat transfer occurs. In this
article, we are going to deal with the different modes of heat transfer. Heat
transfer occurs basically in three modes:

a. Conduction

b. Convection and

c. Radiation

a. Conduction

It is the flow of heat through solids and liquids by vibration and

collision of molecules and free electrons. The molecules of a given point of a
system which are at higher temperature vibrate faster than the molecules of
other points of the same system -or of other systems- which are at lower
temperature. The molecules with a higher movement collide with the less
energized molecules and transfer part of their energy to the less energized
molecules of the colder regions of the structure. For example, the heat
dissipation by conduction through the bodywork of a car.

Metals are the best thermal conductors; while non-metals are poor
thermal conductors. For comparison, the thermal conductivity (k) of the
copper is 401 W/m*K, while the thermal conductivity (k) of the air is 0.0263
W/m*K. The thermal conductivity of the carbon dioxide (CO2) is 0.01672
W/m*K, almost the thermal conductivity of an isolator.

Formula to calculate the conductivity gradient for a given system:

q = - kA (Δ T/Δ n)

Where Δ T/Δ n is the temperature gradient in the direction of area A,

and k is the thermal conductivity constant obtained by experimentation in

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b. Convection

Flow of heat through currents within a fluid (liquid or gas). Convection

is the displacement of volumes of a substance in a liquid or gaseous phase.
When a mass of a fluid is heated up, for example when it is in contact with a
warmer surface, its molecules are carried away and scattered causing that
the mass of that fluid becomes less dense. For this reason, the warmed
mass will be displaced vertically and/or horizontally, while the colder and
denser mass of fluid goes down (the low-kinetic-energy molecules displace
the molecules in high-kinetic-energy states). Through this process, the
molecules of the hot fluid transfer heat continuously toward the volumes of
the colder fluid.

For example, when heating up water on a stove, the volume of water

at the bottom of the pot will be warmed up by conduction from the metallic
bottom of the pot and its density decreases. Given that it gets lesser dense,
it shifts upwards up to the surface of the volume of water and displaces the
upper -colder and denser- mass of water downwards, to the bottom of the

Formula of Convection:

q = hA (Ts - T ∞)

Where h is for convective heat transfer coefficient, A is the area

implied in the heat transfer process, Ts is for the temperature of the system
and T ∞ is a reference temperature.

c. Radiation

It is heat transfer by electromagnetic waves or photons. It does not

need a propagating medium. The energy transferred by radiation moves at
the speed of light. The heat radiated by the Sun can be exchanged between
the solar surface and the Earth's surface without heating the transitional

For example, if I place an object (such as a coin, a car, or myself)

under the direct sunbeams, I will note in a little while that the object will be

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heated. The exchange of heat between the Sun and the object occurs by

The formula to know the amount of heat transferred by radiation is:

q = e σ A [(ΔT)^4]

Where q is the heat transferred by radiation, E is the emissivity of the

system, σ is the constant of Stephan-Boltzmann (5.6697 x 10^-8
W/m^2.K^4), A is the area involved in the heat transfer by radiation,
and (ΔT)^4 is the difference of temperature between two systems to the
fourth or higher power.

A Heat Sink is a system capable of absorbing heat from an object with

which it is in thermal contact without a phase change or a significant
variation in temperature.

At Earth's location, the outer space, the gravity field (Guth. 1999. Pp.
29-31) and the false void are heat sinks.

Water has a specific Heat of 4.190 kJ/Kg.K, while air has a specific
heat of 1.0057 kJ/Kg.K, and soil have a Specific Heat of 0.725 kJ/Kg.K.

Water has a Specific Heat higher than soil and air; then, the Thermal
Capacity of water is higher than the Thermal Capacity of the air and the
soil. To a greater Thermal Capacity, a slower rate of dissipation of heat.

 Heating and Cooling Time Constants

We know that when an electrical motor and drive operates, there is a

generation of heat inside the motor. The amount of heat generated inside the
motor should be known as accurately as possible. That‟s why thermal
modelling of motor is necessary. The material of the motors and the shapes
and size of the motors are not unique but the generation of heat does not
alter very much depending on these characteristics. So, a simple thermal
model of any motor can be obtained assuming it to be a homogeneous body.
The main aim of this modelling is to choose the appropriate rating of a

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motor so that the electric motor does not exceed its safe limit during
operation. At time „t‟, let the motor has following parameters

p1 = Heat developed, Joules/sec or watts

p2 = Heat dissipated to the cooling medium, watts

W = Weight of the active parts of the machine.

h = Specific heat, Joules per Kg per 0C.

A = Cooling Surface, m2

d = Co-efficient of heat transfer, Joules/Sec/m 2/0C

θ = Mean temperature rise oC

Now, if time dt, let the temperature rise of the machine be dθ, Therefore,
heat absorbed in the machine = (Heat generated inside the machine – Heat
dissipated to the surrounding cooling medicine)


dθ = p1dt - p2dt. .................... (i)

p2 = θdA. .................. (ii)

Substituting (ii) in (i), we get

Here, C is called the thermal capacity of the machine in watts/oC and D is

the heat dissipation constant in watts/oC.

When we acquire the first order differential equation of the equation -

We obtain the value of K by putting t = 0 in equation (iii) and get the

solution as

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So, from the above equation we can find out the rise in temperature inside a
working machine, which is very near to being accurate and if we plot a
graph for the variation of temperature risk with time during heating and
cooling and thus the thermal modelling of a motor gets completed.

 Electric Motor Power Rating

Power rating for electrical machines indicates the required supply

voltage for smooth running of that machine, it also shows the permissible
maximum amount of current which can easily flows through the machine.
And there will be a chance of breakdown in the machine if those parameters
goes beyond this limit.

Electric Motor Power Rating

Similarly when we discuss about motor power rating, we are looking

for the suitable conditions where maximum efficiency is obtained from the

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electric motor. When the motor have insufficient rating, there will be
frequent damages and shut downs due to over loading, and this is not
intended. On the other hand, if the power rating of a motor is decided
liberally, the extra initial cost and then loss of energy due to operation below
rated power makes this choice totally uneconomical.

Another essential criteria of electrical motor power rating is that, during

operation of motor, heat is produced and it is inevitable due to I2R loss in
the circuit and friction within the motor. So, the ventilation system of the
motor should be designed very carefully, to dissipate the generated heat as
quickly as possible. The output power of the motor is directly related with
the temperature rise, that's why it is also called thermal loading. The
thermal dissipation will be ideal when the ventilation system is designed in
such a way that the heat generated during the operation is equal to or less
then heat dissipated by the motor to the surrounding. Now, due to the
design of motors, temperature is not same everywhere inside the motor.
There is a high amount of heat produced in the windings because, windings
cause higher heat generation. The insulating materials used in the winding
are also chosen depending on the amount of heat generated inside the motor
during operation. So in the end it can be said that the main objectives of
selecting and finding out motor power rating are-

1. To obtain the suitable thermal model of motor and design the machine

2. Finding out motor duty class.

3. Calculating motor ratings for various classes of duty.

 Motor Duty Class and its Classification

Now a days, in almost every applications, electric motors are used, and to
control them electrical drives are employed. But the operating time for all
motors are not the same. Some of the motors runs all the time, and some of
the motor's run time is shorter than the rest period. Depending on this,

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concept of motor duty class is introduced and on the basis of this duty
cycles of the motor can be divided in eight categories such as

a. Continuous duty

b. Short time duty

c. Intermittent periodic duty

d. Intermittent periodic duty with starting

e. Intermittent periodic duty with starting and braking

f. Continuous duty with intermittent periodic loading

g. Continuous duty with starting and braking

h. Continuous duty with periodic speed changes

Continuous Duty: This duty denotes that, the motor is running long
enough AND the electric motor temperature reaches the steady state value.
These motors are used in paper mill drives, compressors, conveyors etc.

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Short Time Duty: In these motors, the time of operation is very low and the
heating time is much lower than the cooling time. So, the motor cooks off to
ambient temperature before operating again. These motors are used in crane
drives, drives for house hold appliances, valve drives etc.

Intermittent Periodic Duty: Here the motor operates for some time and
then there is rest period. In both cases, the time is insufficient to raise the
temperature to steady state value or cool it off to ambient temperature. This
is seen at press and drilling machine drives.

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Intermittent Period Duty: with Starting In this type of duty, there is a

period of starting, which cannot be ignored and there is a heat loss at that
time. After that there is running period and rest period which are not
adequate to attain the steady state temperatures. This motor duty class is
widely used in metal cutting and drilling tool drives, mine hoist etc.

Intermittent Periodic Duty with Starting and Braking: In this type of

drives, heat loss during starting and braking cannot be ignored. So, the
corresponding periods are starting period, operating period, braking period
and resting period, but all the periods are too short to attain the respective
steady state temperatures, these techniques are used in billet mill drive,
manipulator drive, mine hoist etc.

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Continuous Duty with Intermittent Periodic Loading: In this type of

motor duty, everything is same as the periodic duty but here a no load
running period occurs instead of the rest period. Pressing, cutting are the
examples of this system. Continuous Duty with Starting and Braking It is
also a period of starting, running and braking and there is no resting period.
The main drive of a blooming mill is an example. Continuous Duty with
Periodic Speed Changes In this type of motor duty, there are different
running periods at different loads and speeds. But there is no rest period
and all the periods are too short to attain the steady state temperatures.

 Constructional Features

Transformers used in practice are of extremely large variety depending

upon the end use. In addition to the transformers used in power systems, in
power transmission and distribution, a large number of special transformers
are in use in applications like electronic supplies, rectification, furnaces,
traction etc. Here the focus is on power transformers only. The principle of
operation of these transformers also is the same but the user requirements
differ. Power transformers of smaller sizes could be air cooled while the
larger ones are oil cooled. These machines are highly material intensive
equipments and are designed to match the applications for best operating
conditions. Hence they are „tailor made‟ to a job. This brings in a very large
variety in their constructional features. Here more common constructional
aspects alone are discussed. These can be broadly divided into

1. Core construction

2. Winding arrangements

Core construction:

Transformer core for the power frequency application is made of

highly permeable material. The high value of permeability helps to give a low
reluctance for the path of the flux and the flux lines mostly confine
themselves to the iron. Relative permeability µr well over 1000 are achieved
by the present day materials. Silicon steel in the form of thin laminations is

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used for the core material. Over the years progressively better magnetic
properties are obtained by going in for Hot rolled non-oriented to Hot rolled
grain oriented steel.

Later better laminations in the form of cold Rolled Grain Oriented

(CRGO), -High B (HiB) grades became available. The thickness of the
laminations progressively got reduced from over 0.5mm to the present
0.25mm per lamination. These laminations are coated with a thin layer of
insulating varnish, oxide or phosphate. The magnetic material is required to
have a high permeability µ and a high saturation flux density, a very low
remanence Br and a small area under the B-H loop-to permit high flux
density of operation with low magnetizing current and low hysteresis loss.
The resistivity of the iron sheet itself is required to be high to reduce the
eddy current losses. The eddy current itself is highly reduced by making the
laminations very thin. If the lamination is made too thin then the production
cost of steel laminations increases. The steel should not have residual
mechanical stresses which reduce their magnetic properties and hence must
be annealed after cutting and stacking. In the case of very small
transformers (from a few volt-amperes to a few kilo voltamperes) hot rolled
silicon steel laminations in the form of E & I, C & I or O as shown in Fig. 3
are used and the core cross section would be a square or a rectangle. The
percentage of silicon in the steel is about 3.5. Above this value the steel
becomes very brittle and also very hard to cut. The saturation flux density of
the present day steel lamination is about 2 Tesla. Broadly classifying, the
core construction can be separated into core type and shell type. In a core
type construction the winding surrounds the core. A few examples of single
phase and three phase core type constructions are shown in Fig. 4. In a
shell type on the other hand the iron surrounds the winding. In the case of
very small transformers the conductors are very thin and round. These can
be easily wound on a former with rectangular or square cross section. Thus
no special care is needed for the construction of the core. The cross section
of the core also would be square or rectangular. As the rating of the
transformer increases the conductor size also increases.

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Fig (a): E and I Type Laminations

Fig (b): C and I Type Laminations

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Fig (c): O Type Laminations

Fig (d): Core and Shell Type Construction

Flat conductors are preferred to round ones. To wind such conductor

on a rectangular former is not only difficult but introduces stresses in the
conductor, at the bends. From the short circuit force with stand capability
point of view also this is not desirable. Also, for a given area enclosed the
length of the conductor becomes more. Hence it results in more load losses.
In order to avoid all these problems the coils are made cylindrical and are
wound on formers on heavy duty lathes. Thus the core construction is
required to be such as to fill the circular space inside the coil with steel
laminations. Stepped core construction thus becomes mandatory for the
core of large transformers. Fig. 5 shows a few typical stepped core
constructions. When the core size increases it becomes extremely difficult to
cool the same (Even though the core losses are relatively very small). Cooling
ducts have to be provided in the core. The steel laminations are grain
oriented exploiting the simple geometry of the transformer to reduce the
excitation losses. The iron losses in the lamination, when the flux is oriented
in the direction of grain orientation, are about 30% of that in the normal
direction. Another important aspect to be carefully checked and monitored
is the air gaps in series in the path of the main flux. As the reluctance of air
path is about 1000 times more than that of the steel, an air path of 1mm
will require a mmf needed by a 1 meter path in iron.

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Fig (e): Stepped Core Construction

Fig (f): Typical Stacked Core and Wound Core Construction

Hence butt joints between laminations must be avoided. Lap joints are
used to provide alternate paths for flux lines thus reducing the reluctance of
the flux paths. Some typical constructional details are shown in Fig. 6. In
some power transformers the core is built up by threading a long strip of

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steel through the coil in the form of a toroid. This construction is normally
followed in instrument transformers to reduce the magnetizing current and
hence the errors.

Large cores made up of laminations must be rendered adequately stiff

by the provision of stiffening plates usually called as flitch plates. Punched
through holes and bolts are progressively being avoided to reduce heating
and melting of the through bolts. The whole stack is wrapped up by strong
epoxy tapes to give mechanical strength to the core which can stand in
upright position. Channels and angles are used for the frame and they hold
the bottom yoke rigidly.

Winding Arrangements:

Windings form another important part of transformers. In a two

winding transformer two windings would be present. The one which is
connected to a voltage source and creates the flux is called as a primary
winding. The second winding where the voltage is induced by induction is
called a secondary. If the secondary voltage is less than that of the primary
the transformer is called a step down transformer. If the secondary voltage
is more then it is a step up transformer. A step down transformer can be
made a step up transformer by making the low voltage winding its primary.
Hence it may be more appropriate to designate the windings as High Voltage
(HV) and Low Voltage (LV) windings. The winding with more number of turns
will be a HV winding. The current on the HV side will be lower as V-I
product is a constant and given as the VA rating of the machines. Also the
HV winding needs to be insulated more to withstand the higher voltage
across it. HV also needs more clearance to the core, yoke or the body. These
aspects influence the type of the winding used for the HV or LV windings.

Transformer coils can be broadly classified in to concentric coils and

sandwiched coils Fig. 7. The former are very common with core type
transformers while the latter one are common with shell type transformers.
In the figure the letters L and H indicate the low voltage and high voltage
windings. In concentric arrangement, in view of the lower insulation and
clearance requirements, the LV winding is placed close to the core which is

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at ground potential. The HV winding is placed around the LV winding. Also

taps are provided on HV winding when voltage change is required. This is
also facilitated by having the HV winding as the outer winding.

Fig (a): Concentric Coil

Fig (b): Sandwich Coil

Three most common types of coils viz. helical, cross over and disc coils
are shown in Fig

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Fig (c): Disc, Cross-over and Helical Coils

(i) Helical Windings: One very common cylindrical coil arrangement is the
helical winding. This is made up of large cross section rectangular
conductor wound on its flat side. The coil progresses as a helix. This is
commonly used for LV windings. The insulation requirement also is not too
high. Between layers no insulation (other than conductor insulation) is
needed as the voltage between layers is low. The complexity of this type of
winding rapidly increases as the current to be handled becomes more. The
conductor cross section becomes too large and difficult to handle. The eddy
current losses in the conductor rapidly increases. Hence two or more
conductors have to be wound and connected in parallel. The parallel circuits
bring in problems of current sharing between the circuits. Transpositions of
the parallel paths have to be adopted to reduce unequal current
distribution. The modern practice is to use continuously transposed and
bunched conductors.

(ii) Cross over coils: The second popular winding type is the cross over coil.
These are made of circular conductors not exceeding 5 to 6 sq mm in cross

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section. These are used for HV windings of relatively small transformers.

These turns are wound in several layers. The length and thickness of each
block is made in line with cooling requirements. A number of such blocks
can be connected in series, leaving cooling ducts in between the blocks, as
required by total voltage requirement.

(iii) Disc coils: Disc coils consist of flat conductors wound in a spiral form
at the same place spiraling outwards. Alternate discs are made to spiral
from outside towards the center. Sectional discs or continuous discs may be
used. These have excellent thermal properties and the behavior of the
winding is highly predictable. Winding of a continuous disc winding needs
specialized skills.

(iv) Sandwich coils: Sandwich windings are more common with shell type
core construction. They permit easy control over the short circuit impedance
of the transformer. By bringing HV and LV coils close on the same magnetic
axis the leakage is reduced and the mutual flux is increased. By increasing
the number of sandwiched coils the reactance can be substantially reduced.

 Transformer Auxiliaries

(a) Tap Changer

The transformer voltage at the load side desired to be constant or as

close to the design value. But the load voltage may vary according to current
drawn by the load or supply voltage.

Secondary voltage = (supply voltage or primary voltage) / Turns ratio.

Based on the above equation to maintain constant secondary voltage/load

voltage or as close to the desired value it is needed to change the turn‟s
ratio. The tap changer of the transformer performs this task to change the
turn‟s ratio. The tap changer basic function is that it removes or connects
some portion of the winding to the load side or source side. Tap changer can
be located on primary side or secondary side. However it will be placed on
high voltage winding side.

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Why tap changer is placed on high voltage side?

The tap changer is placed on high voltage side because:

1) The HV winding generally wound over LV winding hence it is easier to

access the HV winding turns instead of LV winding.

2) Because of high voltage the current through the HV winding is less

compared to LV windings, hence there is less “wear” on the tap changer
contacts. Due this low current, in on load tap changer the change over
spark will be less.

Transformer Tap changer

Tap changer Primary side:

In this type the tap changer circuit is placed in primary side or supply side.
As we know;

Turns ratio = secondary winding turns (Ns)/ primary winding turns (Np).

Secondary voltage = (supply voltage or primary voltage) / Turns ratio.

By the above formulas it is stated that if the primary turns decreases the
turn‟s ratio increases hence then secondary voltage decreases. Opposite for
the reverse case i.e. primary turns increase leads to turns ratio decrease
which increases the secondary voltage.

Figure shows the tap changer on primary winding with tap changing interval
of 2.5 % per tap. With this we can understand three conditions:

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Fig (a): Transformer Tap changer on Primary Side

1) In normal operation the tap changer will be at 0% position to provide

required designed secondary voltage.

2) If the supply voltage increases or load current decreases there will be an

increase in supply voltage which is not desirable. At this case the tap
position in the primary winding will rise towards positive direction i.e.
+2.5%, and hence decreases the Np. This will increases the turns ratio
(Ns/Np) further decreases the secondary voltage.

Consider the load voltage decreased then the tap changer shift towards
negative side to increase the primary turns and hence decreases the turn‟s
ratio. The secondary voltage will increase to compensate the change.

Tap changer Secondary side:

In this the tap changer is placed in secondary side of the transformer. This
type of taping is used in step-up transformer where low voltage winding is in
primary side and high voltage winding is in secondary side. Figure shows
the tap changer circuit on secondary side with tap interval of 2.5 %. In some
distribution transformers the tap changer resolution can be up to 1% for
fine adjustments.

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Fig (b): Transformer Tap changer on secondary Side

In this the case is reverse compared to primary tap changer. To increase the
secondary voltage the tap changer will move towards positive direction and it
moves in negative direction to decrease the secondary voltage.

(b) Breather of Transformer

When the temperature changes occur in transformer insulating oil,

the oil expands or contracts and there an exchange of air also occurs when
transformer is fully loaded. When transformer gets cooled, the oil level goes
down and air gets absorbed within. This process is called breathing and the
apparatus that pass through the air is called breather. Actually, a silica gel
breather controls the level of moisture, entering electrical equipment during
the change in volume of the cooling medium and/or airspace caused by
temperature increasing.

Silica Gel Breather of Transformer

Whenever electrical power transformer is loaded, the temperature of

the transformer insulating oil increases, consequently the volume of the oil
is increased. As the volume of the oil is increased, the air above the oil level
in conservator will come out. Again at low oil temperature; the volume of the
oil is decreased, which causes the volume of the oil to be decreased which
again causes air to enter into conservator tank.

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The natural air always consists of more or less moisture in it and this
moisture can be mixed up with oil if it is allowed to enter into the
transformer. The air moisture should be resisted during entering of the air
into the transformer, because moisture is very harmful for transformer
insulation. A silica gel breather is the most commonly used way of filtering
air from moisture. Silica gel breather for transformer is connected with
conservator tank by means of breathing pipe.

Construction of Silica Gel Breather

The silica gel breather of transformer is very simple in the aspect of

design. It is nothing but a pot of silica gel through which, air passes during
breathing of transformer. The silica gel is a very good absorber of moisture.
Freshly regenerated gel is very efficient, it may dry down air to a dew point
of below −40°C. A well maintained silica gel breather will generally operate
with a dew point of −35°C as long as a large enough quantity of gel has been
used. The picture shows a silica gel breather of transformer.

Working Principle of Silica Gel Breather

Silica gel crystal has tremendous capacity of absorbing moisture.

When air passes through these crystals in the breather; the moisture of the
air is absorbed by them. Therefore, the air reaches to the conservator is
quite dry, the dust particles in the air get trapped by the oil in the oil seal
cup. The oil in the oil sealing cup acts as barrier between silica gel crystal
and air when there is no flow of air through silica gel breather. The color of
silica gel crystal is dark blue but, when it absorbs moisture; it becomes

When there is sufficient difference between the air inside the

conservator and the outside air, the oil level in two components of the oil
seal changes until the lower oil level just reaches the rim of the inverted
cup, the air then moves from high pressure compartment to the low
pressure compartment of the oil seal . Both of these happen when the oil
acts as core filter and removes the dust from the outside air.

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(c) Conservator Tank of a Transformer

This is a cylindrical tank mounted on supporting structure on the roof

of the transformer's main tank. When transformer is loaded, the
temperature of oil increases and consequently the volume of oil in the
transformer gets increased. Again; when ambient temperature is increased,
the volume of oil is also increased. The conservator tank of a transformer
provides adequate space for expansion of oil. Conservator tank of
transformer also acts as a reservoir of oil.

Function of Conservator Tank of a Transformer

When transformer is loaded and when ambient temperature rises, the

volume of oil inside transformer increases. A conservator tank of
transformer provides adequate space to this expanded transformer oil. It
also acts as a reservoir for transformer insulating oil.

Construction of Conservator Tank

This is a cylindrical shaped oil container closed from both ends. One large
inspection cover is provided on either side of the container to facilitate
maintenance and cleaning inside of the conservator. Conservator pipe, i.e.
pipe comes from main transformer tank, is projected inside the conservator
from bottom portion. Head of the conservator pipe inside the conservator is
provided with a cap. This pipe is projected as well as provided with a cap
because this design prevent oil sludge and sediment to enter into main tank
from conservator. Generally silica gel breather fixing pipe enters into the
conservator from top. If it enters from bottom, it should be projected well
above the level of oil inside the conservator. This arrangement ensure that
oil does not enter the silica gel breather even at highest operating level.

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Working of Conservator Tank

When volume of transformer insulating oil increases due to load and

ambient temperature, the vacant space above the oil level inside the
conservator is partially occupied by the expanded oil. Consequently,
corresponding quantity of air of that space is pushed away through
breather. On other hand, when load of transformer decreases, the
transformer is switched off and when the ambient temperature decreases,
the oil inside the transformer contracts. This causes outside air to enter in
the conservator tank of transformer through silica gel breather.

(d) Explosion Vent of Transformer

The purpose of the explosion vent in a transformer is to prevent

damage of the transformer tank be releasing any excessive pressure
generated inside the transformer.

Construction of Explosion Vent of Transformer

This is nothing but a bent pipe with thin aluminium diaphragms at

both ends. A wire mesh is provided at lower end of the explosion vent to
prevent the pieces of rutted diaphragm from entering the tank. A wire mesh

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T.E. Electrical Design of Electrical Machines

is also provided at upper end of vent pipe to protect mechanical damages of

upper diaphragm. Near the lower end, a small oil level indicator is provided
to lower diaphragm ruptures; transformer oil rises in the vent pipe and is
visible through the indicator indicating the failure of the lower diaphragm. If
even after brushing the lower diaphragm, there is enough pressure and is
not reduced, the upper diaphragm then bursts out to give way to release the
inside pressure of transformer tank by thronging out oil and gases. In this
way, explosion vent of transformer prevents mechanical damage to the
transformer tank. Sometimes, upper portion of conservator tank is
connected with explosion vent with an equalizer pipe with or without a

(e) Radiator of Transformer

Oil immersed transformer is always provided with radiator. In case of

electrical power transformer, the radiators are detachable and transported
separately to the site. The upper and lower portions of the radiator unit is
connected with the transformer tank via valves. These values are provided to
prevent draining of oil during detaching a radiator unit from the transformer
for cleaning and maintenance purposes.

Operation and Purpose of Radiator in Transformer

When transformer is in the loaded condition, the hot oil comes up in

the main tank, and enters into the radiator tank through upper valve. As the
heat transfer surface of the radiator is quite large, the oil gets cooled and
enters into the transformer tank via lower value of radiator units. The
convectional flow of oil in the tank and radiator of transformer continues.
The cooling effect of radiator can be accelerated by applying force air to the
radiator outer wall by air fans.

By Prof. R.M.Zende (ZCOER) Page 25

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