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The school uniforms in Senior High School have been a topic of interest in education for

many years. School uniforms are standardized clothing worn by students attending educational

institutions. School uniforms have been used in various countries around the world, including the

United States, United Kingdom, Japan, and many others. The purpose of school uniforms is to

promote equality, create a sense of community, and enhance school safety and security.

Advocates arguing that it promotes a sense of discipline and equality among students. while

opponents argue that it restricts freedom of expression and does not necessarily improve

academic performance. This background study will explore the various aspects of school

uniforms in senior high school.

Uniforms have been a staple component of private school for many years, but have

increased in public schools. School uniforms are sometimes viewed as an oppressive way of

reducing student freedom. Brunsma and Rockquemore (1998) cited that some critics suggest that

school uniforms may lower students creativity and affect their ability to properly express

themselves. School policies are designed to foster student outcomes.

According to Bruchey (1998), these increase in school uniform programs implementation

may not be fully based on evince from empirical studies demonstrating that school uniforms

work in fostering student’s outcomes. The proponents of school uniforms believes that the

uniforms requirement helps create the necessary positive in school environment. Creating a sense
of order, uniformity, and a positive school environment are essential elements in a successful

educational environment. School uniforms attempt to foster equality through dress in student

populations, which might be a possible way to address and possibly lower the prevalence of

clothing related bullying.

Students have valuable insights into the pros and cons of the school uniforms used.

Recent graduates from schools both with and without school uniforms can offer insight as to why

they are in favor of dress codes being implemented, why they might be opposed to them, and

reason behind these feelings. It is important to document the perceptions of these students,

Students close to the issue can empathize with the school age population with their feelings on

the issue. It is students who can be better describe how a dress code might affect their education

or negatively.

Most of the public schools do not require the students to wear uniforms because not all

families can afford to buy them. However, the students here in Jagobiao National High School

are required to wear the school uniforms because it is their responsibility as a students. But there

are still students who did not wear their respective uniforms because of some sort reasons. First

other students don’t have uniforms for the reason that their parents prioritize other matters than

buying uniforms for their children. However, there are also students who have a uniform but still

don’t wear it because most of them want fashion or casual over formal. Several studies have been

conducted on the use of school uniforms in senior high schools. These studies have explored the

impact of school uniforms on academic performance, discipline, and school culture. While some

studies have found a positive impact of school uniforms on these factors, other studies have

found little or no impact. The findings of these studies have been used by various stakeholders to

inform their views on the use of school uniforms in senior high schools.
The debate on the use of school uniforms in Senior High Schools is ongoing, with

different stakeholders expressing their views. Further research is needed to fully understand the

impact of school uniforms on academic performance, discipline, and school culture.


Brunsma, D. L., & Rockquemore, K. A. (1998). Effects of student uniforms on

attendance, behavior problems, substance use, and academic achievement. The
Journal of Educational Research, 92(1), 53-62.

Bruchey (1998). A increase in school uniform programs implementation may not be fully based on
evince from empirical studies demonstrating that school uniforms work in fostering

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