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Cosmic Origin Of Elements

COSMOLOGY - as the study of how the universe

began, how it continues to exist and how it will

Big bang Theory/Model

Ÿ Astronomers George Lemaitre and Edwin Hubble
were some of its first proponents.

Several Limitations and Misconceptions

Ÿ Big Bang refers to the very start of the whole
process called the Big Bang Model
Ÿ The Big Bang was not an explosion that carried
matter outward from a point. It refers to the rapid
inflation of space itself.


STAGE 1. The Universe may have begun as an

STAGE 2. All of it then began to rapidly

expand in a process known as inflation. Space
itself expanded faster than the speed of light. In
this still hoy and dense mass of the universe, pairs
of matter and antinatter (quarks and antiquarks)
were formed from energy, but these pairs
cancelled each other back into energy
2. The relative abundance of He and H did not
change much until today.
What is the origij o

What is a chemical element

Is a building block of matter. It is composed of a
single kind atom.

Stars were formed

Hot and infinitely dense point
Partickles Combined forming the simplest Element
Frormation of heavier elements

Cosmic expansion edwin hubble

Cosmic microwave background george gamow
primordial or big bang nucleosynthesis
This process is identified in three cosmological

Big bang
Mass number
Element symbol
Atomic number
(P+n )

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