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Total time: approximately 45 minutes per presenter


● Share the air (or “step up, step back”)

● Be positive and build on ideas - never say “No” always say “Yes, and….”
● Charrettes are about sharing A LOT of ideas - while quality is important in a tuning, at this stage in the
game is all about quantity.
● Think Big!
● Don’t be too sensitive / protective of ideas


1. Preparation: Pick a facilitator to keep time/focus and a scribe to write ideas on the whiteboard. Make sure
you have a grid on the whiteboard with the following sections: Project Title: TBD (Bighorn Sheep - related)
Same groups different days (don’t randomly select each time)

Four groups of six...then fieldwork every other week

Seventh seat is reserved for documenters.

What should we do, build, What are Driving Questions What other people are out How can we easily and How do we ensure equal
write, create? that may guide us through there that may be able to excitedly document what field time?
our project? help us do, build, write, we’re doing?
Website of viewing sheep create? Everyone at once
Webcam What does it mean to survive? Google docs photo sharing Timers to ensure equal time in
Viewing platform Someone who works with field
Pictures How do humans affect bones Email
Writing reports bighorn sheep in positive and Everyone go on bus
Publication - scientific, popular negative ways? Lolo National Forests RPRs periodically
Children’s book How many ungulates get run Biologists (other FWP folks) Drone with camera (Shea)
Book for young drivers over in a week?
Drivers safety Publisher (Jen Fredette - Shea’s Go Pro with fancy
Road safety, signage, the lights How many bighorn sheep die mom) attachments (Logan)
on the signs every year?
Road patrol in that area News people (Mr. Johnson - Video documentary
Time of day most likely on the How do we help keep the school newspaper)
road bighorn sheep alive? Social Media (school - related)
DMV booklets Taxidermist - Core Cleppe
Roadkill and Road Ecology What to do after you hit a (Arya’s neighbor) ~Weekly Slideshow
Newspaper bighorn sheep?
News Tech (diesel mechanic and Art projects
Bighorn sheep documentary Who is Pablo? wiring - Dallas Henry -
(music dept too) Logan’s dad) Dash cams
Public Service Announcement How do we inform people?
(PSA) Mechanic (railroads - Kory Surveys (Google Forms,
David Attenborough style How do I relate with bighorn Green - Shelby’s dad) mailings to public)
Skeleton dioramas sheep?
Exhibits at Museums 4H Club (Gage is involved -
School What would happen to the domestic sheep)
Zoo bighorn sheep if...creeks dry
Signs where animals have been out...disease hits…? UM contacts - Mr. Nick’s wife
hit Libby is working on caribou in
Posters How do I find my grandma? AK, Shelby’s sister Lily green
Scat analysis archaeology and anthropology
Creating a new better collar How do bighorn sheep
Shock collar - collar that communicate?
speaks to the light on the road
Crosswalk for the sheep like
the one near schools
Disease related

Other possible headings from our Badass Project discussion: Engaging/Inspiring Students, Scaffolding for
Quality, Integrating Hands-On & Minds-On Learning, Access & Challenge

2. Overview Presenter gives a brief (really general) overview of the work and explains what goals he/she has
in mind for the project while the scribe takes notes. The presenter might choose to also put the project into
context so the critical friends understand how it fits into the larger scope and sequence of the class.
Participants then have an opportunity to look at any “work” (e.g. project handouts, rubrics, student work,
etc.). The presenter then shares where there are still gaps in their thought process and what section they
need the most help with. (5 min)
3. Clarifying Questions – Critical friends ask clarifying questions of the presenter. Clarifying questions have
brief, factual answers and are intended to help the person asking the question develop a deeper
understanding of the project. (5 min)
4. Listing process – For each section the goal is to make an extensive list of possibilities that build on the
presenters original idea. At the beginning of each section the presenter throws out their thoughts so far on
the topic as it relates to their project and then critical friends jump in and build off of them. It is the
facilitator’s job to make sure the group doesn’t go over time and also stays on the topic of the given section.
If people start to stray off topic, just remind them of the section you’re discussing. It’s the scribe’s job to
write down every idea voiced - even if it seems silly at the time. (approximately 5 min for each section.
This can be increased or decreased depending on the flow of ideas & needs of the presenter)
After the last presenter…

Debrief – The facilitator leads a conversation about the group’s observation of the process. One mark of a good
facilitator is his or her ability to lead a good debrief. Questions posed to the group might include: Did this
process expand our thinking about our project? Were our ideas big and creative? When was a moment
when the conversations made a turn for the better? Was there any point where we went off track? (5 min)

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