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In the semester break tomorrow I will go on vacation to my sister's place in Semarang. I

will ask my sister to take me to 'Lawang Sewu'. I really want to go there. Enjoy the historical

place and the uniqueness of the city of Semarang. Not only to 'Lawang Sewu', I will be going

to 'Ayanaz Godongsongo' I want to take pictures in hot air balloons. From the pictures I

searched on the internet, the place in Godongsongo is similar to the one in 'Heha View Sky'

in Yogyakarta. But in Semarang, there are more shady tree spots. That's a little picture that I

know from the internet.

Before I go to the tourist attractions, I will have taken pictures and enjoy the streets of

Semarang which are rich in art. I can't wait for the holidays to arrive. To go there of course

costs money, I have also started saving money to go on vacation there. In addition to the

costs that I have to prepare, I also have to ask permission from my parents as well. Honestly

I'm afraid, I'm not allowed to go there myself. Because I've never been far alone. I hope I will

be allowed to go to Semarang because I've always wanted to go to Lawang Sewu.

Nama : Ernawati

NIM : 20220209027

Prodi : Akuntansi, Malam

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