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Lesson Plan

Kaitlyn Miller Date: 04/27/23

Content Area: World History Grade Level: 10

Subject Matter: WW2 - Holocaust

Lesson Content Description:

- To understand the Holocaust as an event that
affected individuals differently.
- Consider how time, memory, and contemporary
context shape our understanding of historical events
- Recognize that Holocaust survivors make choices
when sharing their own experiences

Common Core Standard:

10.8 Students analyze the causes and consequences of World War II.
Analyze the Nazi policy of pursuing racial purity, especially against
the European Jews; its transformation into the Final Solution; and the Holocaust that
resulted in the murder of six million Jewish civilians.

ELD Standard: L.11–12.3: Exchanging information and ideas with others

through oral collaborative discussions on a range of social and academic topics
WHST.11–12.6: Interacting with others in written English in various
communicative forms (print, communicative technology and multimedia)

Students will be working in groups to analyze survivor testimonies from the
Holocaust. They will also participate in media literacy activities put together
by The Shoah Foundation.

Lesson/Assessment Modifications: ELL: Special Needs:

Both ELL and students with special needs will be grouped with others who
will help guide them through the group work. Once back as a whole class,
guided instruction will be used along with visuals and modeling. In class tutor
is also available to help any extra support needed.




We will begin class with a RAP activity. As a class, we will watch a video of a
survivor's testimony and have a full class discussion analyzing the impact of
that person's experience. Then they will get into their groups to respond to a
prompt about that entry. (link 1 & 2 below)


In their same groups, students will then work together to complete a Media
Literacy lesson through understanding the Holocaust and its impact. They
will complete this activity through the Shoah Foundation website, it will be
posted on Google Classroom. (link 3 below)


Once they complete the group activity, students will complete a short
nearpod open response, poll, and collaboration board about what they


Gerda Weissmann Testimony

Testimony Question and Response

Using Media Literacy Skills to Examine the Holocaust

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