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'It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

-Alfred Lord Tennyson

Love is an undefined term because everyone sees love in a different way and everyone has a
different definition of love. Most teenagers start to feel love and attraction in high school, which
is more often than not, seen as the time to have the first love experience. While some people
believe that it is great having experienced love even if you lose it, others disagree.

To start with the benefits of being in love, and there surely are a few. Firstly, person in love is
less likely to be stressed. When person is in love, they don’t think about if the relationship will
end, they are focusing on their significant other and enjoying spending time with them so their
brain familiarizes the positive feelings and sends signals to the other parts of the body, which
start producing oxytocin and dopamine – hormones that improve one’s mood and reduces
stress. Secondly, love improves one’s mental wellbeing. People in love have increased energy
and therefore are able to enjoy anxiety - free life.

However, not everything about love is positive. First of all, not every relationship ends well.
Nowadays, many relationships end because of unloyalty and that can leave a strong impact on a
person that got cheated on such as trust issues, hurt and disappointment. Second of all, when
someone is truly in love with the other person, even if the relationship isn’t working, they will
have a really hard time letting them go. Person that is in love will rather try again and again to
make things work because they are scared of letting love go.

Just like everything in life, love also has advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, love has
more positive than negative sides to it. Yes, it can hurt, but when you find the real true love, it
gives life a point because people are born to make relationships, to love and be loved. So, all
things considered, it is better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all.

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