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In Australia there are many activities and places to visit that most of them are related to
animals and vegetation, the ones that stand out are: excursion through the Blue Mountains,
diving and snorkeling cruise in the Great Barrier Reef and whale watching cruise with lunch or
Australian food is broadly very varied and has influences from many cultures, here you can
find: Tim Tam, Australian roast beef, Flat White, Kangaroo meat, Crocodile meat and Banana
The amount of plastic in The Great Garbage Patch is said to have increased by 16%, which is
equivalent to 250 plastic bags discarded for every person in the world. Various pots, toys,
plastic bottles, plastic bags, and other plastic items were found in the large dumpster. The
problem is so big that islands have appeared in Australian waters made up of nothing but
plastic, plastic, chemicals and more.

The chaos in the transport system of the Imperial City is due to the overpopulation of urban
service taxis and private services.
In recent months, the increase in disorder and chaos, in the various areas of the City of Cusco,
such as in the streets of downtown.
they are saturated with combis and taxis during the so-called peak hours, that is, around 8
and 9 in the morning, at noon and after 5 and 6 in the afternoon.
The night activities are a lot of fun as you can discover a unique side of Cusco on a night tour
that takes you through the most beautiful neighborhoods. Marvel at the historic center of
Cusco and the impressive arkitecsure of San Blas. Enjoy the Pisco Museum and dinner.
Cusco still has other deficiencies such as garbage treatment, and in view of this, the director of the (IMA), expressed the
need to declare an emergency in the imperial city. He maintained that the production of garbage increases day by day, since
today Cusco already produces 350 tons daily.

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