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Knowing that you’re dying can feel really scary, but you aren’t alone.

You likely
want your experience to be as easy and painless as possible. Fortunately, you can
manage your pain and discomfort to make it easier on you. Additionally, focus on
staying comfortable and spending time with family and friends. Finally, take care
of your emotional needs so you feel at peace.

Note: This article covers end-of-life care. If you're struggling with suicidal
thoughts, try this article or call or text the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at
988 immediately, if you're in the United States. You can also text 741741 if you're
in the United States to text with someone. If you're in a different country, please
call your nation's suicide prevention hotline immediately.

Staying Comfortable
Image titled Die Peacefully Step 8
Live out your final days where you’re most comfortable, if possible. If you have
the option, spend your last days at home, with family, or in a facility where
you’re comfortable. Talk to your medical team or your family about your options.
Then, choose what’s best for you.[1]
If you’re in a hospital, ask your family and friends to bring items that comfort
you, like photos, blankets, and pillows from home.
Image titled Die Peacefully Step 9
Do the things you enjoy as often as you can. Spend your time doing what you want.
When you have energy, use it to do something fun. If you’re too tired, watch your
favorite shows or read a book.[2]
For instance, you might play a board game with your sister when you feel energetic.
Similarly, you might walk your dog.
Image titled Die Peacefully Step 10
Listen to music to boost your mood. Music can raise your spirits and may even help
you feel less pain. Choose the music that you like best or that reminds you of good
times. Then, play music as often as possible to help you feel better.[3]
Consider getting a speech-activated device that will play the music you want on
command. If you’re not sure how to do this, ask a family member or friend to help
you set one up.
Image titled Die Peacefully Step 11
Rest often because you’ll likely tire easily. You probably get fatigued quickly,
which is normal. Don’t try to push yourself to do more than you can right now. Give
yourself plenty of time to rest so that you can enjoy the time you have.[4]
For instance, it’s okay to spend the majority of your day in either a recliner or
your bed.
Image titled Die Peacefully Step 12

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