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Wanting to buy their pictures shows that you value their work.

If you’re so drawn
to the picture that you want a copy of your own, let the photographer know! Find
out if they have a shop where you can purchase prints of the pictures, and offer to
buy a copy. The photographer will be so excited that you’re interested in their
work and be driven to take more pics.[5]
“This would look amazing on my wall. How can I order a copy?”
“I’d love to hang your work up. Do you have any pieces for sale?”
“I definitely need a copy of this pic! Where can I go to support you?”
“I would love to work with you someday!”
Image titled Compliment a Photographer on Instagram Step 11
Let the photographer know you’re interested in shooting with them. If the person
takes portraits or modeling photos, don’t be afraid to ask them about their
availability. Let the photographer know that you’re interested in doing a shoot
with them and see if there’s an easy way that you can reach out. The photographer
will appreciate your interest and can help you find a time when they can shoot some
pics for you.
“Your headshots are amazing! How can I book a session with you?”
“I’ve been looking for a wedding photographer! What’s the best way to connect?”
“I love your style for family photos. I’m gonna send you an email ASAP!”
“I’ve wanted to try modeling for a while. Do you have any openings coming up?”
“I had so much fun during this shoot!”
Image titled Compliment a Photographer on Instagram Step 12
Talking about your experience helps the photographer find new clients. If the
photographer posted pics from a shoot you did with them, be sure to mention how it
went. You could talk about how easy the photo session went, how professional the
photographer was, or how much you love the images they took. Other people will see
your comments and potentially reach out to the photographer to hire them.[6]
“You really got my best angles! Thanks so much for making me look so stunning!”
“These turned out so incredible!! I’m definitely reaching out again the next time I
need pics!”
“Thank you for making me feel so comfortable in front of a camera! I barely even
knew it was there!”
“This was such a great experience with you! Definitely looking forward to the next
time we shoot together!”
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Even if you don’t leave a comment, like the picture for a quick way to let the
photographer know you want to see more.
Don’t forget to follow their account so you can see all the new pics they upload on
your main feed.

Avoid using the word “but” to add criticism to your compliment. Even if you have
good intentions, the photographer may only focus on the negatives instead of the
actual nice thing you said. Just mention something that the photographer did well
or what you liked most in your compliment.[7]
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