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It’s a simple way to compliment without coming off as creepy.

The eyes are an easy

feature to compliment—who doesn’t like hearing that they have nice eyes? There are
also a ton of different ways you can describe and compliment them, so go with one
that feels right and makes your crush feel good without hinting that you might like
Try, “Your eyes are so bright and pretty” or get a little more specific with, “You
have such beautiful blue eyes.”
You’ve got a ton of adjectives to choose from to compliment someone’s eyes:
soulful, kind, intense, deep, fierce, piercing, or gentle. Get creative with it!
Mention how nice their hair looks.
Image titled Compliment Your Crush Without Being Obvious Step 6
Give them credit for their effort. It takes a lot of work to maintain and style
your hair, so complimenting someone for it won’t come off as random or obvious.
Tell your crush that their hair looks great or that you like the way they style it.
If they’ve fixed it a different way than they usually do, or if they got a haircut,
talk about how nice it looks![8]
You could go with, “You always do such a great job fixing your hair” or simply,
“Your hair looks great!”
You could also try, “Trying something new with your hair? Great job, it looks
awesome” or, “Did you get a haircut? It looks really nice!”
Focus on their impact on you.
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Talk about their or your own personal growth. If your crush inspires you to be a
better person, tell them about the impact they’ve had on you. Be genuine and
sincere and they’ll take it as an awesome compliment and likely won’t think that
you’re hitting on them. If your crush has been working hard to become successful or
improve themselves, give them credit for it. They’ll appreciate the recognition.[9]
For instance, you could try, “You make me want to work harder and stay committed to
my goals” or “You’re such an inspiring person. It’s motivating!”
You could also try, “It’s so great to see your progress. You’re unstoppable when
you put your mind to something.”
Talk about how much you trust your crush.
Image titled Compliment Your Crush Without Being Obvious Step 8
Tell them you feel confident and safe around them. Let your crush know that you
admire and respect them. Focus on how honest and trustworthy they are and they
likely won’t catch wind that you have romantic feelings for them. They’ll think you
just admire them, which will make them feel good and keep your secret safe.[10]
Say, “You always try to do the right thing. It’s really admirable” or “You’re one
of the most trustworthy people I know.”
You could also keep it simple and direct with, “Whatever you do, I trust you” or
“You’ve never steered me wrong before.”
Tell them you believe in them.
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Make them feel like a superhero. Compliment their work ethic and their commitment.
Talk about how inspiring it is to see their dedication and that you think they can
do anything they set their mind to.[11]
Try saying, “You’re so driven. It’s really motivating” or “It’s actually really
inspiring to see how dedicated you are to something you want.”
You could also try, “You’re pretty much unstoppable if you set your mind to it” or
even a rhetorical question like, “Is there anything you can’t do?”
Acknowledge their accomplishments.
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Give them props for what they do. You don’t have to keep your compliments focused
on your crush’s physical appearance or their personality. Talk about how good they
are at something they love or how hard they work to get things done right. They’ll
appreciate that you recognize their efforts.[12]
Try, “Great job at your basketball game! Your jump shot looks solid” or “You killed
it at your competition. You’re so good at it!”
Try not to be over-the-top about it.
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Hyperbole and excessive praise can make you seem insincere. If you take your
compliments too far, your crush may also catch wind that you have feelings for
them. Try to be specific and realistic and your compliments will seem genuine and
won’t make your crush think you’re trying to flirt with or impress them.[13]
Go with, “You made a great recommendation. That was a great movie” instead of “That
movie was incredible. It’s the best thing I’ve ever seen.”
You could also try, “Great call on including those extra figures in the report.
Really sharp insight” instead of “You’ve got incredible instincts. That was an
amazing idea!”
Avoid putting yourself down.
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It can shift the focus from them to yourself. Keep all of the attention on your
crush and don’t use self-deprecating humor to try to keep them from thinking that
you have feelings for them. It’ll actually backfire and make you seem like a downer
or it could make your crush feel compelled to try to make you feel better. Stick to
complimenting your crush, not making it about you.[14]
For instance, if you say, “You always dress so well” don’t add something like, “I
always look terrible” to it.
If you say, “You’re so smart and always do so well” don’t say something like,
“Unlike me who can barely get a ‘C’ on my tests.”

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