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Answer key Term Test 3

1  Listen to two friends talking and 2 Girl: Hi, Tom! Did you see your grandma
at the weekend?
circle the correct answers.
Boy: No, I didn’t. She went shopping
CD 1 Track 31 with my grandad. He wanted a new
Richard: Hi, Cindy. Welcome home! jacket.
Cindy: Thanks, Richard. Girl: So what did you do?
Richard: So, how was it? Did you have a good Boy: I stayed at home all day. I watched a
time in Scotland? programme about wild rhinos.
Cindy: Not really. Girl: Cool!
Richard: Why? What happened? 3 Boy: Mum, can we go to the lake? I want
Cindy: Well, first of all, I wanted to go to Loch to look for the monster!
Ness and look for Nessie, but my mum Woman: OK, but not today. Let’s go tomorrow.
didn’t want to go there. Boy: All right. Dad wants to go to the art
Richard: So, did you go? museum today.
Cindy: No, we didn’t. It was wet and cold the Woman: Oh.
whole week. My dad didn’t want to drive Boy: I want to see the castle!
in the rain. Woman: Good idea! Your dad can meet us
Richard: Oh … Well, what did you think of there!
Edinburgh? 4 Boy: Lisa? Lisa?
Cindy: It was beautiful. But guess what Girl: Oh! Yes?
happened? Boy: Are you listening to music?
Richard: What? Girl: Yes, I am. What’s the matter?
Cindy: I wanted to buy a T-shirt with a picture Boy: Are there any cherries?
of Edinburgh Castle on it. I looked Girl: No, there aren’t. Sorry.
everywhere! Boy: Don’t worry. Can I have your fleece?
Richard: OK … and? I’m a bit cold.
Cindy: There was only one T-shirt I liked. It was Girl: Sure! Here you are.
in a shop in Princes Street. 5 Woman: Look at this! It’s beautiful!
Richard: Did you buy it? Girl: Oh yes!
Cindy: No, I didn’t! The shop was closed and we Woman: I think it’s denim.
didn’t go back! Girl: I love denim. And I can wear it with
Richard: Oh Cindy! But you were lucky you went my sandals.
on holiday to Scotland for a whole week! Woman: Hmmm. Haven’t you got a dress like
Cindy: I guess you’re right. this …?
Answers: 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 b Girl: No, I haven’t.
Woman: Come on! Let’s pay for it.
2  Listen and tick (✓) the correct Girl: Thanks, Mum!
pictures. Answers: 1 a 2 c 3 c 4 b 5 c

1 Man: How can I help you, madam?

3  Listen to Michelle talking about
Woman: How much are the raspberries?
Man: This little bag is four pounds seventy- her favourite painting and complete
five. the factfile.
Woman: Oh, they’re very expensive. Could I CD 1 Track 33
have some plums, please? Hello. My name’s Michelle and my favourite
Man: Sorry, there aren’t any. painting is called ‘Summertime surf’. It’s a picture
Woman: Don’t worry. I’ll just have the of people at the beach. It’s by a young artist. His
pineapple, please. name’s Kieron Williamson. That’s K-I-E-R-O-N.

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Answer key Term Test 3

Kieron is from the UK and he was born in 2002, in 8 Look at the pictures and answer
August. He’s an amazing artist. He started drawing the questions using the words in
boats when he was five. When he was six he had
brackets. Write complete sentences.
lessons with painters. He likes creating his own
colours and he usually paints with watercolours Suggested answers: 1 At the weekend, he
worked hard./He worked hard at the weekend.
and oils. Kieron loves the countryside and the sea. 2 On Monday, they helped at home./They helped
That’s why he prefers painting landscapes. at home on Monday. 3 On Friday, she looked after
In 2011, Kieron had an exhibition in his home town. her pet/dog./She looked after her pet/dog on Friday.
He sold all his paintings in minutes – 33 altogether! 4 They used a computer yesterday evening./
People say he’s a young Monet or the next Picasso! Yesterday evening, they used a computer.
In the future, he’d like to paint animals and people,
not only landscapes. Kieron’s got a sister, Billie Jo. 9 Read and complete the dialogue.
He’s older than his sister by 17 months. She doesn’t Write one word in each gap.
paint, but she loves her brother’s work like so many
Answers: 1 did 2 did 3 to 4 some 5 a 6 any
Answers: 1 Kieron 2 August 3 oils 4 landscapes
5 thirty-three/33 6 sister 10 Complete the sentences with the
correct answers.
Reading Answers: 1 b 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 a 6 c

4 Read and complete the sentences. 11 Read the text about Picture 1. Then
Use one or two words. write about Picture 2. Use a(n),
Answers: 1 Scotland/a castle 2 smaller than some and any.
3 water 4 uncles 5 doesn’t want 6 (his) friends Answers: Students’ own answers.

5 Read and write T (true) or F (false). 12 Complete the sentences with the
Answers: 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 T correct answers.
Answers: 1 didn’t 2 peppers 3 short-sleeved
6 Read and circle the correct answers. 4 music 5 seeds
Answers: 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 a 5 b 6 c
13 Answer the questions below for
7 Read the definitions and write the pictures A and B.
correct words from the boxes below.
There are three words you don’t 14 Answer these questions about you.
need to use. Answers:
Part 1 Students’ own answers.
Answers: 1 aubergine 2 vitamins 3 still life Part 2 Students’ own answers.
4 portrait 5 cropped trousers 6 spinach

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