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Mach 5,April 1, April 8,2022

Title of the Program: SLAC on Different Innovative Teaching Strategies used in the
limited Face to Face Classes

The LAC session was held last March 25,April 1, and April 8,2022 at
the H.E. building at exactly 7:30 in the morning.The session started with the
solemn prayer of Grade 6 Teachers.Then, Mr. Kit Dwigth Cape,the QAME gave the
orientation.Dr. Jaime T. Pag-ong, the School Principal gave an informational talk
about Dep.Ed.Memo#004.He said that the RPMS was a systematic approach for
continous improvement and growth of the teachers.
There were different innovative teaching strategies in limited face-to-
face classes such as Using Online Components, Slides Presentation, and Role
Playing, Games, Simultaneous & Debate presented by Mrs. Gina E. Sumain ,Elfe
P.Marante both Master Teacher-2 in our school.These strategies will produce
quality learning teaching and meaningful learning environment that leads to
achieve quality learning of pupils from kindergarten to Grade 6.By apllying these
strategies will span the breach between teachers and learners in this pandemic
After the workshop the teachers were able to made and presented their
outputs and organization of portfolio taught by Dr, Elfe P. Marante.She even
discussed what documents needed to be gathered and how these documents
should be organized.She also discussed the format for the page, characteristics of
KRA.She even showed her RPMS portfolio so the participants could be visualize
what it should looked like.
The day ended with a lot of learning which our participants will bring to
their respective classroom.
Prepared by:
Program Owner

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