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Name: Charlyn Mae G.

Igar Grade & Section: 12-ELECTRA

Special Act. No.______



1. Go outside and choose a particular plant where you are familiar with.
2. Identify its common name/scientific name.
3. Do some research of its light requirement for optimum growth.
4. Take a selfie picture with the plant sample.


Common Name: Snake Plant

Scientific Name: Dracaena trifasciata

Light Requirement: These tough plants thrive in any light level, from low
to high. Typically they grow more quickly in brighter light, but strong
direct sunlight burns leaves, especially when plants are outdoors. An
ideal spot indoors is about 10 feet away from a west or south window.


Plants have their own uniqueness and we can all learn a lot from the plants around us. Different plants
have different requirements. Some benefit from pruning, some require thinning, some prefer direct
sunlight and some don’t mind. As you live your life each day, you can be proud of your uniqueness.

Just like plants, we have different requirements in life, it's not one size fits all. To constantly compare
ourselves to someone is unhealthy and an ingredient of self-destruction. With plants, we are reminded
to shower ourselves with forgiveness and to be aware of what we really need and what we don't - and
maybe then, we’ll grow.
Name: Charlyn Mae G. Igar Grade & Section: 12-ELECTRA

Special Act. No.______



1. Go outside and choose a particular plant where you are familiar with.
2. Identify its common name/scientific name.
3. Do some research of its light requirement for optimum growth.
4. Take a selfie picture with the plant sample.


Common Name: Peanut Cactus

Scientific Name: Echinopsis chamaecereus

Light Requirement: Like most cacti, the peanut cactus grows best in
bright, sunny conditions. It cannot tolerate being grown in full shade or
low-light conditions. When grown outdoors, plant the peanut cactus in a
full-sun location. In consistently hot climates, this cactus might
appreciate some shade to protect it from the intense afternoon sun.
When grown indoors, place the peanut cactus in the sunniest location in
your house. A bright west- or south-facing window is ideal.


Cactuses are sometimes feared due to their spikes. Yet it thought me how even if a person looked scary
on the outside, they can be soft on the inside. It's like the famous quote "Don't judge the book by its
cover." Some types of cacti can absorb up to 200 gallons of water during rainfall. So, it makes the inside
juicy and soft. Under all that sharp and dangerous spines, there is a soft texture on the inside. We all
must have seen a person who looks scary and fierce. Well, indeed, we shouldn’t judge a book by its
cover. ’Cause some people are not like what they looked like. And I’ve seen some like that. Scary look
with a sensitive heart.

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