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Sports Conversation Starters

148. What sports do you like to watch?

Try to find one that you both have in common, or you both follow. Once you find it, the rest of the
conversation will flow naturally.

149. Who are some of your favorite athletes?

If you are into sports, you have favorite athletes. Find out who their favorite athletes are and why they like

150. Which sports do you like to play

This may be very similar to which sports they like to watch, or it could be a completely different list. Either
way, talking about something the person is passionate about is always a great way to have a good

151. What is the hardest sport to excel at?

This one is pretty debatable. The case could be made for plenty of sports. Give this question a go and see if
you both agree.

152. Who are the 3 greatest athletes of all time?

Another one that you can debate a lot about. Probably easiest to pick a sport to narrow it down first, though.

153. Do you play in any fantasy sports leagues? If so, how into fantasy sports are you?

There a lot of people who are REALLY into fantasy sports. If the person you are talking to is into it, they are
more than happy to have a conversation about their team.

154. How much time do you spend watching sports in a week?

This one probably depends a lot on their favorite sport, and the season it’s played in. Or they might just be
super into sports. Or they might not like sports. But if they don’t like sports, then why are you talking to
them about sports?

155. Do athletes deserve the high salaries they receive? Why or why not?

This one can be a little contentious at times. But it should lead to a lively conversation no matter what side of
the coin they fall on.

156. What defines a sport? Is fishing a sport? How about video game tournaments?

This one can lead to an excellent conversation because everyone has an opinion, and all the opinions are on a
sliding scale. There is definitely a limit on what someone will consider a sport.

157. Why do you think sports are common across almost all cultures present and past?

This is a little deeper than the normal sports question. But it can lead to an interesting conversation about
human nature with a bit of a sports spin.

158. Do you play sports video games? Which ones? Is playing the video game or playing the sport more fun?
If they like sports, there is a good chance they play some kind of video game involving sports. Even if it is
just an app on their phone.

159. Which sport is the most exciting to watch? Which is the most boring to watch?

Oh yeah, everyone has an opinion about this one.

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