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Macro Creation Guide

Part 1 - The Basics: Important stuff to know.

Part 2 - Creating your first macro: Step by step process to guide you to create a basic one that you can change and
expand later.
Part 3 - “Advanced”: The other stuff you might add for fancier schmancier macros.

Part 1 - The Basics

Creating Zendesk macros is very useful to put your own custom templates or signatures, or stuff that you wish was a
macro but it isn’t. It’s a very simple process that I’m going to share. But first, a few concepts:

1 - Only administrators can create Shared macros (that everyone can use); we users can only create Personal macros.
That’s why I can’t simply share a bunch of my own basic macros that I use and you have to create your own. What I can
do, however, is to share formatting tips to make this much easier on you.

2 - We can’t edit Shared Macros, we can’t even edit a clone of it. That means you’ll have to create your first macro (with
signature links and etc) from scratch. After that we can duplicate our macros and don’t need to set the signature again.

3 - Due to recent Zendesk shenanigans we can’t copy/paste formatting into macros anymore, and that means you’ll have
to format it again once you paste your template in the macro. But after that adios formatting.

4 - Macros can do more than simply put a template response. There are some actions that you can put there. The ones
that are most relevant to us are setting Status, changing the Question Type, and adding Tags. I’ll cover those.

Without further ado, let’s go.

Part 2 - Creating your first macro

First, head to Admin on the left (the gear symbol), then Macros. You should arrive on this page, where you can filter
macros by categories and see Shared and Personal macros. Click Add macro.

Under Macro name you’ll put the, well, you guessed it, macro name. But before that, you want to create a category for all
your macros, so you can easily find them. To do that, put the category’s name like this before the name “Category::”.

You can use your name or anything, really, because these macros are just for you. Because zendesk’s default filter is
alphabetical, I recommend you set a category with a number, like 5ca, which will make the category appear first.

Also note that in “available for” we can only set “me only”

On Actions, you can set what the macro does. Since we use macros for templates, we’ll always want to set Status and

Status is going to be the default status button that will appear when we click on the macro. Kind of like the Hydra ID
macro sets the button to Pending. For this first macro, set it to Solved. Comment/description is the template.

Start by opening a ticket on another browser tab, and copying the Basic Template from Zendesk to the
comment/description on the macro page. Note that you might need to do the whole formatting again. So, let’s DO IT!

Select WB Games Support > right click > Copy link address.
Go back to the macro page, select WB Games Support (bold it as well), click Hyperlink and paste it on the field.

Repeat the process for @WBGamesSupport twitter link (this one isn’t bolded).

We’re still missing the twitter bird, so go the basic macro, right click the twitter bird icon > Copy image. Go back to the
macro and paste the image on the missing space. Your macro should look like the one on the right now.

But there’s still more to do, which is using a few basic Placeholders.
Change the player’s name to the follow: {{ticket.ticket_field_81570388}}
It’s not completely necessary because our macros are our own only, but you can use {{current_user.signature}} instead
of your callsign.
Set Status to Solved.

Your macro should look like the one above by now. Save it.
Back in the macros page you’ll be able to find your macro in the category you created. When you create new macros (by
using the clone feature), don’t forget to set the name as Category::Name so you can find them in a single place, just like I
did on the second image with my 5ca category.
Part 3 - “Advanced” stuff

Cloning macros
You don’t need to perform all these steps every time you’re going to create a macro. Instead, you can just Clone your
macro. That way you just need to change the name and edit the text, without needing to add all the hyperlinks again.

Please note that you can’t take the shortcut of cloning a Shared Macro; if you do that you won’t be able to simply edit the
text. Sorry, I’ve tried.

The Add Tag action

This action allows for you to choose tags to add to the ticket. This can be useful if you want to create your own Close
Solution template, or if you want to create multiple templates for the different MK11 tags, or other stuff.

The Question Type action

Similarly, this action allows for you to set the macro to automatically change the question type to the one you want. Useful
for your personal Bug Report and Feedback templates, and can save a lot of time on those!
The “Create as Macro” function
Suppose you have that favorite ticket, or some awesome template from a colleague that you found. You can copy the last
reply directly into a macro by using this option. Beware that tou will need to manually remove all the other actions besides
the comments.

By the way this bypasses the weird formatting issues with Zendesk. ”So why didn’t you use this first instead of setting the
step-by-step part 1 of the guide?”. Well because then you wouldn’t know the procedure, of course!

Categories within categories

You can use multiple :: to create other categories to better sort your own macros, like I did here. Simply name your
macros like this


Aaaaaand that’s it for the guide. You can experiment with different placeholders, actions and stuff, and you can import the
ones you use the most to make things easier and improve your response time.

You can even share your nice templates with your friends by sharing the ticket link so they can Create As Macro of their
own. Oh but if you do so don’t forget to change the placeholders! The most important things to remember are:

Use {{ticket.ticket_field_81570388}} for the player name

If you’re going to share, use {{current_user.signature}} for the agent’s name!

I hope this helps you as much as it’s been helping me!


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