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The death penalty must be carried out for rapists of minors.

They end the lives of children, talking

about the right to life, without thinking about the little ones is illogical. It is about using violence to
combat violence.

La pena de muerte debe ejecutarse para los violadores de menores de edad. Ellos acaban con la
vida de los niños, hablar del derecho a la vida, sin pensar en los más pequeños es ilógico. Se trata
de utilizar la violencia para combatir la violencia.

In 2022 the infant mortality rate increased by 12%, 426 homicides were committed, when
defending the right to life of a rapist or murderer, forgets to defend the right of victims.

El año 2022 aumentó la tasa de mortalidad infantil un 12%, 426 homicidios se cometieron, al
defender el derecho a la vida de un violador o asesino, se olvida defender el de derecho de las

The rapist already knows perfectly well that, if he does an act like rape, he condemns himself to
the death penalty. This will reduce cases of rape, child abuse, and femicide.

El violador ya sabe perfectamente que, si hace un acto como la violación, él se condena así mismo
a la pena de muerte. Esto reducirá los casos de violación, maltrato infantil, y feminicidios.

The arguments in favour allude to the best economic profitability of the death penalty, since
neither the State nor citizens should pay for the maintenance in prisons of those consigned for
serious crimes; and also, profit as a preventive measure as it seeks to deter those who wish to
engage in criminal activities.

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