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1. Headspace: Your guide to everyday mindfulness!

Browse Headspace’s library of guided meditations, audio exercises, and

sleep content – they’re all designed to help you live happier and healthier.

2. We have wellness experts and counselors available any time you feel challenged or overwhelmed. Click here for the details.

3. Wellness Wednesdays! Every Wednesday is wellness day at Genpact. Look out for weekly tips from the Wellness
mailbox that focus on self-care, stress management, and wellbeing.

4. Join webinars that we designed to help you adapt to the new normal, stay emotionally healthy and fit, and more. Missed a
webinar? You can watch the playback on the ‘Health and Wellness’ community on GSocial.

5. We’re all in this together! At Genpact, families are coming together to share their parenting tips, challenges, and victories!
To join in, visit the iSupport parenting community on GSocial.

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