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KOH WEI ERN 21019732

The company we have chosen is HeavenBujos from Instagram. It is a small sticker shop that
sells self-designed stickers and stuff for journaling. The target audience does not have an age
range. It is just the people who love stickers and journalism. We chose aesthetics and pink as a
theme as the artwork inspires us. After going through all her product and artwork, we found out
that it is cuter and Korean-like. That is why we used aesthetic and pink color themes to promote
it. Moreover, we think that we can improve our advertisement by adding more activities and
games to get the audience to interact with us.

Low Qing Xen – 21011648

HeavenBujos was the company we have chosen. It is a small sticker company made in Malaysia.
We identified that HeavenBujos’ audience are sticker lovers, teenagers or young adults,
journalism people who likes aesthetics. We discussed with the owner to also check their products
to have our theme promotion. Our team have decided to use pastel colours for our animated
videos, posts, and gifs to wrap around the unique style of the company. We made games and
giveaway to enhance traction and traffic of the business. We also rode the trend wave of the
current Netflix “squid game” to further enhance traffic and sales so our audience can relate to

something they enjoy. As improvements, we should have a 30 seconds advertisement video to

showcase its uses. Another improvement is having bigger events and games to better know our
community. With events we get to build loyalty among our customers.
Durgaish Raja 21020151

We have chosen a sticker company which goes by the name of Heavenbujos. Our target audience
would be sticker lovers, people who loves to decorate and design things using stickers. Since one
of our teammates were already doing this business, we decided to help her promote her business
through her account. The designs of the stickers were really cute and somewhat aesthetic which
really caught my attention and inspired me to do it with them. The theme we chose is suitable for
our product because our product can be used as bujos while journaling in a book. I would
improve the advertisement by making it more aesthetic since it is the trend in this generation

Joseph Damian Sim 21007737

The company we have chosen is heavenbujo which is ran by one of our group members. The
audience targeted are mainly teenagers and young adults in their early 20’s or those interested in
aesthetic original stickers. For the theme we used a lot of pastel colours as well as animated
videos and gifs which made the stories and post seem professional but at the same time simple
and captivating. This helps it match and tie in with the product while enhancing the promotion of
the product. For improvements, I would try and use trends such as new tik tok dances/songs or
fashion styles and film videos of the product being tied in with these new trends to help it gain
popularity as well as appealing to the customers.

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