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Activity ___ Philippine Wildlife Species Profile 1.

Common name __Migratory Monarch

Butterfly______________ 2. Scientific name ____Danaus Plexippus______________________ 3. IUCN
Red List conservation status _____Endangered___________ 4. Location __________ Central
Mexico__________ 5. Describe the animal’s habitat Milkweeds and Nectar Sources. whether it's a field,
roadside area, open area, wet area, or urban garden; milkweed and flowering plants are needed for
monarch habitat. ____________________ 6. List the animal’s principal sources of food _Migratory
monarch Butterfly feed on the nectar from flowers, which contain sugars and other____ nutrients.
Unlike the larvae that only eat milkweeds, adult monarchs feed on a wide variety of nectar bearing
flowers. ____________________________________________________________________ 7. List the
animal’s principal enemies in the wild _Ants and spiders love to feast on monarch eggs, and wasps can
take on and devour even large______
8. What elements in the animal’s habitat are most important for its survival? _ More native milkweed
and other plants needed by monarchs must be established. These beautiful__ insects require plants
during all stages of their life cycle. ______________________________________
9. What factors are threatening or endangering its survival? _ Monarchs are threatened by deforestation
of wintering forests in Mexico, disruptions to their______ migration caused by climate change, and the
loss of native plants (including milkweed species but also all nectar-producing native plants) along their
migratory corridors. _____________________________ 10. What steps are being taken to protect and
preserve the animal? _ The Monarch Action, Recovery, and Conservation of Habitat Act of 2021 provide
emergency funds to pull western monarch butterflies back from the brink of extinction. The Act
dedicates $125 million over five years to help monarchs in California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada,
Arizona, Idaho and Utah. ____ 11. What are its chances of survival? _ The percentage of monarchs that
survive from egg to adulthood is very low. Researchers agree that_ less than 10% of the eggs that are
laid survive to become adult butterflies, and some feel that this____ number may be significantly under
10%. __________________________________________________ 12. What other steps could be taken
to preserve this species? _People in the communities should engage in restoring the monarch’s habitat
and recovery efforts and empowering people to grow plants like
milkweed_____________________________________ 13. Why it is important to preserve this species?
_ As pollinators, monarch butterfly migration across the continent provides an essential function that is
critical for the survival of many ecosystems. They pollinate our garden plants, allowing fruits, _____
vegetables, and flowers to develop new seeds. To reproduce, most plants require pollinators such as
bees and butterflies. _________________________________________________________________ B.
Why study biodiversity? Write your one-page analysis. The existence of living organisms in an
environment and the ecosystem's functioning contribute to the importance of Biodiversity in nature.
Living creatures may get food and other essential elements for survival due to Biodiversity. Because of
Biodiversity, climate and environmental changes are managed. Biodiversity enriches culture by allowing
diverse groups of wildlife and humans to exist in one environment. Biodiversity, also known as biological
diversity, refers to the variations among the many species living in an environment. Marine, terrestrial,
and aquatic life are all examples of living organisms. Thus, studying Biodiversity plays an integral role in
life on Earth to survive. Growing population, industrialization, technology, and other factors all have an
impact on Biodiversity. Human activity has diminished the natural territory available to plants, animals,
and other living organisms.

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