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Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat’ promotes opportunities to people of Delhi, Sikkim to

exchange their experiences in different areas

National capital Delhi is home to multiple heritage sites which are key attractions for
people visiting the city for various reasons. The Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat campaign
promotes such exchanges of heritage and history among citizens from various states
of the country. By pairing Sikkim and Delhi, the Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat campaign
promotes opportunities to people of these states for appreciating, learning and
exchanging best practices and experiences in areas of food, cuisine, heritage,
tourism and lifestyle.


एक भारत श्रेष्ठ भारत एक ऐसी भावना है जिसके अंतर्गत विभिन्न सांस्कृतिक
इकाइयां अलग-अलग भौगोलिक क्षेत्रों तक पहुंचती है व जोड़ती है |भाईचारे की
भावना को आत्मसात करने का अवसर मिलता है |

उद्दे श्य
1. हमारे दे श की विविधता में एकता की भावना दे श के लोगों के बीच सदृ ु ढ़ होती है
2. विभिन्न राज्यों की एकता एक होने से राष्ट्रीय एकता को बढ़ावा मिलता है
3 विभिन्न राज्यों की संस्कृति में दीर्घकालिक जड़
ु ाव स्थापित होता है

प्रश्न टे क्नोलॉजी ने दिल्ली और सिक्किम के लोगों को और भी करीब ला दिया है |

दिल्ली और सिक्किम में समय-समय पर सांस्कृतिक आदान-प्रदान होता है |
जिसमें उत्सव, पर्यटन स्थल और भोजन दोनों राज्यों की एकता को मजबत ू करते

हैं| दिल्ली सिक्किम की सांस्कृतिक परं परा के आधार पर इसे सदृु ढ़ बनाने के
उद्दे श्य से दोनों राज्यों के पर्यटन स्थल ,उत्सव व वेशभष
ू ा का तल ु नात्मक
अध्ययन करते हुए एक सचित्र आकर्षक परियोजना तैयार कीजिए|
विशेष - उपरोक्त कार्य A4 साइज शीट पर किया जाएगा

तल ु नात्मकता 2 अंक
ु ीकरण 2 अंक
कलात्मकता 1 अंक

कुल अंक-5


India is one of the largest tea producers in the world, with over
70% of domestic tea being consumed within India itself. The
Indian tea industry has grown to own many global tea brands,
and has evolved to one of the most technologically equipped tea
industries in the world. Tea production, certification,
exportation, and all other facets of the tea trade in India is
controlled by the Tea Board of India.
Sikkim tea is a variety of tea grown in the state of Sikkim,
India. It has recently gained more recognition from the
increasing demand for organic products. The tea is mostly sold
under the marketing name 'Temi tea'.
About 75 per cent of tea produced in Sikkim is sold via the
Kolkata auction centre while the remaining is packaged for
local sale. The tea is popular in the international market due to
being completely organic. Major importers are Germany,
United States, France, Canada, and Japan.
In recent years, the government of Sikkim has extensively
promoted tourism. The opening of the Nathu La pass on 6 July
2006, connecting Lhasa, Tibet, to India, was billed as a boon
for Sikkim's economy.

1. On the information provided above, collect the statistical

data on the role of Tea, Cardamom (import and export)
and Tourism in Sikkim's economy in the last 5 years and
represent the data visually using graphs (For eg Bar
graph, histogram, pie charts, etc.). Also compare tourism
data of Sikkim with that of Delhi.

Sikkim is renowned for its dazzling and appealing beauty. The

charm of this state is ever enticing and no one can abstain
from its allure. In fact, Sikkim is resplendent with not only its
natural beauty but with its art and craft too. The cultural
richness of Sikkim is visible in its quality handicrafts.
A mandala, which is Sanskrit for “circle” or “discoid object,”
is a geometric design that holds a great deal of symbolism in
Hindu and Buddhist cultures. Mandalas are believed to

represent different aspects of the universe and are used as

instruments of meditation and symbols of prayer.
In their most basic form, mandalas are circles contained within
a square and arranged into sections that are all organized
around a single, central point. They’re typically produced on
paper or cloth, drawn on a surface with threads, fashioned in
bronze, or built in stone. While extraordinary as a standalone
work of art, mandalas hold symbolic and meditative meaning
beyond their vibrant appearance.


Note: Project will be done on coloured A-4 size sheets.

Support your research with relevant pictures.

SOCIAL Suggested Activity : Brochure on Sikkim


Learning Objective
At the end of the activity students will be able to-
Know different historical places in Sikkim, its historical relevance and
monuments that attract tourism and its natural beauty.

With its dense green forests - home to thousands of species of exotic plants,
shrubs and flowers - mighty rivers, pretty streams and deep valleys, all under
the benign gaze of the majestic Himalayas, Sikkim is a tourist's paradise.
Sikkim's improved connectivity with the rest of the country, even being
landlocked with other sister states in the North-East has resulted in coaxing
so many tourists every year. This place is nice but the people of Sikkim are

Art form:
1. Students will prepare the brochure on an A3 size sheet.(avoid

leaving background white)

2. Use pictures of historical monuments, monastery of Sikkim, natural
beauty and places to visit.
3. Give brief descriptions along with pictures.
4. Make an attractive brochure providing all the details about Sikkim in
it with a slogan.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the activity, students will be able to-
List the famous places to visit, traditional food, history and heritage of Sikkim.

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