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SY 2022-2023


CLVE 6: Lesson 1 - Love for Truth

Reflection Activity #1

Name: Benedict Morales

Section: 6A

Directions: Read the following questions carefully. Type and answer each question with at least
5 or more complete sentences in the space provided.

1. Why is being truthful sometimes difficult to practice?

Being truthful is sometimes difficult to practice because It will hurt somebody. For example
if your siblings did something wrong and your parents are asking you who did his or he did
something wrong you will tell them. It is difficult sometimes to practice because they will start
to get mad at you and they will not talk to you anymore. All of these are the consequences
that you will face but they will also help you to become a better person because the parents
will give them advice not to do this anymore. Sometimes if you want to get popular on sports
or anything then it will become ba in the future.

2. If you were to rate your level of honesty with 5 being the highest and 1 being the
lowest, how would you rate yourself? Why? (Click your rating below and type your
reason in the space provided)
5 4 3 2 1

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Because I don’t want to be lectured sometimes. Also I’m being honest when I tell the lie but
sometimes the truth. Another one is I don’t want to disappoint my parents. I lied when it's hard
to think but inside is like my brain is about to blow up. It's heartbreaking when I lied to my
friends also. That how you know me when I lied

3. What is the importance of being truthful to you as a young person?

The importance of being truthful as a young person to me is I will become a trusted person
and a better person. As a young person you will also practice the good effect of this even if no
SY 2022-2023

one is looking at you. You become a good example to everyone and they will also try to
imitate you. Being honest is cool because it will also help someone to become a better person
by being honest. My parents will be happy to be honest because they will trust you that you
will do good even without the supervision of my parents.

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