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Complex technological creations crafted to resemble humans, androids were originally a servitor race, but they
have since broken free to form their own society. Unlike ordinary robots or ship AIs, androids do not simply respond
according to their programming; rather, they have independent consciousnesses and are animated by souls—a
distinction crucial to their generally accepted status as people rather than property.

You might …
Be rational, quick-thinking, and a careful planner, always mindful of potential escape routes.
Distrust authority and assume others want to take advantage of you.
Have a natural understanding of machines and respect them.
Judge people by how they treat animals, robots, and servants.

Others probably…
Have trouble reading your emotions or assume you don’t have them.
Are jealous of your constructed body and lack of aging.
See you as somehow inferior to purely biological life-forms.
Experience difficulty following your quick, complex logical processes.

Physical description
Androids are biomechanical constructs created in technological crèches called foundries. While the first androids
are believed to have been mostly biological, difficult to distinguish from the humans they lived among, modern
designs are more varied, and many favor metal skeletons and processors that support synthetic organs and living
flesh. Nearly all androids feature a humanoid body shape and tattoo-like circuits that glow through their skin when
operating at full power, but beyond this commonality, variations in physical appearance reflect an android’s
design, role, and personality. Some take pains to blend into human society, while others deliberately display their
mechanical nature. Though some androids are constructed or customize themselves to look like other races, such
models are relatively rare. Due to their biological components, androids need to eat and sleep, but as constructed
beings they do not reproduce in the human fashion and have no biological need for gender—some identify
strongly as male or female, while others shift fluidly or ignore it altogether, and still others actively reject it on
philosophical grounds as a relic of their former slavery.

Though android bodies are assembled using tiny machines called nanites, their complex nervous systems attract
and integrate souls in the same way organic creatures do. Most androids are fully grown at the time of their birth,
and can technically live forever through constant repair, though most androids voluntarily release their bodies
after a century or so to allow new souls to inhabit them—a process called renewal that’s viewed more as
procreation than suicide.

Society and alignment

Android society tends to be insular. While androids are treated equitably in most settlements, especially Absalom
Station, many androids have not forgotten their people’s bondage and remain keenly aware of prejudice from
other races based on their “unnatural” origin or jealousy over the androids’ freedom from aging. This leads most
androids to feel a sense of kinship with others of their kind and to go out of their way to help each other, though
they may also bond with members of other races who treat them well. Despite popular belief, androids’ impressive
deductive reasoning abilities do not preclude sentiment, and most androids feel emotions keenly—they simply
don’t always express them well, and different individuals may have trouble processing and communicating
particular feelings. The average android alignment is a practical neutrality; they are focused on their own welfare
and that of their friends.

Androids have no single naming convention. Many take names from the cultures in which they first awoke, or from
media they enjoy. Some accept call sign–like names based on appearance,personality, or exploits. Still others go by
numbers as a deliberate reminder of their mechanical nature, or a combination of name and number denoting
how many times the body their soul inhabits has been renewed.
Some sample android names include Asha, Blue-17, Emene-3, Flick, Garro, Iseph, Melody, Naga, Olas,Stringer,
Twenty, and Yose.

Androids adventure for many reasons: to earn a living, trace the origins of their race, or rescue androids and other
creatures from servitude. Typical android Backgrounds include Colonist,Laborer,Roboticist, Scholar and Spacefarer.
Their quick thinking under fire makes them natural operatives and soldiers, while their affinity for machines makes
them excellent mechanics and technomancers.






Bonus Language
Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier(if it is positive)


You can see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can see in bright light, though your vision in darkness is in
black and white.

As constructs, androids do not need to breathe and suffer no ill effects from vacuum.
You select a heritage at 1st level to reflect abilities passed down to you from your ancestors or common among
those of your ancestry in the environment where you were born or grew up. You have only one heritage and can’t
change it later. A heritage is not the same as a culture or ethnicity, though some cultures or ethnicities might have
more or fewer members from a particular heritage. Choose one of the following android heritages at 1st level:

Companion Android
You were designed to appear less synthetic and with an improved personality matrix to help put others at ease.
You gain the Group impression skill feat. ALSO if you roll a success on a diplomacy check to Coerce a single
species(chosen at character creation),you get a critical success instead;if you roll a critical failure,you get a failure

Emotionless Android
You have difficulty processing and expressing emotions,allowing you to keep a level head in extraneous
circumstances. When you roll a success on a saving throw against an emotion effect,you get a critical success

Laborer Android
You were built to perform menial tasks and endure the hardships of space, When you are encumbered you are not
considered clumsy 1 and you reduce the movement penalty from encumbered from -10 to -5 feet.

Nanite Enhanced Android

Your body is infused with a collection of nanites capable of overclocking your systems for a single action:

Nanite Surge
Frequency once /day
Trigger You attempt an attack roll,skill check or saving throw BUT you have NOT rolled yet.
Your nanites overclock your abilities.You gain +1 circumstance bonus on the triggering check.(increase to +2
circumstance bonus if you took the nanite feat)

Xenometric Android
You were designed to look like one of the other aliens of the Pact Worlds. Unlike the other heritages, this can be
applied to any non-android ancestry.You gain the android and constructed traits. In addition you can select
android feats on top of your normal ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat.


At 1st level,you gain one ancestry feat and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels
thereafter(5th,9th,13th,17th).As an android,you select among the following ancestry feats:

Android Lore (feat 1,Android trait )
You possess a deep understanding of your people’s history,struggles and innate strengths You GAin the Trained
proficiency rank in Computers and Engineering. If you would automatically become trained in one of those
skills(from your background or class for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice.You also
become Trained in Android Lore.

Android Weapon Familiarity (feat 1,Android trait )

You favor the traditional weapons of androids,and have learned how to use them effectively.You have Trained
proficiency with Cathode Cannons,resistance rod sonic bolter and android weapons.

Flat Affect (feat 1,Android trait )

Your speech is monotonous and hard to read into. You Gain +2 circumstance bonus to your Deception checks to
Lie,as well as your Deception DC against an opponent’s attempt to Sense your Motive.

Infosphere Integration (feat 1,Android trait )

The knowledge of the infosphere is always in your mind. During your daily preparations, you can reflect upon your
life experiences and gain the Trained proficiency rank in one skill of your choice. This proficiency lasts until you
prepare again. Since this proficiency is temporary,you can not use it as a prerequisite for a skill increase or a
permanent character option like a feat.

Synthetic Mind (feat 1,Android trait )

The unique technology that makes up your mind allows you to resist external influences upon your consciousness.
Whenever you are affected by a mental effect that lasts at least 2 rounds, you can reduce the duration by 1
You still require natural sleep,but you treat your saving throws against effects that would cause you to fall asleep
as one degree of success better. This protects only against sleep effects, not against other forms of falling

Translator (feat 1,Android trait )

Your synthetic mind allows you to pick up languages with amazing speed. You learn 3 new languages, chosen from
common languages and uncommon languages you have access to. These languages take the same form(signed or
spoken) as your other languages. When you select the Multilingual feat,you learn 3 new languages instead of 2.

Upgrade Slot (feat 1,Android trait )

Your body has space for further customization. You have an additional armor upgrade slot in your body.

Android Weapon Augments (feat 5,Android trait )
Prerequisites Android Weapon Familiarity
You have learned cunning techniques to get the best effects out of your android weaponry. Whenever you critically
hit using Cathode Cannons,resistance rod sonic bolter and android weapons, you apply the weapon’s critical
specialization effect.

Impersonation Matrix (feat 5,Android trait )

Lacking a culture of your own, you have hones your ability to adapt to the culture of those around you. You gain
the Adopted Ancestry general feat and you also gain one 1st level ancestry feat from the ancestry you chose for
the Adopted Ancestry feat. Special : If you have the Xenometric Android Heritage, you gain the +2 circumstance
bonus to Disguise checks to appear as a member of the species you resemble

Arm Extensions (feat 9,Android trait )
You can extend your arms beyond their normal limits.While your arms are extended,you increase the reach of any
wielded melee weapons and unarmed attacks by 10 ft,but you have the Clumsy 1 condition. Additionally you gain
the Collapsing Grasp Action :
Collapsing Grasp
Prerequisites your arms are currently extended.
You Grab an object or surface in your reach before pulling yourself to that object or surface.You can also use this to
anchor yourself and lower yourself to another surface

Easily Augmented (feat 9,Android trait )

Prerequisites Upgrade Slot
Your body is further able to accept modifications and adaptations than most androids.You can install one
additional cybernetic augmentation into any one system that already has an augmentation.

Android Weapon Expertise (feat 13,Android trait )
Prerequisites Android Weapon Familiarity
Your android modifications blend with your class training,granting you great skill with android weapons.Whenever
you gain a class feature that grants you Expert or Greater proficiency in a given weapon or weapons,you also gain
that proficiency in Cathode Cannons,resistance rod , sonic bolter and all android weapons,in which you are trained.

Nanite Integration (feat 13,Android trait ,fortune)

Frequency one per hour
Trigger You Fail a skill check or saving throw
You have learned to call your nanites to actively aid you in times of need.You can reroll the triggering check ,and
keep the higher result.

Originally from a planet orbiting a dying star far beyond the Pact Worlds, the four-armed kasathas maintain a
reputation as noble and mysterious people. They are famous for their anachronistic warriors, ancient wisdom, and
strange traditions.

You might …
Seek wisdom in history and find dignity in customs and tradition.
Strive to maintain balance and stability in yourself and your comrades.
Use ranged weapons when necessary but find melee weapons inherently more honorable.
Keep your mouth hidden behind a scarf in public, carefully tucking food under it and using straws to drink.

Others probably…
Don’t Understand your customs and mistake your veneration of the elegant past for primitiveness.
Resent your aloofness and assume you think you’re superior to them.
Fear you want to invade and colonize their home.
Respect your cultural knowledge but find you stodgy and inflexible.
Physical description
Kasathas are gray-skinned humanoids with four arms and pure black eyes. Lacking a protruding nose, a kasatha’s
head is smooth and elongated, with skin stretched tight to a skull extending backward far beyond the edge of the
neck. While lean compared to humans, kasathas have more advanced muscle fibers that grant them surprising
strength. Physical differences between kasatha genders are slight and easily overlooked by other races.

Society and alignment

Kasathas were technologically advanced when humanity was still huddling in caves, yet they long ago plateaued
socially and technologically, learning the importance of stability and balance after a series of near-apocalyptic
disasters. In kasathan culture, the answer to any question lies somewhere in the past. The fact that their home
world’s records extend further back into the Gap than any Pact World only encourages their veneration of history.
This leads to a culture steeped in customs that can seem bizarre to outsiders, from the common requirement to
hide one’s mouth around all but one’s most intimate companions to an ironclad belief in the superior dignity of
wielding melee weapons over projectile or energy weapons.

Kasathan society is generally matriarchal and nomadic, organized into myriad “great families,” clans, and subclans,
with individuals and family units roaming as the whim takes them. Their conviction that most other races don’t
truly understand the importance of personal dignity means kasathas rarely bother to teach their customs to
outside races, which leads to their reputation as being mysterious, standoffish, wise, or all three. Each kasatha
follows a unique set of traditions, combining common rituals with new ones she creates. She gains more and more
traditions over a lifetime, so that the oldest kasathas spend much of their time honoring the past. This
accumulation of personal customs begins during the Tempering, a yearlong walkabout all kasathas undergo at the
end of adolescence. During this time, young kasathas are encouraged to test their limits, learn from other cultures,
and engage in normally improper behavior in hopes of coming to appreciate the value of tradition.

Many kasathas are lawful neutral, as befits their focus on custom, though younger ones can often be more chaotic,
idealistic, or self-centered.

Kasathas go by their first names, though their full names always encompass additional names denoting parentage,
clan or subclan, relation to the Great Families of Kasath, and connection to historical heroes—it’s not uncommon
for a kasatha’s full name to include half a dozen such elements. For instance, a kasatha who introduces himself as
Isu might properly be named “Isu Cocretia Qaru Maras of Clan Tarma, House Hadulan, soul-splinter of the line of
Ru.” Some examples of kasathan first names are Altronus, Esar, Gorsen, Hadif, Jehir, Kala, Maedar, Metweska,
Ninura, Remu, Senesel, Tolar, Umana, Voloteo, and Zye.

Kasathas originally brought the philosophy of star cycles and cosmic balance to the Pact Worlds, and to this day
most solarians are kasathas, though their physiques and love of dueling also make them excellent soldiers, and the
study of ancient traditions turns many into mystics. Kasathas undergoing the Tempering make perfect explorers
and adventurers, and in recent generations these walkabouts sometimes turn permanent. Typical Backgrounds
include Ace Pilot,Colonist,Priest, Scholar and Spacefarer





Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier(if it is positive)


You have 4 arms allowing you to hold up to four weapons or pieces of equipment at a time

You select a heritage at 1st level to reflect abilities passed down to you from your ancestors or common among
those of your ancestry in the environment where you were born or grew up. You have only one heritage and can’t
change it later. A heritage is not the same as a culture or ethnicity, though some cultures or ethnicities might have
more or fewer members from a particular heritage.Choose one of the following Kasatha Heritages:

Adata Kasatha
You have spent time among the Scholar Adat and learned much in the care of your ancestors memories.You gain
the Ancestral Wisdom reaction :
Ancestral Wisdom
Trigger You attempt an skill check to Recall Knowledge BUT you have NOT rolled yet.
Your ancestor’s spirits whisper guidance to you .You gain +1 circumstance bonus on the triggering check and until
the end of the turn.

Kasath Native Kasatha

You have adapted particularly well to living in desert environments.As long as you are in a desert,you gain a +2
circumstance bonus on Stealth check to Hide and Sneak,Survival to Subsist and your Survival DC to Cover Tracks.

Pilgrim Kasatha
You have embarked on your Tempering, or otherwise been subject to many cultures other than your own. You
Gain two additional Languages of your choice, chosen from common languages and uncommon languages
available to you, and every time you select the Multilingual feat,you gain another new language.

Starborn Kasatha
You grew up on starships traveling through space, either the Idari or some other large vessel, and you have learned
the dangers and experience that brings with it it.You become Trained in Engineering(or another s,ill if you were
already trained in engineering) and gain the Specialty Crafting skill feat,but you can pick two different specialties
instead of one.

Tempered Kasatha
Your experiences have taught you the value of tradition. These lessons guide your decisions and actions,protecting
you from those who seek to influence you.When you roll a success on a saving throw against a mental effect, you
get a critical success instead.


At 1st level,you gain one ancestry feat and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels
thereafter(5th,9th,13th,17th).As an Kasatha ,you select among the following ancestry feats:

Kasatha Lore (feat 1,Kasatha trait )
You have embraced the traditions and teachings of your people. You Gain the Trained proficiency rank in Athletics
and Culture. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills(from your background or class for
example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice.You also become Trained in Kasatha Lore.

Avenge In Glory (feat 1,Kasatha trait )

Frequency Once per day
Trigger An ally within 30 ft gains the Dying condition
You pay tribute to your ally’s life, gaining temporary Hit Points equal to your Level for 1 minute.As long as you have
these Temporary HP,you gain +1 circumstance bonus to attack and damage rolls
Kasatha Superstition (feat 1,Kasatha trait )
Trigger You attempt a saving throw against a spell or magical effect BUT you have NOT rolled yet.
You believe in the power of antique charms and rituals to ward against evil spirits.You focus on the power of one
such object, granting you a +1 circumstance bonus to your saving throw against the triggering effect

Kasatha Weapon Familiarity (feat 1,Kasatha trait )

You favor the traditional weapons of Kastha ,and have learned how to use them effectively.You have Trained
proficiency with Gale Baton,Polarity Gauntlets,Puzzleblade,spined Blades and Kasatha weapons.

Natural Grace (feat 1,Kasatha trait )

Your graceful movements make keeping your balance and ascending a difficult climb seem easy. If you roll a
success on an Acrobatics cehck to Balance,or an Athletics check to Climb, you get a critical success instead.You are
Not Flat-footed when you attempt to Balance or Climb

Unassuming Dedication (feat 1,Kasatha trait )

Your family instilled values of care and patience into you from a young age. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to
checks to perform a Downtime activity.
Doyen’s Example (feat 5,Kasatha trait )
You know how to get the most out of your allies.While Exploring,when you are leading and allies are Following The
Expert,you grant a +3 circumstance bonus instead of +2 if you are an Expert in the applicable skill,and a +4
circumstance bonus if you are a Master

Kasatha Weapon Traditions (feat 5,Kasatha trait )

Prerequisites Kasatha Weapon Familiarity
You have learned traditional techniques to get the best out of your kasatha weaponry. Whenever you critically hit
using Kasatha Weapon Familiarity weapons or kasatha weapons, you apply the weapon’s critical specialization

Clever Climber (feat 9,Kasatha trait )
Working the vertical spaces of ships has taught you the easy ways to get around a three-dimensional space.You
gain a climb speed of 10 feet.You can take the Legendary Climber feat even if you do not have the Quick Climb
feat, providing you meet its other prerequisites.

Superstitious Traditions (feat 9,Kasatha trait )

Prerequisites Kasatha Superstitions
You wear traditional adornments and arcane symbols that aid in shrugging off the effects of magic. You gain +1
circumstance bonus saving throws against spells and magical effects at all times.

Kasatha Weapon Expertise (feat 13,Kasatha trait )
Prerequisites Kasatha Weapon Familiarity
Your Kasathan traditions blend with your class training,granting you great skill with Kasatha weapons.Whenever
you gain a class feature that grants you Expert or Greater proficiency in a given weapon or weapons,you also gain
that proficiency in Kasatha Weapon Familiarity and all kasatha weapons in which you are trained.

Idealized by many other humanoid races and gifted with innate psychic abilities, lashuntas are at once
consummate scholars and enlightened warriors, naturally divided into two specialized subraces with different
abilities and societal roles.

You might …
Deeply value learning, self-improvement, and the practice and perfection of skills and powers.
Are a natural leader—calm and charismatic if damaya, loud and boisterous if korasha.
Sometimes find other races’ reliance on audible language exasperating.
Are a good judge of character and bond deeply with those worthy of your trust.

Others probably…
Simultaneously admire and resent your natural charm and your force of personality.
Expect you to know everything or see you as frustratingly posturing and patronizing.
Fear you’ll use your telepathy to read their minds.
Question the influence of corporate power on your supposedly enlightened meritocracies.

Physical description
To survive on the predator-rich world of Castrovel, the telepathic humanoids called lashuntas evolved adaptive
genetics that allow children to develop into one of two subspecies, depending on the stresses they endure at
puberty: either the tall, intellectual, and adaptable damaya—who make up most of their race’s political leaders
and ambassadors—or the short, burly, headstrong korasha, who excel as warriors and explorers. Both feature
short forehead antennae that focus their natural telepathy, as well as colorful swirls and raised markings on their
faces unique to each individual. Due to natural pheromones and lashuntas’ almost perfect physical symmetry,
most humanoid races find lashuntas of both subspecies subconsciously (and sometimes unnervingly) attractive.

Both clades of the species bear the same genetics, allowing them to intermarry and have children. While all
lashunta children inherit complexions and certain distinguishing features from their parents, their subspecies is not
one of them. Through psychic ritual and force of will techniques applied at puberty, modern lashuntas have
mastered the ability to determine what subspecies a child will grow into, activating certain epigenetics and
shutting down others. While some lashunta city-states attempt to steer children in particular directions, such as via
government-run aptitude tests, most lashuntas believe passionately in a child’s right to choose. In ancient lashunta
history, their starkly divided gender roles led to subspecies almost universally correlated with gender, but as
lashunta culture has grown more egalitarian, gender balance between the two subspecies has become roughly

Society and alignment

Though lashunta societies usually characterize themselves as meritocracies, their leaders have traditionally been
women and are usually damaya except in times of war. Both damaya and korasha lashuntas see education as one
of the highest callings, making lashunta scholars renowned across the solar system. Military service is also valued,
since Castrovel’s dangerous ecosystem and lack of overarching governments mean that settlements need warriors
to protect them from jungle monsters. Of these soldiers, the most iconic are the traditional shotalashu cavalry,
lightly armored riders who form telepathic bonds with and take their name from their saurian mounts.
On the whole, lashuntas’ focus on self-improvement, honor, and communal defense leads them toward good
alignments, with damaya tending to be more lawful and korasha more chaotic.

Lashunta naming conventions vary widely among city-states, but often tend toward soft sounds with tonal
elements that make them sound musical and elegant to other races. Some sample lashunta names are Domash,
Hesori, Kima, Kopalo, Maenala, Nomae, Oraeus, Raia, Shess, Soryn, Taeon, and Varikuara.

When a lashunta leaves home, it’s often to grow—in knowledge, prowess, or simple enlightenment. Experience is
the best teacher, and the thrill of discovery means that a lashunta adventurer is as likely to be drawn to a new
world by a rumor of lost lore as by the promise of wealth. Of course, this quest for wisdom sounds less noble once
it’s understood that the prestige associated with bringing significant new knowledge home to Castrovel all but
assures a lashunta the finest creature comforts for the rest of his life as a corporate consultant or professor at a
university. Lashunta adventurers are most frequently envoys, technomancers, and mechanics, but soldiers and
operatives are also common, the latter being trained and employed by the numerous powerful lashunta-owned
corporations that have surpassed many city states as the primary political powers on Castrovel and beyond.Typical
Backgrounds are Corporate Agent, Icon,Mercenary,Wild Warden.



Dimorphic (see below)

Dimorphic (see below)

Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier(if it is positive)


Damaya gain an Intelligence Boost and Constitution Flaw
Korasha gain an Strength Boost and Wisdom Flaw

Limited Telepathy
You can Mentally communicate with any creatures within 30 ft with whom you share a language

You select a heritage at 1st level to reflect abilities passed down to you from your ancestors or common among
those of your ancestry in the environment where you were born or grew up. You have only one heritage and can’t
change it later. A heritage is not the same as a culture or ethnicity, though some cultures or ethnicities might have
more or fewer members from a particular heritage. Choose one of the following Lashunta Heritages:

Academic Lashunta
You have studied deeply in a vaunted university and learned to apply your mind to the deciphering mysteries of
magic. You can cast Read Aura Cantrip as an arcane Innate spell At Will.The Cantrip is Heightened to a spell level
equal to half your level rounded up. In Addition ,you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to check to Identify Magic and
to Decipher Writing of a magical nature .These skill actions typically use the Mysticism skill but can also use
Keen Thought Lashunta
Your antennae twitch and dance at the slightest thought .As long as you can use your telepathy normally,you can
use the Seek action to sense undetected creatures in a 60 foot cone instead of a 30 foot cone. You also gain a +2
circumstance bonus to locate undetected creatures that could use your telepathy on within 30ft with a Seek

Mystic Mind Lashunta

A mystic connection has fused itself to your lineage. Choose Arcane,Divine,Occult or Primal.You gain one cantrip
form that magical tradition’s spell list.You can cast this spell as an innate spell at will,as a spell of your chosen
tradition.A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up.Whenever you gain an innate
spell form a lashunta ancestry feat,change its tradition to your chosen tradition.

Refined Lashunta
You prefer the surroundings of modern society to the unchecked wilderness of your homeworld,and are at your
happiest when engaging in the creature comforts it brings.When you regain Hit Points overnight,add your level to
the HP regained.When anyone uses the Medicine skill to Treat your Wounds,you can engage in modern technology
or society to add to the HP you regain from their treatment.

Wilderness Lashunta
You are adapted to life in the forest or the deep jungle and you know how to move through dense undergrowth
and use it to your advantage.You ignore difficult terrain from trees,foliage and undergrowth.You can always use
the Take Cover action when you are within forest or jungle terrain to gain cover,even if you are not next to an
obstacle you can take cover behind.


At 1st level,you gain one ancestry feat and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels
thereafter(5th,9th,13th,17th).As an Lashunta,you select among the following ancestry feats:

Lashunta Lore (feat 1,Lashunta trait )
You have studied lashunta art and science until they became a part of you. You Gain the Trained proficiency rank in
Life Science and Performance. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills(from your
background or class for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice.You also become Trained in
Lashunta Lore.

Jungle Rider (feat 1,Kasatha trait )

You are especially good at riding traditional lashunta mounts.You gain the Ride Feat,even if you do not meet the
prerequisites. You gain +1 circumstance bonus to Nature checks to use Command an Animal on a shotalashu
mount.You can always select a wolf as your Animal Companion,even if you would usually select an animal
companion with the Mount special ability, such as for a Champion’s Steed Ally.

Nimble Lashunta(feat 1,Lashunta trait )

Your muscles are tightly honed.Your speed increases by 5 ft.

Lashunta Weapon Familiarity (feat 1,Lashunta trait )

You favor the ancestral weapons of the Lashunta,and have learned how to use them effectively.You have Trained
proficiency withPyrod,Seeker rifle,Shrieking Larva Singing Spear and weapons with the Lashunta trait.

Sixth Sense (feat 1,Lashunta trait )

Your psychic gifts give you an edge when it comes to seeing the truth around you.You gain +1 circumstance bonus
to both Perception checks and Will saves against Illusions.

Student (feat 1,Lashunta trait )

Heavy study in your field has given you more rounded skillset.You gain Trained proficiency in two skills of your

Telepathic Touch (feat 1,Lashunta trait )

Your unique psychic abilities grant you an occult innate spell.Choose one cantrip from the occult spell list.You can
cast this spell as an occult innate spell at will.A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level
rounded up.

Animal Telepathy (feat 5,Lashunta trait )
Prerequisites : Jungle Rider
Your bond with a shotalashu mount has taught you much more about animals and you can extend your Telepathy
to speak with all animals.You gain +1 circumstance bonus to Make an Impression on animals(usually uses
Diplomacy skill)

Lashunta Weapon Flair (feat 5,Lashunta trait )

Prerequisites Lashunta Weapon Familiarity
You have learned ancestral techniques with extra flair to get the best out of your Lashunta weaponry. Whenever
you critically hit using Lashunta Weapon Familiarity weapons or Lashunta weapons, you apply the weapon’s critical
specialization effect.

Damaya Wit (feat 9,Lashunta trait )
Prerequisites Damaya Lashunta
Frequency once per day
Trigger You attempt a check using a skill you are Untrained in.
A stroke of brilliance gives you a major advantage with a skill despite your inexperience.You gain +4 circumstance
bonus to the triggering skill check

Telepathic Adept (feat 9,Lashunta trait )

Prerequisites at least one occult innate spell
Choose a 3rd level occult spell,either a common or another to which you have access t,including a lower level spell
heightened to 3rd level if you wish.You can cast that spell once per day as an innate occult spell.

Korasha Sturdiness (feat 9,Lashunta trait )

Prerequisites Korasha Lashunta
Your hardiness lets you withstand more punishment than most before going down.Increase your maximum hit
points by your level.You can also decrease the DC of recovery checks when you have the dying condition by 1.If
you also have the Toughness feat,the HP gained from it and this feat are cumulative,and you decrease the DC of
recovery checks by 4.

Lashunta Weapon Expertise (feat 13,Lashunta trait )
Prerequisites Lashunta Weapon Familiarity
Your Lashunta combat styles blend with your class training,granting you great skill with Lashunta
weapons.Whenever you gain a class feature that grants you Expert or Greater proficiency in a given weapon or
weapons,you also gain that proficiency in Lashunta Weapon Familiarity weapons and all Lashunta weapons in
which you are trained.

Once part of a ravenous hive of locust-like predators, the insectile shirrens only recently broke with their hive mind
to become a race of telepaths physically addicted to their own individualism, yet dedicated to the idea of
community and harmony with other races.

You might …
Cherish your independence, and while eager to help the group, you despise coercion and entrapment.
Abhor violence and act as a voice of reason, compassion, and community even when tempers flare.
Take deep emotional and physical pleasure in simple, mundane choices that establish your individuality.
Are fascinated by religion and see your choice of god as a reflection of your personality.

Others probably…
Find your physiology and use of telepathy disconcerting.
Appreciate your bravery, logic, and diplomacy, even if your conclusions are not always convenient.
Don’t understand your definition of freedom or your seemingly disproportionate delight over small choices.
Worry that you might return to predatory, Swarm-dominated ways at any time.

Physical description
Shirrens were once part of the Swarm, a monstrous race traveling from world to world, consuming all they
encountered before moving on. Generations ago, however, a mysterious mutation caused an entire subcolony to
break from the hive mind, with each of its members gaining a sense of self. Addicted to the new drug of
individualism, these renegades rejected the Swarm’s mindless consumption, forming a new race called shirrens
that eventually came to settle within the Pact World system.

Shirrens are arthropods with chitinous exoskeletons, large compound eyes, and sensitive antennae. Unlike many
arthropodan races, they walk upright, manipulating items with three-clawed hands. In addition to their two sets of
main limbs, they also have two sets of smaller limbs growing from their thoraxes. While often displayed, these
“mating arms” are extremely weak and used only for ceremonial and reproductive purposes—to use them for
mundane activities would be seen as grotesque and shameful.

Shirrens have three sexes: male, female, and host. During reproduction, female and male shirrens provide the
initial eggs and sperm, and hosts incubate the fertilized eggs while also adding their own genetic material and
immunities. In some shirren societies, a single host queen incubates for many partners and is considered the true
parent, while in others, three-party marriages are common. Shirren young spend their first 2 years in a tiny,
wormlike larval form, and they are often carried around in protective containers to let them safely observe the

Society and alignment

Shirrens define themselves by their individualism. When they left the Swarm, they assumed partial control over the
neurological pleasure and pain systems by which they were formerly directed, and even generations later, making
choices for themselves can literally flood them with pleasurable neurotransmitters. While this ability is not always
beneficial—some shirrens deliberately drug themselves this way, becoming “option junkies” blissed out on
sequences of trivial decisions—freedom of choice is crucial to shirren identity. This is especially true with regard to
religion, for what choice is more important than how to spend the afterlife?
At the same time, having evolved from hive creatures, shirrens remain highly communal by human standards. Even
when working with other races, they seek to foster community and teamwork and do what’s best for the group.
They are often lawful good, though loyalty and a utilitarian emphasis on “the greater good” can also lead them
down questionable paths.

Shirrens rely primarily on telepathy for communication, speaking audibly with their mandibles only in formal
situations. Because of their insectile physiology, their “speech-names” can sometimes be harsh and awkward for
members of other races to pronounce. Fortunately, they readily accept nicknames bestowed by members of other
races, seeing such epithets as honors. Most also have a secret “soul-name” that’s purely telepathic, a concentrated
collage of emotions, images, and sense memories that’s shared only with their dearest friends. Some shirren
speech-names include Cesca, Halicon, Jchk, Keskodai, Korskal, Noskaru, Schect, Thast, T’sen, Vishkesh, Xylit, and

Less inclined toward violence than many races, shirrens often sign on with starship crews as ambassadors, medics,
technicians, and other such non combat roles, especially as mystics acting as ship chaplains. They adore working as
part of a team and are often voices of reason in chaotic situations. This general friendliness should not be mistaken
for weakness, however, as shirrens fighting for the lives of their comrades can be terrifyingly lethal, fearlessly
undertaking suicidal missions for the good of the group.Backgrounds include Acolyte,Biotechnician,Scholar and





Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier(if it is positive)


Limited Telepathy
You can Mentally communicate with any creatures within 30 ft with whom you share a language

You select a heritage at 1st level to reflect abilities passed down to you from your ancestors or common among
those of your ancestry in the environment where you were born or grew up. You have only one heritage and can’t
change it later. A heritage is not the same as a culture or ethnicity, though some cultures or ethnicities might have
more or fewer members from a particular heritageChoose one of the following Shirren Heritages:

Communal Shirren
While you live a life of choice, free from the control of the Swarm, you still appreciate the importance of the
community.When you roll a success on a check to Aid you get a Critical success instead.

Fulbright Shirren
The endless days and searing heat of fulbright have forced adaptation to survive.This grants you Fire Resistance
equal to half your level(minimum 1) and you treat environmental heat effects as if they were one step less

Hive-Hunted Shirren
You experienced a world consumed by the Swarm,learning how to survive with minimal skills as you escaped. If
you Fail,but not Critically fail,to Subsist in the wilderness,you can still keep yourself fed with very poor meals.
When exploring,you can Hustle twice as long before you have to stop.

Swarmbreaker Shirren
Your past connection to the swarm and the ability to break free of the hivemind has made your mind a fortress.
When you roll a success on a saving throw against a mental effect,you get a critical success instead.

Watchful Shirren
Your antennae are extremely aware,picking up the slightest shift in the air around you. You gain a special sense:
Imprecise Vibration With a range of 30 ft .This means you can use your antennae to determine the exact location
of a creature(as explained on page 465). In addition, you gain +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks
whenever you are trying to locate undetected creature that is within the range of your scent.


At 1st level,you gain one ancestry feat and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels
thereafter(5th,9th,13th,17th).As an Shirren,you select among the following ancestry feats:
Shirren Lore (feat 1,Shirren trait )
You embody the shirren traits of peace and self-expression. You Gain the Trained proficiency rank in Culture and
Diplomacy. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills(from your background or class for
example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice.You also become Trained in Shirren Lore.

Communalism (feat 1,Shirren trait,Fortune )

Frequency once per day
Trigger You fail an attack roll or skill check and an ally is within 10 ft
You are used to working with others as part of a team.You can reroll the triggering check,but you must use the new
result,even if it's worse.

Cooperative Hive (feat 1,Shirren trait )

You are accustomed to working alongside others,relying on each other to get by. You gain +2 circumstance bonus
to checks to Aid, and your allies gaina +2 circumstance bonus to checks to Aid you.

Personal Obsession (feat 1,Shirren trait )

Shirren put a lot of weight on being able to make their decisions in life,and you have chosen a field of study with
deep interest to you.Pick a Lore Skill You gain Trained proficiency in that skill.At 2nd level,you gain Expert
proficiency in the chosen lore as well as the lore granted by your background,if any.At 7th level you gain Master
proficiency in these Lore skills and at 15th level you gain Legendary proficiency in these Lore skills.

Shirren Weapon Familiarity (feat 1,Shirren trait )

You have the affinity for the biological weapons of the shirren,and have learned how to use them effectively.You
have Trained proficiency with Blindmark rifle,chitin blade, wave modulator and weapons with the Shirren trait.

Share Thoughts (feat 1,Shirren trait )

You have an uncanny knack of communicating with other shirren without speaking,though this habit is often
uncomfortable to observers .You can cast mindlink as an innate occult spell once per day,but you can only target
other shirren.

Survivor(feat 1,Shirren trait )

The Swarm has cost you much in life and you have become accustomed to loss. You gain +1circumstance bonus to
saving throws with emotion effect.IF you roll a success on saving throws with emotion effect,you get a critical
success instead.

Option Junkie (feat 5,Shirren trait )
Prerequisites : Personal Obsession
The freedom of choice occasionally overwhelms your studies,leading you to lose hours chasing each new fact you
cross.You reflect on your studies of various customs and professions to temporarily become Trained in one Lore
skill of your choice.This Proficiency lasts for 10 minutes or until your critically fail a check with that skill.Since this
training is temporary,you can’t use it as prerequisite for permanent character choices like a feat or skill increase.

Shirren Weapon Connection(feat 5,Shirren trait )

Prerequisites Shirren Weapon Familiarity
You have better understanding with shirren living weapons and weapons with shirren trait. Whenever you critically
hit using Shirren Weapon Familiarity weapons or Shirren weapons, you apply the weapon’s critical specialization

Applied Indecision (feat 9,Shirren trait )
You have learned to split your focus between multiple classes with ease.You gain a 2nd level multiclass dedication
feat,even if you normally couldn't take another dedication feat until you take more feats from the current

Helpful Hive (feat 9,Shirren trait )

Prerequisites Cooperative Hive
When you Aid a friend with a task,you are able to understand their goals and avoid interfering.On A critical Success
to Aid,you grant your ally +3circumstance bonus if you have expert proficiency in the skill(rather than +2) t,and you
grant your ally +4 circumstance bonus if you have Master proficiency(rather than +3).If you roll a critical failure on
a check to Aid,you don't give your ally -1 circumstance penalty to their check.

Sense Thoughts (feat 9,Shirren trait )

Prerequisites Share Thoughts
You have an even stranger knack for knowing what other people are thinking.You can cast mind reading as an
innate occult spell once per day.

Communal Hive (feat 13,Shirren trait )
Prerequisites Communalism
You and your allies have grown so close you seem to read each other's minds. You can use Communalism once per
hour ,rather than once per day.If you have Cooperative Hive feat,you can also use Communalism on an Ally instead
of yourself.

Shirren Weapon Expertise (feat 13,Shirren trait )

Prerequisites Shirren Weapon Familiarity
Your connection with your weapons melds with your class training,granting you great skill with Shirren
weapons.Whenever you gain a class feature that grants you Expert or Greater proficiency in a given weapon or
weapons,you also gain that proficiency in Shirren Weapon Familiarity weapons and all Shirren weapons in which
you are trained.

Heavily muscled and covered with thick scales and short, sharp horns, the reptilian vesk are exactly as predatory
and warlike as they appear. Originally hailing from a star system near the Pact Worlds, they sought to conquer and
subdue their stellar neighbors, as they had all the other intelligent races in their own system, until an overwhelming
threat forced them into a grudging alliance with the Pact Worlds—for now.

You might …
See most other races as weak or dishonorable and believe the vesk way is best.
Relish the chance to prove your worth in combat, though only against worthy opponents.
Have an ironclad sense of honor and propriety, and strive to always keep your word.
Bond closely with proven comrades and surprise non-vesk friends with sudden outpourings of emotion in private.

Others probably…
Find your size and bloodthirsty reputation intimidating.
Assume you’re ignorant of anything beyond combat.
Depend on you in battle yet fear and resent you for your empire’s past conflicts and conquests.
Mistake vesk etiquette and propriety for a lack of feeling.

Physical description
The lizard-like vesk stand close to 7 feet tall, are thick with muscle, and are covered in tough, scaly skin. Though
they’ve long since adopted technological weapons, they retain the thick claws and teeth of natural predators and
enjoy using them to intimidate “softer” races. In addition, they also have long, powerful tails—while these are
primarily used for balance, some vesk martial arts incorporate formidable tail slaps. Small horn spikes dot the
skulls of both sexes, and protrude from their lower jaws in bony “beards” that sometimes extend down their
spines to their tails. Female vesk are often larger than their male counterparts, and whereas males are various
shades of green, females often have vibrant, mottled coloration that’s considered an indicator of both health and

Society and alignment

Vesk society is highly organized and militaristic. While merchants and others with peaceful professions can
advance economically, political power is the exclusive domain of those who’ve proven themselves in armed
conflict. Surprisingly, this proof doesn’t need to come through military service, or even benefit the Veskarium.
Many vesk attain similar elevation in social status through performing mercenary work, engaging in dueling, or
providing security on exploration missions. Though obsessed with conquest, dominance, and social rank, vesk have
an equally strong sense of honor and pride in fulfilling their agreements and treating subordinates of all races
fairly. They are stoic and taciturn with strangers but capable of great bursts of emotion in private or in the heat of
battle. Vesk society tends to be efficient, respectful, and law-abiding—especially since nearly any insult or violation
of custom could trigger a brutally violent blood debt. Even outside of their home system, vesk are most often
lawful, though usually according to their own code of honor rather than that of whatever society they happen to
be in. They tend toward a neutral morality, though individuals can easily skew good or evil.

Vesk names are often long and combine elements of their parents’ names, as well as those of other prominent
ancestors. These are frequently shortened for daily use by friends, though abridging a vesk’s name without
permission is a grave insult. In addition, some vesk take on epithets related to their victories in combat, which they
sometimes use in addition to or in place of a family name, such as “Three Guns,” “Voidwalker,” or “Squadeater.”
Some sample vesk names include Dmotralan, Evdokayo, Goromitali, Julakesh, Katara, Obozaya, Radokama,
Sarangari, Sobok, Terikoraz, and Ymeros-Ahandi.

Vesk adventuring with races from other systems fall into two categories. The first are mercenaries or glory-seekers
looking for a chance to engage in honorable combat and build up their prestige. The second are non warrior vesk
who have rejected their home society for its obsession with combat and have chosen instead to seek opportunities
among more open-minded races. Warrior vesk most often fit the soldier class, though a growing number have
become intrigued by the path of the solarian. Noncombatant vesk often lean toward becoming mystics, though
some overcome the traditional vesk culture’s dismissal of education to become mechanics or even technomancers.
Typical Backgrounds include Guard,Warrior,Gladiator, Bounty hunter,Scholar





Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier(if it is positive)


Your sharp claws offer an alternative to the fists other humanoids bring to a fight. You have a claw unarmed attack
that deals 1d4 slashing damage and has the agile and finesse traits.

Low-Light Vision
You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the concealed condition due to dim light.

You select a heritage at 1st level to reflect abilities passed down to you from your ancestors or common among
those of your ancestry in the environment where you were born or grew up. You have only one heritage and can’t
change it later. A heritage is not the same as a culture or ethnicity, though some cultures or ethnicities might have
more or fewer members from a particular heritage. Choose one of the following Vesk Heritages:

Fearless Vesk
You disdain cowardice, and have no issues with staving off fear. When you roll a success on a saving throw against
an emotion effect,you get a critical success instead.

Flamewalker Vesk
Your thick scales help retain water, and combat the sun's glare.You gain fire resistance equal to half your
level(minimum 1).Environmental heat effects are one step less extreme for you,and you can go ten times as
normal before you are affected by thirst or starvation.However,unless you wear protective gear or take
shelter,environmental cold effects are one step more extreme for you.

Honorsworn Vesk
Growing up,you never tried to lie to get what you wanted,and even when necessary,lying makes you
uncomfortable with the dishonor it brings.You gain +1 circumstance bonus to Perception checks to Sense Motive
and to Perception DCS against attempts to Lie to you.Furthermore, you gain +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy
checks to convince others you speak the truth when you are telling the truth,and you take -4 circumstance penalty
to Lie and to your Deception DC against Sense Motive.

Razorfang Vesk
Your family’s teeth are formidable weapons.You gain a Jaws unarmed attack that deals 1d6 piercing damage. Your
jaws are in the brawling group and have the finesse and unarmed traits.

Vanguard Vesk
Your vision and finely honed senses quickly clue you into danger or trickery.You gain +1 circumstance bonus to
your Perception DC,though not your Perception checks. Also Gain Darkvision 60 ft instead of Low-light vision.


At 1st level,you gain one ancestry feat and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels
thereafter(5th,9th,13th,17th).As a Vesk,you select among the following ancestry feats:

Vesk Lore (feat 1,Vesk trait )
You embody the vesk virtues of honor and victory in battle. You Gain the Trained proficiency rank in Athletics and
Intimidation. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills(from your background or class for
example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice.You also become Trained in VeskLore.

Parthenogenic Hatchling (feat 1,Vesk trait )

Prerequisites Female Vesk
You were hatched from an unfertilized egg during hard times for your people, and you are a biological copy of your
mother. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against diseases. Each of your successful saving throws
against a disease reduces its stage by 2, or by 1 for a virulent disease. Each critical success against an ongoing
disease reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 for a virulent disease. You take damage only every 2 hours from thirst and
every 2 days from starvation, rather than every hour and every day.

Razor Claws (feat 1,Vesk trait )

You have honed your claws to be deadly. Your claw attack deals 1d6 slashing damage instead of 1d4 and gains the
versatile (piercing) trait.

Aquatic Adaptation
You evolved webbed claws and feet, have increased lung capacity and you are accustomed to aquatic
environments. You gain a 15-foot swim Speed and Breath Control feat

Vesk Weapon Familiarity (feat 1,Vesk trait )

You were made in blood and fire on the battlefields,learning how to wield the weapons of your people. You have
Trained proficiency with Conqueror,tactical doshko,fire doshko,plasma doshko, plasma bolter and weapons with
the Vesk trait.

Second Skin (feat 1,Vesk trait )

You’ve fought in countless battles,until your armor is like a second skin to you.Ignore the reduction to your speed
from any armor you wear. In addition any time you are taking a penalty to your speed from some other
reason(such as from the encumbered condition or a spell),deduct 5 ft from the penalty.(for example,encumbered
condition normally gives you -10 ft penalty,but you only take a -5 ft penalty.

Tail Whip (feat 1,Vesk trait )

By birth or through training,your tail is strong enough to make powerful melee blows. You gain a tail unarmed
attack that deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and has the sweep trait .

Vigorous Health (feat 1,Vesk trait )

Your physique is robust and can withstand blood loss startlingly well. Whenever you would gain the drained
condition,you can attempt a DC 17 flat check.On a success,you don't gain the drained condition.

Distant Ancestry (feat 1,Vesk trait )

You have some distant DNA connection to the Lizardfolk ancestry.You gain one Lizardfolk feat that you meet
prerequisites for (level or other feat)

Victorious Vigor (feat 5,Vesk trait )
Trigger :You bring a foe to 0 HP
Your victories in Battle fill you with pride and imbue you with the energy to fight a bit longer despite your
wounds.You gain Temporary HP equal to your constitution modifier until the end of your next turn.

Vesk Weapon Brutality(feat 5,Vesk trait )

Prerequisites Vesk Weapon Familiarity
You know the best way to strike your enemies with your weaponry. Whenever you critically hit using Vesk Weapon
Familiarity weapons or Vesk weapons, you apply the weapon’s critical specialization effect.

Tail Spin(feat 5,Vesk trait )

Prerequisites Tail Whip
You excel at using your tail as a weapon to upend your foes. Attempt a single Athletics check to Trip up to two
adjacent creatures. If you roll a success against a target, you get a critical success against that target instead.

Vesk Venom (feat 5,Vesk trait )

Prerequisites Razorfang Vesk or Sharp Fangs(feat from lizardfolk ancestry) or Death Bite
Frequency a number of times per day equal to your level
You envenom your fangs/jaws. If the next fangs/jaws Strike you make before the end of your next turn hits and
deals damage, the Strike deals an additional 1d6 poison damage. On a critical failure, the poison is wasted as
normal. If you are a Vesk of the RazorFang heritage,your jaws damage increases to 1d8,instead of 1d6.

Deadly Bite (feat 5,Vesk trait )

Your jaws are formidable weapons. You gain a jaws unarmed attack that deals 1d6 piercing damage. If you are a
Vesk of the RazorFang heritage,your jaws damage increases to 1d8,instead of 1d6 and Your jaws are in the
brawling group and have the finesse and unarmed traits.

Evolved Ancestry(feat 13,Vesk trait )

Prerequisites Distant Ancestry
The lizardfolk ancestry evolves further within you. You gain a lizardfolk heritage and its abilities.This feat can only
be chosen once.If you would get the same ability as your own,only the better version applies.

Prehensile Tail (feat 9,Vesk trait )
Prerequisites Tail Whip
Your tail evolved even further or your training techniques made it as effective as your hands. You can use
Manipulate actions with your tail,from holding weapons to casting spells. Also, your Tail attacks reach increased by
5 ft

Unrelenting (feat 9,Vesk trait )

You are a juggernaut on the battlefield ,never knowing fear .When you roll a success on a saving throw against an
emotion effect,you gain a critical success instead.If your heritage is Fearless Vesk,when you roll a critical failure on
a saving throw against an emotion effect,you get a failure instead.

Warblood (feat 9,Vesk trait )

You have learned to split your focus between multiple classes with ease.You gain a 2nd level multiclass dedication
feat,even if you normally couldn't take another dedication feat until you take more feats from the current

Death Roll (attack,feat 9,Vesk trait )

Prerequisites Razorfang Vesk or Sharp Fangs(feat from lizardfolk ancestry) or Deadly Bite
You learned an ancient technique when you have your opponent within your jaws.Gain Death Roll attack.
Death Roll Attack (attack,vesk)
Requirements You have a creature grabbed with your Jaws.
You roll rapidly, twisting your victim. Make a jaws Strike with a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack roll against the
grabbed creature. If it hits, it also knocks the creature prone. If you miss, you release the creature.

Vesk Weapon Expertise (feat 13,Vesk trait )
Prerequisites Vesk Weapon Familiarity
Your Vesk combat styles blend with your class training,granting you great skill with Vesk weapons.Whenever you
gain a class feature that grants you Expert or Greater proficiency in a given weapon or weapons,you also gain that
proficiency in Vesk Weapon Familiarity weapons and all Vesk weapons in which you are trained.

Small and furtive, the ysoki are often overlooked by larger races. Yet through wit and technological prowess,
they’ve spread throughout the solar system, giving truth to the old adage that every starship needs a few rats.
You might …
Talk fast and often. You see language as a constantly evolving art form, and you constantly pick up new slang and
alien words.
Have seemingly boundless energy and enthusiasm, and rarely pass up a chance for some excitement.
Adore technology in all its forms and love taking devices apart to see how they work.
Are savvy and street-smart no matter where you are, and make both friends and enemies quickly.

Others probably…
See you as manic, loud, and impetuous.
Value your skills with technology but wish you reassembled things as often as you took them apart.
Appreciate the fervor with which you defend your friends.
Underestimate you due to your size and childlike enthusiasm.

Physical description
Ranging from 3 to 4 feet tall, ysoki resemble humanoid rats who walk upright, complete with fur, long incisors,
constantly twitching noses, and partially prehensile tails that help them keep their balance and maneuver in zero
gravity. Their small, dexterous hands are perfect for working on delicate electronics, and their keen noses often
allow them to identify complex chemicals by smell. Male and female ysoki are difficult for other races to tell apart,
as they have similar body types and favor similar fashions.

Society and alignment

Ysoki society is chaotic and freewheeling, and a typical warren is full of half-finished projects and multiple ysoki
talking over each other. Regardless of their role in society, nearly all ysoki hold a deep and abiding love for
technology and gadgets, whether it be an engineer’s love of taking machines apart or a soldier’s appreciation for
her armor’s construction. While they traditionally take on roles and societal niches other races view as unpleasant,
acting as junkers or squeezing through the innards of starships, this is due not to a lack of pride, but rather an
abundance thereof—ysoki are so sure of their own worth that living in subpar conditions doesn’t shame them.
Larger races’ tendency to underestimate or pick on ysoki has left them fiercely loyal to their friends and families—
both ysoki and otherwise—and a ysoki presented with a gross injustice often feels the need to fling himself teeth-
first at the problem, consequences be damned. As a result, the most common ysoki alignment is chaotic good,
though they can easily be tugged toward the evil alignments by loyalty or a need to strike back at perceived
oppression (or even simple disrespect).

Ysoki names tend to be short, and even those given longer names inevitably shorten them for informal use.
Nicknames are often as important to ysoki as their actual names, and they tend to give both other ysoki and their
non-ysoki friends monikers that refer to their personality or physiology, such as “Snack,” “Sparks,” “Twitch,”
“Boom-Boom,” or “Dirtbath.” While some ysoki take family names, many use the names of their ships or home
settlements instead. Some sample ysoki names include Bena, Coponisa, Cors, Goba, Ketch, Kib, Lolo, Niknik, Quig,
Resk, Sim, and Twik.

Though ysoki form strong bonds with their friends and families, these connections are as likely to take them off-
world as to keep them at home. Many curious young ysoki sign on with starship crews to see the universe or find
their fortunes, and soon adopt their shipmates as a second family. Their natural aptitude with machines most
often leads ysoki to become mechanics and technomancers, but they also enjoy the gloriously complicated
weaponry employed by operatives and soldiers, and many appreciate the quick-witted patter of envoys.
Typical Backgrounds include Ace Pilot,Street Urchin,Spacefarer and Tinker.





Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier(if it is positive)


Low-Light Vision
You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the concealed condition due to dim light.

You select a heritage at 1st level to reflect abilities passed down to you from your ancestors or common among
those of your ancestry in the environment where you were born or grew up. You have only one heritage and can’t
change it later. A heritage is not the same as a culture or ethnicity, though some cultures or ethnicities might have
more or fewer members from a particular heritage. Choose one of the following Vesk Heritages:

Deep Ysoki (paizo)

Your ancestors lived deeper underground than other ratfolk, granting you the ability to see in the dark. You gain

Desert Ysoki (paizo)

You are native to arid plains and likely grew up traveling the roads. You have a leaner build than other ratfolk, with
longer limbs and short fur. If you have both hands free, you can increase your Speed to 30 feet as you run on all
fours. In addition, environmental heat effects are one step less extreme for you, and you can go 10 times as long as
normal before you are affected by starvation or thirst. However, unless you wear protective gear or take shelter,
environmental cold effects are one step more extreme for you.
Longsnout Ysoki (paizo)
The long snouts that run in your family give you a keener sense of smell than most ratfolk. You gain imprecise scent
with a range of 30 feet. This means you can use your sense of smell to determine a creature’s location. The GM will
usually double the range if you’re downwind from the creature or halve the range if you’re upwind.

In addition, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks to Seek a creature or object within the range of
your scent.

Sewer Ysoki (paizo)

You come from a long line of ysoki from a community based in the sewers beneath a large settlement. You are
immune to the disease filth fever. Each of your successful saving throws against a disease or poison reduces its
stage by 2, or by 1 for a virulent disease or poison. Each critical success against an ongoing disease or poison
reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 for a virulent disease or poison.

Shadow Ysoki (paizo)

Your ancestors lived in dark spaces underground, granting you dark fur and a vaguely unnatural mien that
unnerves sapient creatures and frightens animals. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Intimidation and can use
Intimidation to Coerce animals. When you Demoralize an animal, you don’t take a penalty for not sharing a
language with it. If you would automatically become trained in Intimidation (from your background or class, for
example), you become trained in another skill of your choice.

Animals’ attitudes toward you begin one degree worse than normal, usually starting at unfriendly instead of
indifferent for domesticated animals, and hostile instead of unfriendly for wild animals.

Big-Ear Ysoki
Your ears are finely tuned,able to detect even the slightest whispers of sound. As long a s you can hear
normally,you can use the Seek action to sense undetected creatures in a 60 ft cone instead of 30 ft.You also gain
+2 circumstance bonus to locate undetected creatures that you could hear within 30 ft with a Seek action.

Junkyard Ysoki
You can subsist on food that most folks would consider spoiled. You can keep yourself fed with poor meals in a
settlement as long as garbage is readily available, without using the Subsist downtime activity. You can eat and
drink things when you are sickened.

You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against afflictions, against gaining the sickened condition, and
to remove the sickened condition. When you roll a success on a Fortitude save affected by this bonus, you get a
critical success instead. All these benefits apply only when the affliction or condition resulted from something you

Stout Tail Ysoki

You have a powerful tail. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Athletics checks to Climb, you gain Combat Climber
as a bonus feat, and you reduce the number of free hands required to Climb or Trip by one.

Stowaway Ysoki
You have lived your life on ships and know your way through the less travelled tight corridors and vents. You are
familiar with zero gravity and can move at full speed when using an action to Push off an object .In addition if you
roll an success on Acrobatics check to Squeeze,you get a critical success instead

Tinker Ysoki
You descended from a line of talented mechanics.You become trained in Engineering(or another skill if you are
already trained in Engineering) and gain the Specialty Crafting skill feat,but you can pick two different specialities
instead of one.
At 1st level,you gain one ancestry feat and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels
thereafter(5th,9th,13th,17th).As a Ysoki ,you select among the original and following ancestry feats:

Ysoki Lore (feat 1,Ysoki trait )
Many Ysoki are known for their ability to make things work from just about anything. You gain the trained
proficiency rank in Engineering and Survival. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from
your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become
trained in Ysoki Lore.

Engineering Knack (feat 1,Ysoki trait )

You have a knack for noticing even small inconsistencies and craftsmanship techniques in the machinework around
you. You gain +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks to discover mechanical traps made of machinery or
hidden within machinery.If you aren’t using the Seek action or searching,the GM automatically rolls secret checks
for you to notice unusual stonework and machinery anyway.This secret check does not gain the circumstance
bonus,and it takes a a -2 circumstance penalty.

Junkyard Craft (feat 1,Ysok trait )

You can make useful tools out of even twisted or rusted scraps. When using Engineering skill to CRaft,you can
make level 0 items,including weapons but not armor ,out of junk. This reduces the price to one-quarter the usual
amount but always results in shoddy item.Shoddy items normally give penalty,but you don’t take this penalty
when using shoddy items you make.You can also incorporate junk to save money while you Craft any item. This
grants you a discount on the item as if you had spent 1 additional day working to reduce the cost,but the item is
obviously made of junk.At the Gms discretion,this might affect the item's resale value depending on the buyer’s

Junk Runner (feat 1,Ysoki trait )

You are known for your ability to bounce back when others would be knocked down. You can ignore difficult
terrain caused by debris and uneven ground made of metal .In addition,when you use Acrobatics skill to Balance
on narrow or uneven surfaces made of metal,you aren’t flat-footed,and when you roll a success at one of these
Acrobatics checks,you get a critical success instead.

Ysoki Weapon Familiarity (feat 1,Ysoki trait )

You have knack with eccentric designs of the ysoki,and have learned how to effectively use them . You have
Trained proficiency with shellgun,tailblade,gulchgun ,assassin rifle and weapons with the ysoki trait.

Moxie (feat 1,Ysoki trait )

You are scrappy and nimble,even when the odds are against you,You gain +2 circumstance bonus on Acrobatics
check to Tumble Through an enemy space,and you don’t treat the enemy space as difficult terrain.

Station Scavenger (feat 1,Ysoki trait )

You know the greatest treasures often look like refuse,and you scoff at those who throw away perfectly good
scraps.You gain +1 circumstance bonus to checks to Subsist,and you can use Society or Survival when you Subsist in
a settlement.When you Subsist in a city,you also gather valuable junk that less savvy species threw away.You can
earn income using Society or Survival in the same time as you Subsist,without spending any additional days of
downtime. You also gain +1 circumstance bonus to this check. Special,if you have the Junkyard Ysoki
heritage,increase the bonuses to +2
Debris Climber (feat 5,Ysoki trait )
Prerequisites Junk Runner
You are adept at finding handholds others would miss, You gain a climb speed of 15 ft.

Ysoki Weapon Inventor (feat 5,Ysoki trait )

Prerequisites Ysoki Weapon Familiarity
You learned how to improve on the designs of other Ysoki. Whenever you critically hit using Ysoki Weapon
Familiarity weapons or Ysoki weapons, you apply the weapon’s critical specialization effect.

Engine Whisperer(feat 9,Ysoki trait )
You have a deep connection to machines and their inner workings. You gain Discharge as a 3rd level arcane innate
spell that you can cast once per day.You must be touching the target of Discharge for this use. Special,If you have
the Engineering Knack ysoki ancestry feat,you can attempt to find unusual machinery and Mechanical traps that
require legendary proficiency in Perception.If you have both Engineering Knack and Legendary proficiency in
Perception,when you are not Seeking and the Gm roll a secret check for you to notice unusual machinery,you keep
the bonus from the Engineering Knack and don't take the -2 circumstance penalty.

Nimble Scurry (feat 9,Ysoki trait )

You move quickly and unpredictably. You Step 5 ft twice.

Shipyard Scamper (feat 13,Ysoki trait )
You know how to take advantage of foes thrown off-balance by turbulence and loss of gravity. While in an indoor
ship environment,you can Step into difficult terrain,Step into zero gravity,and enemies in difficult terrain or zero
gravity are flat-footed to you.

Ysoki Weapon Expertise (feat 13,Ysoki trait )

Prerequisites Ysoki Weapon Familiarity
Your Ysoki combat styles blend with your class training,granting you great skill with Vesk weapons.Whenever you
gain a class feature that grants you Expert or Greater proficiency in a given weapon or weapons,you also gain that
proficiency in Ysoki Weapon Familiarity weapons and all Ysoki weapons in which you are trained.

APG and SF Alien ancestry counterparts

SF Pahtra = Catfolk
SF Ikeshti= Lizardfolk
Edit history:
1st pass kitkate#1823
2nd pass Mart#7968
Formatting DarkMayhem#4060

Change log:
31.12.2020 Updated formatting for easier reading, moved edit history to the bottom

Update Notes : Release of the APG gave us the Ysoki ancestry, when creating or updating new ancestries,making
comparisons from the ysoki/android from 1e/ sf then 2e should be incredibly helpful. The android 2e will be
released in the Lost Omens Ancestry Guide. At the bottom are sf to 2e counterpart ancestries.

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