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1- Order the letters and write the words.

Uyb ____________
Dnsep ____________
Worbor ____________
Ndle ____________
Evas ____________
Yap ____________
Nare ____________
Pswa ____________
Lels ____________
Niw ____________

2- Complete the dialogue with the correct form of some of the verbs in exercise 1.
Marie: mum, can you ____________ me a new bike?
Mum: You can _____________ your sister’s bike. She doesn’t use it anymore.
Marie: I know but she doesn’t want to _________ it to me. She says its special
because she _________ it in that competition last year.
Mum: I can’t _________ for a bike at the moment. I _________ a lot of money on a
new fridge last week. Maybe you can have a new bike for your birthday.
Marie: But it’s not until October.

3- Complete the sentences with some of the verbs below.

Buy – part time job – save – sell

a- To save a lot of money. It is best to get a ____________

b- I want to ___________ my pocket money. I would like to live abroad.
c- Where did you ________ that beautiful dress?
d- I would like to __________ my old cellphone so could get the latest one.
Adjetives: Comparatives and Superlatives

1- Complete the table with the adjetives and the comparative and
superlative forms.

Adjetive Comparative Superlative


2- Order the sentences and write them down.

a- are Books than cheaper video games


b- Modern bicycles faster are old bicycles than


c- than Math more difficult is history


3- Circle the correct words.

My brother is incredibly tall/taller/tallest, in fact he’s the tall/taller/tallest than most
NBA basketball players. One day, I want to be tall/taller/tallest than him and
good/better/best than him at basketball too!
I’ve got four cats. The Young/younger/youngest is only two weeks old. She’s black with
big/bigger/biggest green eyes. I love her!
I think she’s the beautiful/more beautiful/most beautiful cat in the world.

4- Write sentences using the comparative and superlative form of the

adjetives in brackets.

a- A bicycle / a car / a plane (fast)


b- A calculator / a Smartphone / a Wii (expensive)


c- Cheeseburger / pizza / salad /healthy)


d- Canada / USA / Russia (big)


e- Pop / hip hop / tango (entertaining)


5- Order the words to make questions.

a- is / interesting / TV / what / most / programme / the ?


b- best / who / world / is / the / in /the / singer ?


c- worst / band / moment / what / the / is / the / at ?



1- Make up words and write them.

Web Scre Kers Prin Lap Ktop

Spea Sh Oard Rd Keyb
Mo Ter Scan Ory fla
Mem Ner Top Use dr
Ive En Ca Cam des

a- ________________________
b- ________________________
c- ________________________
d- ________________________
e- ________________________
f- ________________________
g- ________________________
h- ________________________
i- ________________________
j- ________________________
k- ________________________
l- ________________________

2- Complete the texts with some of the words in exercise 1.

a- Can you lend me your ___________ to save my homework and take it

to school? Thanks!
b- I’ve got some new _____________ so I can listen to my favourite songs
c- I need to copy a magazine photo for my project. Can i borrow your

3- Write the words in bold in the correct sentences.

a- My computer broke down. The scanner went bue and i can’t open any
b- You use the printer to type on your computer.
c- We use the webcam to click on something.
d- I want to buy a laptop because they are more practical than screen.
e- You use the memory card to put text onto paper.

Expressions of quantity

1- Complete the sentences with a, an, some or any.

a- You need _________ speakers for your computer.

b- Have you got _________ English dictionary?
c- I’ve got my wallet but i haven’t got ________ money.
d- There are _________ new students in my class.
e- Have you got _________ video games?
f- I’ve got ______ amazing new computer.

2- Look at the ad and complete with a quantifier.


4GB memory, 18-inch screen.

Includes mouse and webcam.
Flash drives not included.
a- This ad includes ________ information but nota ll.
b- The computer hasn’t got _______ memory.
c- How ________ computers is the ad offering?
d- The offer doesn’t include_______ flash cards.
e- This computer hasn’t got a printer and it hasn’t got _______ ink but
we can buy ______ ink in most computer shops.

3- Complete the questions with how much or how many.

a- ______________ teachers are there in your school?

b- ______________ money did you spend every week?
c- ______________ books are there in your bag?
d- ______________ friends does Maria has?
e- ______________ sugar do we need?
f- ______________ memory is there on the laptop?

4- Circle the correct words.

a- How much / many time do you spend writing on your blog?

b- We haven’t got much / many computers at school.
c- Much / a lot of my friends use that website.
d- How much / many pictures have you got on your laptop?

5- Complete the dialogue with a , an, some, any, much, many, or a lot
Ryan: That’s _______ amazing laptop!
Emma: It’s my brother’s.
Ryan: How _______ did it cost?
Emma: A lot!
Ryan: Wow! There are ________ films on it. How ________ films
have you got?
Emma: I don’t know. About thirty, I think. My uncle gave us
_________ new films last weekend. He’s got ________ flash drive.
Are there _________ films you want to watch?
Ryan: Yes, please! Those comedies look good.
Emma: Ok. We could watch __________ this afternoon.

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