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She answer the calling with the guidance of priest

Now we remember her journey as she brought peace

She started everything at the very least
To help other people’s Life at ease.

And who has seen the lamp she lit,

Continues to shine in human’s Faith
She proved that whatever color or race
God is the God of all people and
And need to embrace.

She is a woman of courage and faith

Like Mary, she followed God’s way
She walked the way of simplicity
Her attitude and faith restored Humanity.

I call her mother, she calls me child

Woman of enormous love and faith
A kind and lovely smile with your smile, you blessed
You blessed your land with skylight.

Come walk the way of mother Ignacia

Walking the way to happiness
Who lit the faith of everyone
With the overflowing love of God
In a world full of brokenness
You are the light that breaks barrier
With the virtues of faith, charity and hope
Reminds everyone
It may be dark and seems nowhere to go
Dare to take a step
And fulfil what God perceives for you to do.

Group Members:
Quennie Bual
Levi Concepcion
Claire Nyssa Calang
Rheyna Francisco
Rhea Gozon

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