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- Economic globalization refers to the increasing interdependence of world economies as

a result of the growing scale of cross-border trade of commodities and services, flow of
international capital and wide and rapid spread of technologies.


- An international trading system is a combination of rules, regulations, and agreements among
countries involved in international trade. Globalization makes international trade possible. It is
the process where the world becomes an interconnected place through trade and cultural

- International trade is an exchange of good of services across national jurisdiction. Inbound trade
is defined as Imports, and outbound trade is defined as exports.

How International Trading System works ?

History of International Trading System

What is the major trade route of International Trading System. ?

- International trade started in ancient times. The Silk Road was the first major trade route that
connected the East and the West. It was an important trade route for over 2,000 years,
connecting Asia with Europe via the Middle East.

How did an international trading system originate?

- International trade has a rich history starting with barter system being replaced by Mercantilism
in the 16th and 17th Centuries. The 18th Century saw the shift towards liberalism.

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