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MODULE 1 ploughs, wheels and technologies of copper, bronze and iron

Lesson 1: Introduction to The Contemporary World | metallurgy.

 Internal cohesion and connectivity of the World-System
Why is Globalization an important subject in the occurred in the era of the agrarian empires. Between 1200
contemporary world? BCE and 200 CE numerous agrarian empires gained power
While the importance of studying history is in avoiding and achieved prosperity, such as the Hellenistic world, the
the repetition of the mistakes of the past, the study of the Roman Empire (covering the entire Mediterranean Basin),
contemporary world deals with the forces and pressures the Persian Empire, the Maurya Empire, the Achaemenic
resulting from the communication between man, geography, Empire, the Parthian Empire, the Kushan Empire, the
and societies and how these ever-changing factors shape the Maurya Empire and the Gupta Empire in northern India,
story of mankind. the Qin Empire and later the Han Empire in China. The
Globalization is a policy both formal and informal “circulatory system” of this enlarged World-System
among participating countries. It is the removal of “artificial comprised not only information exchanges, but also
barriers” such as tariff, quotas, and subsidies to let market the network of long-distance trade in luxury good. The Great
freer of the intensified flow of goods, services, technology, Silk Road became the central “artery” of this system, linking
information, human resources, and factors of production on the the Roman Empire with the Han Empire since approximately
world market. It is a consequence of modern development of the second century BCE, and passing through almost all the
transport and communication means seen as a crucial channel regions of the Afro-Eurasian world-system. Some prominent
of international integration. Because of this, globalization is scholars even believe that the establishment of trade ties
best described as the expansion of the role of the markets between China and Rome through the Silk Road about 2200
on a global level as all economies snowballing into years ago gave birth to the Afro-Eurasian world-system.
The emergence of the global World-System dates
Introduction to The Contemporary World | Integration back to the “long sixteenth century”. It originated through a
As we have learned, Globalization may be defined in series of expansion cycles of the initial World-System, which
just one word: “integration.” grew to encompass a growing number of societies. The Age of
This integration could be attributed to the fact that all Discovery played a central role in establishing stable and
countries have scarcities and surpluses in products and intense connections among regions which were then home to
materials, depending on their geographical and topographical the majority of the world’s population. The discovery of rich
features. resources in the New World- especially silver- and their
The scarcity of resources forced them to make transportation around the world through the network of both old
economic choices to fulfill their needs, pursued by enhancing and new land and sea trade routes enhanced world trade and
labor and education specialization to produce specialized the connectivity of global networks.
products leading to individual comparative advantages. As this   
specialization creates a surplus, countries resort to marketing Further development and growth of the World-
their products to trading partners who are in a scarcity of the System’s global connectivity is directly related to the
same, creating mutual satisfaction. “modernization transition,” in other words the transition from
traditional to modern societies. The beginning of modernization
In the 1980s, there was a surplus of salmon in Norway. and the birth of modern societies are often associated with the
The government hired Bjorn Eirik to market this product to Industrial Revolution in Britain and its subsequent spread first
the country most famous for eating fish: Japan. Listen to to Europe and the USA, then worldwide. The significance of
the story of how the Norwegian salmon made itself the Industrial Revolution of 1760-1840 have caused many
indispensable to Japanese culture. transitioning aspects of modernization, affecting all spheres of
human life, including science, agriculture, education,
IMPORTANT: demography, politics, transportation, finance or culture.
It must be highlighted that trade is not just limited to physical The varying pace and scope of modernization transition, the
products, but more importantly, exchanges of ideas, cultures, uneven spread of its effects and new technologies in the
and information. As the market became a binding force seventeenth and eighteenth century laid the foundations for
between countries, furthering their specialization of products “Great Divergence” with the rapidly widening gap in
and trade engagement. Another vital keyword in globalization income per capita and living standards between developed
is competition. In the study of the contemporary world, this countries and the rest of the world in the nineteenth century.
must be approached as strategic management. It began as a widening gap between the affluent countries of
the North and increasingly backward south.
Lesson 2: Globalization: Its Meaning and Historical  
Process |Part 1 Globalization and the Italian Renaissance (14th-
17th century)
The World History of Globalization- The classical Italian city-states trading during the late Middle Ages set the
  stage for the Renaissance by moving resources, culture and
The formation of the “primary” World-System in the knowledge from the East. While Northern Italy was not richer in
Middle East approximately 9000-11,000 years ago was directly resources than many other parts of Europe, the level of
connected with the Agricultural Revolution. It covered the development, stimulated by trade, allowed it to
history of the territories of the Fertile of Crescent (Palestine, prosper. Florence, Venice and Genoa became one of the
Syria, Northern Iraq and Western Iran). But there was also wealthiest cities in Northern Italy and it became the center of
real informational connections through which the North African the financial industry with the gold florin became the main
and Eurasian regions systematically received the most currency. Luxury goods bought in the Levant, such as spices,
important innovations in agriculture and craftsmanship from the dyes, and silks, were imported to Italy and then resold
Middle East, such as domesticated crops, cattle, horses, throughout Europe. The Italian trade routes that covered the
Mediterranean and beyond were also the major conduits of
culture and knowledge. The Crusades had built lasting trade   Economic liberalism is based on the principles of personal
links to the Levant. liberty, private property, and limited government interference. It
  is synonymous with Laissez Faire economics “Let them
Globalization and the Islamic Culture (Umayyad Caliphate do or Leave the Market alone”. Liberals believed that the free
661AD-1031) market would naturally produce the best and most efficient
Muslim merchants used several ingenious ways of travelling solutions to economic and social problems. It is a political and
through the hot, arid desert. Trade routes were fairly common economic philosophy based on strong support for a market
and an efficient way to reach the destinations. Important trade economy and private property in the means of productions. It
routes were along the Southern Mediterranean coast also opposes any government intervention in the free
connecting Spain and Morocco with Egypt and Syria. One of market when it inhibits free trade and open competition.
the greatest of the trade routes followed in northeastern Iran As an economic system, economic liberalism is organized on
from Baghdad to Nishapur and to Central Asia and China. individual lines, meaning that the greatest possible number
Another popular roads connected the Red Sea and the Sea of economic decisions are made by individuals or
of Suez with the Nile System in the Mediterranean and formed households rather than by collective institutions or
a southern road that led from Adulis in Ethiopia to Aydhab organizations. Its major advocacy is free market in an open
and Quseir to Qus, north of Aswan. Although many major competition and right to own property in pursuit of happiness.
trading routes were widespread internal trade networks. To  
enhance trade by sea, Muslim merchants also managed to  Keynesian Economics (1951-1973)
create colonies along the Indian coast and into China and Keynesian economics is an economic theory of total
even entered Korea and Japan. spending in the economy and its effects on output and
  inflation. This was advocated by the British economist John
Globalization and the Mongol Empire Maynard Keynes during the 1930s in an attempt to
Mongol Empire in its Pax Mongolica revived the Silk Road understand the Great Depression. Keynes advocated
trade (103 BCE- 221CE) between the East and the West, for increased government budget spending and lower
which set the stage of the evolution of international trade to its taxes to stimulate demand and pull the global economy out
current form today. The “Silk Road” was referred by many of depression.
Chinese merchants and other traders along the Central Asian  
continent as the “Road to Samarkand”. The widespread rule  Decolonisation
of the Mongols over a large part of Eurasia meant that the local Decolonization of 1946-1970 is the opposite of colonization
regions were unified political system of administration but, it and mercantilism. It is a revolt for national liberation of
allowed flourishing of local economies that meant increase in colonial poor countries to undo and dismantle colonial
production of goods resulted in a stable supply of products that and mercantilism practices by earning their independence
traders can trade with. and formation of self-governance by the indigenous people
  from their European colonial masters as their fundamental right
THE MODERN GLOBALIZATION to self-determination advocated by the United Nations. As
  Colonialism and Imperialism (1450-1950) the sovereignty is transferred from the colonial master of
When Spain and Portugal partitioned the world by signing the colonies to the indigenous people, and as they apprehended
Treaty of Tordesillas on June 7, 1494, they declared a how to manage their local economy for development, they
genuine European claim to hegemony. Conquest followed have learned the need and vital roles in the stability of the
discovery: Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) landed in economy, international trade, investments, communication and
1492 on a West Indian island called San Salvador to technology, bank capital financing and tourism. This compelled
emphasize the religious character of taking possession. decolonized economies to rethink that independence is
The impetus for colonialism was often derived as an more than acquiring sovereignty, but to manage the most
answer to European history itself. This includes capitalist serious concerns of the economy - surplus and shortage,
striving for profit, the colonies as valves for which are to be resolved of a lively and active market and
overpopulation, the spirit of exploration, scientific interest, marketing attaining the stability of market equilibrium of
and religious and ideological impulses up to social- QD=QS enabling both suppliers and consumers met their
Darwinstic and racist motives. cooperation, peace and mutual benefits. Any country that has
  not taken care of their market and marketing both local
 Age of Mercantilism (16th-18th century) and international market and trade would be in detrimental
Mercantilism is an economic theory that condition and that would be social unrest and civil wars.
advocates government regulation of international trade to  
generate wealth and strengthen national power. Merchants  The Cold War (1947-1991)
and the government with the grant of monopoly power over The adoption of market and marketing did not come easy to
importing and exporting companies work together to reduce the newly independent decolonized poor countries. A number
the trade deficit and create a surplus. It is a form of economic of them became antagonistic against market economy,
nationalism that funds corporate, military and national growth. some diverted for communism as their economic system and
It also advocated trade policies that protect domestic even held a long time struggle against capitalism. Upon
industries through high tariffs on imported manufactured the downfall of the Third Reich of NAZI Germany in 1945,
goods, forbidding colonies to trade with other nations, Europe and just like other region have been divided
monopolizing markets with staple ports, banning the geopolitically between the Soviet Russian communism and
export of gold and silver, even for payments, forbidding the Pro-West USA capitalism sphere of political influences.
trade to be carried in foreign ships, promoting The Soviet Union had its formation in the Russian socialist
manufacturing and industry through research and direct revolution of 1917, when the Radical leftist revolutionaries
subsidies, limiting wages, maximizing the use of domestic overthrew Russia's Czar Nicholas II and its Romanov
resources and restricting domestic consumption through dynasty’s regime, which was plagued by economic bankruptcy
non-tariff barriers to trade. due to the losses of World War I of 1914-1918. As a founding
  father of communist Soviet Union became the patron and
 Age of Liberalism (19th Century) supporter of the majority of the communist and socialist
revolutions to the various world’s regions until the Sino-Soviet improve cultural diversities as more products and ideas are
split of 1956. Though both China and Soviet were both exchanged in the marketplace. In this way, the market
communist countries, their separation have turned the Cold economy with minimal government intervention but for peace,
War period for the poor countries struggling for national order and morality would be what is called an “invisible hand”.
liberation for the formation of socialist and communist society Unlike communism which is in a diseconomies of scale due
whether if they would be Pro-China or Pro-Soviet. to overregulation, the market economy is
No matter the geopolitical bloc of the communist have fostering economies of scale with its decentralized
been divided between the Pro-China and Pro-Soviet, the Cold decision-making to lawful pursuits of private individuals and
War period that lasted for the period of 1947-1991 have businesses cooperating in the marketplace. The liberal
created an international relations between the Pro-USA economy is also attune to Henry David Thoreau quote “That
Western Bloc and the Eastern Bloc of Pro-Soviets and government is best which governs least”.
China of geopolitical division and tensions characterized  
for proxy wars which armed contentious groups in poor                  Communism plays exactly the
countries that have different view of national liberation and opposite role against Liberal Market Economy. Communism is
progress aligned themselves for economic and military also referred to as the Centrally Planned Economy,
logistics assistance between Pro-Soviet-China or Pro-USA. Command Economy or Democratic Centralism. As
The Cold War Era between the Communist Soviet Union and advocated by Karl Marx the father of communism, the State,
the USA is characterized for verbal threats of the doctrine of family and private property must wither to attain social
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) with space race and equality. To do this, workers which Marx referred to as
arms build-up with military hardware products Proletariats must take over the means and modes of
including Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) have production by themselves by overthrowing in an armed
preventive preemptive direct armed attacks between the two revolution the government and make their cooperative society
superpowers. In response to the Cold War, the USA in 1947 of workers as the government itself guided by their political
announced the Truman Doctrine where all communist party called “the communist party”. Therefore, under
expansion shall be suppressed and contained by the USA to communism, all private enterprises and markets are
preserve world peace and the global economy. The abolished and put into government control dominated by
international relations between the Pro-USA and the Pro-Soviet the working class with their communist party that
and China Bloc have a created a global world of “Bipolarity”, performs the “rationing” of the produce generated by each
that have made the countries of the world speculated cooperative society known as “commune” for their own
whether the globalization of the economy would become consumption. Unlike in market liberal economy where the
communism patterned to the Soviet-China model or a production and consumption are determined by the private
Liberal Market Economy patterned to the model of USA markets, communism as a command economy answers all
and its Western European allies. the fundamental economic questions of what to produce,
how to produce, how much to produce and for whom to
Lesson 2: Globalization: Its Meaning and Historical produce by the government alone dominated by the working
Process | Part 2 class with their communist party as vanguard of communism.
In the middle of the 1980s, this economic system has proven
What is the difference between Liberal Market Economy ineffective simply because the government can stand alone to
versus Communism? answer all the needs of the people. It has to deregulate itself
      with private enterprises creation so that it would be freed of too
                  The liberal market economy is also referred to as much burden of over concern for everything from the
“Capitalism or Western economy”. The term “West” refers to smallest private need of individuals to the largest target
countries of Western Europe and its Championing ally which is economic production. This has given birth to the period of the
the United States of America. The word liberal originated from “Post-Cold War Era”.
the Latin word “liber” meaning “free”. The term “free” if you will  
understand from the perspective of the Industrial Revolution        The Post-Cold Era
of England 1760-1840 would mean freedom of enterprises,                  The Post-Cold War Era is the period that has ended
property, education and competition while the French the Cold war (1947-1991) of the Communist Soviet Union and
Revolution of 1789-1799 advocated for the freedom as the the Pro-West USA Market Capitalism economy whereby in
basic human rights constituting of the right to life, liberty, 1989 the Berlin Wall in Germany, a concrete wall
property and pursuit of happiness. By combining the two barrier symbolically an international relation division between
perspectives, it will give us a notion that the Liberal market the Pro Soviet Communist Bloc composing
economy is an economic system where market decision- of WARSAW Military alliance members with the Eastern
making such as what to produce, how to produce, how Europeans and the Chinese Communist against
much to produce, for whom to produce and how the the NATO Military alliances mostly Western Europe and its
system should be adjusted to change are made with the capital-market economy allies. In 1989 and up to 1992, the
democratic participation of the suppliers and demanders Berlin Wall collapsed when the East Germans on masse have
with their private enterprises and consumption as long as demolished part of the wall, declared it as open and crossed to
they will observe and abide to the rule of the law. What West Germany marking the Unification of Germany in
would be the role of the government with the private initiatives 1990 amid of the fear that German NAZI Third Reich will
of suppliers and demanders? This is question is addressed by make a comeback. The collapse of communism that started in
term coined by liberal economies called as “Laissez-Faire”, Berlin, East Germany brought a chain reaction of downfall of
which means “Leave things alone” and the word “alone” communism across Eastern Europe and the rest of
refers to the “marketplace” conducting their private communist overseas like Vietnam, Cuba, Cambodia and
transactions of demand and supply as long as the laws of the even China have been compelled to resort to Market
government are observed and respected as institution of fair, Liberal Economy to rescue and recover their failed
justice and peace. Hence, under the liberal market system the economies. This major trend in international relations has
role of the government is maintained as minimal intervention created a concrete hope and positive response for the
to let people widen the level of freedom that would globalization economies in which the embrace of market
liberal economy is a prerequisite for active participation in This theory emphasizes the benefits of free trade, foreign
the global economy. Notwithstanding the remaining investment, and foreign aid. It argues that free trade and
opposition and threat of the Islamic countries and North international market relations occur in a framework of uneven
Korea as the remaining communist country hostile to the Pro- relations between developed and underdeveloped countries
USA and its advocacy of market liberal economy, globalization and work to reinforce and reproduce these relations.
under the Free Liberal Market Economy still triumphs Modernization theory comes out of the structural-functional
throughout the global economy. It shows that no country viewpoint. It frames inequality as a function of industrial and
could ever deny nor prevent “market, marketing or trade” as cultural differences between nations. However, one flaw in this
institutions and mechanisms inherent to all nations of the world theory is its willingness to recognize its inherent Eurocentric
as the culture of “freedom”.  bias. It must be highlighted that one of the six core claims of
  globalization is that “Nobody is in charge of globalization” and
       Age of Neoliberalism (20th Century) this theory tends to counter this claim.
             Neo-liberalism is the 20th century resurgence of 19th-  
century ideas associated with laissez-faire economic 3. Dependence Theory
liberalism and free market capitalism. It is an advocacy This theory, a reaction to modernization theory, uses core and
to shift away from post-war Keynesian economics. periphery countries from the World Systems theory to look at
            Neoliberalism is characterized for its belief in the inequality between nations.
sustained economic growth through the free markets, free This theory espouses the idea that Periphery countries export
trade, banks and foreign direct investments as the most resources to the wealthy Core (First World) not because they
efficient allocation of resources, its emphasis on minimal are in an earlier development stage but because they are
government intervention in economic and social affairs. integrated into the World-system as an undeveloped country.
Liberalism is often associated with the economist Adam They have structures and features not seen in developed
Smith, who argued in the Wealth of Nations (1776) that nations and will not become a developed nation. They are in an
markets are governed by an “invisible hand” and thus should unfavorable economic position, which means they do not have
be subject to minimal interference. the opportunity to improve and develop. They will remain as
third world countries dependent on wealthier nations.
Lesson 3: Theories of Globalization
1. World Systems Theory Lesson 4: Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization
The World Systems theory, developed by
sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein, is an approach to world Lesson 5: Glocalization
history and social change that suggests a world economic Glocalization is a portmanteau of global and local. As
system in which some countries benefit while others are peers of states in the world system universalize business
exploited. This theory emphasizes the social structure of global conduct, their products are made and adjusted according to the
inequality. taste of the local niche of the market. Westernization and
 However, this theory is criticized for focusing on the Mcdonaldization are the two terms often equated with
economies and more attention to core countries. It is also globalization.
criticized for forgetting about the culture or class struggle of
lower countries.
This theory divides the world into three regions:

 Core countries (e.g., the United States and Western

These are countries with a strong central government and
enough tax to support it. They are economically diversified,
industrialized, and independent of external control. They have
healthy middle and working class that focuses on a higher
scope of production of material goods than raw materials.
In the 1990s, McDonald's opened its first branch in India.
 Periphery countries However, the problem is that while McDonald's is a global
They are composed of countries in Latin America and Africa. brand, its all-beef patties are not suited for Indian customers
These countries generally have a weak government and are who do not eat cow meat. McDonald's had to glocalize its
focused on extracting raw materials and not final goods. They approach and incorporate the culture of India into its menu.
also tend to have a higher percentage of poor and uneducated The Maharaja Mac was born, and through the years, this has
people and a small population that controls the economy. been an approach that they use for their international chains.

 Semi-periphery countries Glocalization means to think global, but act local. This
These countries make up the middle ground between core and means that a product or service that is usually distributed
periphery countries. They are not dominant in international globally is adjusted to fit the needs of the local market.
trade, but they have a diversified and growing economy. Glocalization offers strategic opportunities for both businesses
  and countries to perceive both the advantages and
2. Modernization Theory disadvantages of globalization as business and social
The modernization theory proposes that all countries follow a opportunities. Culture and product diversities are inevitable,
similar development path: that is, from a traditional to modern given the geographical regions of the countries are absolutely
society. It assumes that traditional countries can develop into differentiated.
modern countries with some help in the same way modern
countries did. It looks at the internal social dynamics as the
traditional nation is exposed to new technologies and political
and social changes.

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