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1. Please state your gender



2. Please state your age group

1. 18-24
2. 25-34
3. 35-44
4. 45-54
3. Please state your current employment status

1. Student
2. Unemployed
3. Self-employed
4. Part time employment
5. Full time employment
6. Retired
4. Do you purchase apparel from luxury fashion diffusion lines?

1. Yes
2. No
5. On average how much would you spend on an item of luxury apparel?
1. 1000
2. 2000
3. 3000

6. Please rate the following characteristics on a scale of 1-5 (1 being very likely
and 5 very unlikely), as to how likely you would use each when shopping for
luxury apparel.

Strategy and Likely Very likely Neutral Unlikely Very Remarks

Creativity Unlikely

Brand Name

7. Do quality advertisements change your perception about the product?

Yes ( ) No ( ) May be ( )

9. Which factor influences you the most while choosing your brand?

Peer group ( ) Family ( )

Work place ( )Advertisement () Any other ( )

10. According to you what kind of advertisement has long lasting impact ?

T.V advertisement () Radio advertisement ( )

Print Media ( ) Bill boards ( )

8. Please rate the following statements on a scale f 1-5 (1 being strongly
disagree and 5 strongly agree).

Statements Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Remarks

disagree Agree
I think a luxury
brand with a
high price
range means
good quality
compared to
other brands
For me I am
willing to pay a
premium price
for limited
edition luxury
clothing ranges
I have less
desire towards
luxury branded
products when
mass quantities
of people
consume the
same products
as me
I am more
willing to
luxury clothing
if they are at a
lowered price
For me,
lowered prices
of luxury
products don’t
make me feel
like the brand
is any less like

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