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1. ------ is a combination of elements (a)mixture (b)atom (c)compound (d)electron

2. There are ----- chemical elements (a)98 (b)20 (c)118 (d)140
3. ----- is a combination of different element combined in fixed ratio (a)mixture (b)compound
(c)atom (d)element
4. Which of the following is not a compound (a)NaCl (b)N 2 (c)H2SO4 (d)H2o
5. Which of these is a molecule? (a)ce (b)H 2 (c)CU(OH)2 (d) Ch4
6. A molecule has ----elements/atoms (a)same (b)different (c)component (d)all of the above
7. Which of the following substances is not a pollutant (a)water (b)dust (c)sewage (d)garbage
8. Which of the following is a symptom of STI? (a)hunger (b)pain during sex (c)solvent during
urination (d)unusal discharge of whitish substance
9. All of these are effects of STI expect ---- (a)pains (b)heart diseases (c)brain damage (d)dental
10. ---- is the final stage of HIV (a)STI (b)STD (c)malaria (d)AIDS
11. All but one of the following is not a mode of transmission of HIV (a)blood transfusion (b)sharp
objects (c)saliva (d)sex intercourse
12. Which of the male reproductive organs produces sperm? (a)cervix (b)penis (c)uretha (d)testis
13. Which of the following is not a compound ? (a)Nacl(b)N 2 (c)H2SO4 (c)H2O
14. Which is not a name for human sex cells (a)sperm (b)gametes (c)semen (d)ova
15. ----- is a combination of elements (a)mixture (b)atom (c)compound (d)electron
16. Which of the following substances is not a pollutant (a)water (b)dust (c)sewage (d)garbage
17. Which of the following is not a myth about HIV/AIDS? (a)HIV/AIDS can be cured (b)HIVcan be
contacted from oral sex (c)HIV is a home sexual disease (d)HIV always leads to AIDS
18. Which of the following is not a source of energy (a)thermal (b)biomass (c)wind (d)dust
19. ---- is the capacity to do work (a)workdone (b)work (c)energy (d)power
20. Which of the following component of air aids respiration (a)nitrogen (b)oxygen (c)dust (d)water
21. Where does aquatic animals get oxygen from (a)air (b )water (c)around (d)fur
22. ------ materials is used forb the construction of building or houses (a)hammering (b)drawing
(c)building (d)cooking
23. ----- is used in building mud houses (a)ceramics (b)gralld (c)metal (d)glass
24. ----- is an example of building materials (a)cement (b)perper (c)telephone (d)bag
25. During of refuse into water is also called (a)refuse pollution (b)water pollution (c)land pollution
(d)none of the above
26. Water is harmful materials being dumped on a piece of land referred to as ---- (a)animals
only(b)plants only (c)human being only (d)all of the above
27. Wastes or harmful materials is being dumped on a piece of land is referred to as (a)air pollution
(b)land pollution (c)park pollution (d)water pollution
28. Land pollution can be harmful to ----- (a)plants (b)animals (c)human beings (d)a,b and c
29. Carbon monoxide from generator set can also constitute ---- pollution (a)water (b)land (c)air
(d)mild pollution
30. Harmful chemicals or substances released into the air causes (a)land pollution (b)water pollution
(c)noise pollution (d)air pollution


Answer 3 questions only

1. (a)Define an element b)write the first (10)elements including their symbols (c)what is
pollution (d)state 3 causes of water pollution
2. (a)What is STI b)mention 3 symptoms of STIs (c)mention 3 effects of STIs (d)what is air
3. (a)Mention 2 modes of transmission of HIV (b)mention 3 ways of prevention of HIV (c)state 3
ways of support for people living with HIV/AIDS (d)state 2 myths and facts about HIV/AIDS
4. (a)List 5 sources of energy (b)state 3 properties of air (c)mention 5 components of air and its
percentage composition (d)Explain the meaning of air
5. (a)List 3 uses of energy (b)list and explain 4 forms of energy (c)state 3 causes of air pollution

Js2 basic science

1. Alimentary canal starts at ---- and ends in the anus (a)stomach (b)large intestine (c)small
intestine (d)mouth
2. Which of the following does not affect enzymes ? (a)temperature (b)concentration (c)inhibitor
3. Digestion starts in the ---- (a)mouth (b)small intestine(c)anus (d)large intestine
4. There are ---- milk teeth in young children (a)32 (b)10 (c)20 (d)5
5. Milk teeth are also called the following names except (a)deciduous teeth (b)primary teeth
(c)secondary teeth (d)baby teeth
6. Where does absorption of food nutrients take place in human body (a)mouth (b)anus
(c)stomach (d)small intestine
7. Which digestive organs secrets salivary amylase and moisten the food ? (a)anus (b)small
intestine (c)mouth (d)oesophagus
8. Which of the following is not part of alimentary canal (a)lung (b)mouth (c)large intestine
9. Which of the following is not an organ of excretion (a)lung (b)tongue (c)liver (d)kidney
10. The filtration unit of the excretory system in human is ---(a)nephrons (b)ureter (c)uretha (d)skin
11. The nephrons in human beings are part of the system for ---- (a)digestion (b)excretion
(c)respiration (d)photosynthesis
12. The growth hormone is secreted by- ---gland (a)kidney (b)pancreas (c)pituitary (d)saliva
13. Which of the following is a growth of hormone? (a)capillary (b)haemoglobin (c)platelet
14. ----- is special feature found in living organism that enables it to live and survive in its
environment (a)death environment (b)irritability (c)respiration (d)adaptation
15. Animals that live in water are called -----animals (a)aboreal (b)terrestrial (c)aquatic (d)aerial
16. Autoterophs are food -----(a)producers (b)consumers (c)cook (d)spoiler
17. The following are types of habitat except --- (a)magnetic (b)aquatic (c)terrestrial (d)arboreal
18. Human beings is unique among other animals because they have ---- (a)higher intelligence
(b)two eyes (c)two kegs (d)fur
19. The bark bones of human beings is ----and this make it easy for man to stand upright (a) V
shaped (b)T shaped (c)S shaped (d)L shaped
20. Which of the following is not a mammals (a)lizard (b)bat (c)dotphin (d)man
21. Rusting occurs in the present of ----- (a)oxygen (b)nitrogen (c)sodium (d)carbon
22. ------ is the process whereby zinc is used to coat the surface of iron to prevent rusting
(a)crystallization (b)vulcanization (c)rusting (d)galvanization
23. Abstinence can prevent each of the following except ---(a)unwanted pregnancy (b)sexually
transmitted infection (c)distraction (d)good health
24. ----- is a state of matter (a)solid (b)small (c)course (d)flour
25. ----- is an examples of female genitals (a)penis (b)breast (c)vagina (d)b and c
26. Abstinence is very necessary or ---- (a)adult (b)matured people (c)young person (d)married
27. ----- is a form of a birth control (a)swindling (b)abstinence (c)chaos (d)voluntary
28. All this are examples of terrestrial habitat except (a)desert (b)brackish water (c)forest (d)grass
29. Growth is likened to increase in ---- (a)weight (b)colour (c)size (d)a and c
30. Skin excretes ----- (a)water (b)urine (c)fluid (d)sweat



1. a)what is digestive system? B)state 2 characteristics of enzymes (c)what is excretory

system (d) describe 4 pubertal changes in boys and girls
2. What is habitat ? (b)describe autotrophs and heterotrophs (c) state 3 differences between food
chain and food web (d)state 6 factors affecting growth and development
3. What is an ecosystem (b)mention 3 characteristics of mammal (c)state 2 characteristics of
primates (d)highlight 6 reasons why human beings are unique among other animals
4. (a) what is rusting? (b) mention 3 effects of rusting (c)state 3 ways in which rusting can be
prevented (d)what is abstinence?
5. (a)describe mammals man (b)state 3 advantages of abstinence (c)state 2 myths and facts
about abstinence (d)mention 4 reasons why adolescents engage in premarital sex

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