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How can understanding stress and stressors help you attain mental health and

psychological well-being?

I'm under a lot of stress and it's affecting my overall health because of it. My physical
and emotional wellbeing are both negatively impacted by stress. It limits my capacity for
clear thinking, effective functioning, and enjoyment of life. It can feel that there's nothing
I can do to relieve stress. Stress management helps me to identify the sources of stress
in my life. There will never be additional hours in a day, my academics will always be
hard, and my parent's bills will also never stop coming. If I view my stress as a
challenge or as an obstacle that I can fight to achieve, my stress is much more likely to
have positive effects. It might inspire me to put in a lot of effort. If I react to stress with
positive behavior that makes my situation better, my stress can also have a good
impact. So despite what I may think or feel, I have much greater control. I can be
happy, healthy, and more productive when I am able to effectively manage my stress.
My main goal is to have a peaceful lifestyle with time for my academics, relationships,
enjoyment, and relaxation as well as the strength to handle the pressure and face many
challenges. It's necessary to try different things in order to figure out what works the
best for me in situations when I’m dealing with stress.

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