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Which of the following are common injuries or conditions that may be treated at home or hospital? Put check (/) for home
and (X) for hospital

____/_____1. Fainting
____x_____2. Bone Fracture
____x_____3. Scald
____x_____4. Third degree burn
____/_____5. Nosebleed
____/_____6. Small cut or scrape
____x_____7. Dislocated shoulders
____/_____8. Insect bite
____x_____9. Heart attack
____/_____10. Splinter

Read each situation carefully. Write HOME before the number of condition that can be treated at home and type VILLA if it
requires immediate medical attention.

___home___1. Zoe was putting together her report in a folder when she felt the side of one of the papers cut through the skin
of her point finger. It is a paper cut and it starts bleeding a bit.

____villa___2. Benedict was blowing on a cup of steaming hot chocolate to cool it a bit when his classmate bumped his elbow
slightly. This caused some hot chocolate to spill all over Benedict’s neck and hand.

___home___3. Jeremy and his friends were playing hide and seek. Jeremy didn’t notice a black insect crawl on his arm and sting
him. The stung part begins to swell and hurt, and Jeremy gets red rashes on his arm.

___villa____4. Angela was cleaning out her cabinet when she gets a small splinter on the palm. She tried to pull it out but it
breaks so she leaves it where it is. Two days later the splinter was still there and the area around it is swollen and painful.

__home____5. Donna woke up late for school so she skipped breakfast. She thought she would be able to eat during recess but
her group mates insisted they needed to practice their play for the next class. In the middle of the play, Donna faints.

Write YES if the statement shows appropriate first aid treatment and NO if does not. Type your answer before the number 
____yes_____1. Janet washed the surrounding area of a splinter with soap and water.
____no______2. Carl put a pillow under her sister’s head when she fainted.
____yes______3. Daniel used his dad’s old ATM card to swipe the insect’s stinger off his foot.
____no______4. Sandy put a cold wet towel on Marian’s hand that she scalded with hot soup.
____yes_____5. Chris covered his bleeding knee with a bandage and went to bed.
Read each description and determine what kind of wound is being described. Put O if it is an open wound or C if it is a closed
_______O_______1. There are black and blue discoloration and swelling in affected area.
_______C_______2. This is a superficial wound caused by rubbing or scrapping resulting in partial loss of skin surface.
_______O_______3. This is a wound resulting from a stab by a pointed object like a nail or screwdriver.
_______C_______4. This is a wound that results from overstretching of muscle that has not been fully warmed up. There is pain
and tenderness at the affected area.
_______O_______5. This is a wound in which a patch of skin has been torn off.
Complete the table


Small burn or scald Immediately put the affected area under Do not use ice

cool running water or apply a wet towel

until the pain lessens

Nosebleed Sit upright Do not tilt head backward

Insect bite Scrape off the stinger with a plastic card Do not pull off with a tweezer

Small cut Apply pressure on the wound Do not apply dirty bandages

Splinter Clean area with soap and water Do not use unsterilized materials to pull

the splinter

Fainting Elevate the legs Do not lay flat when victim vomits

What does the acronym RICE stand for? Write it down and explain each part of the treatment.

R - restrict movement


I - ice


C - compress


E - elevate




___web search engine___1. It is the biggest among the types which main function is to search for information on all available

web pages in the World Wide Web.

___metasearch engine____2. It searches several other search engines at once and combines the results into one.
___blog search engine_____3. It provides search results from blogs.

___internal search engine_____4. It is a search engine found in a single website

___search engine software__5. This is the program that allows the user to search the index and return results

___search interface__6. This is what you see on-screen. It is where you will see the search bar where you can type the keyword

for your search.

____spider_________7. It is a program that locates or "crawls" web pages to find the keyword then places all gathered

information in the database.

____database______8. This is where all the information gathered by the spiders are stored.

____search engine_____9. It is always the best place to go if you are trying to find information on something or you do not know

the website address of a particular office, establishment, or group.

___search bar____10. This is where you will type your keyword.

__Google search button________11. This is what you click on when you want to search without using the suggested keywords

from Google.

____microphone____12. - You may opt to use your voice in placing a search query instead of using the keyboard.

__I’m feeling lucky button_______13. This is a novelty of the Google Search engine. In a regular search, once Google Search

button I’m Feeling Lucky button Language button Search bar Microphone you enter a keyword, it will give you pages and pages

of results.

_404: not found____14. This means you are trying to access a page that does not exist.

____server not found_____15. This means that the website does not exist or there is a problem in your computer's internet

settings that makes it think that the website does not exist

___unable to connect_____16. It could be that the website you are trying to access is down.

___408: request timeout_____17. It means that the website is slow to respond or there is a problem with the connection

between you and the website.

Give 3 common places where cyberbullying occurs

1. __social media____________________________________________________________________

2. ___instant message_____________________________________________________________________________________

3. _______email________________________________________________________________________________

Give 3 common examples of cyberbullying

1. ____Posting hateful comments on someone's social media page__________________

2. _____Sending hateful messages to someone through IM or email _______________

3. ______Following, stalking, or trolling a person's online activities____________

Give 3 effects of cyberbullying to a person

1. _________feeling hurt_______________________________________________________

2. _______feeling worthless__________________________________________

3. _______prone to low self-confidence____________________________________________________

3 things to do when you are cyberbullied

1.____do not panic___________________________________________________________

2. ____walk away______________________________________________________________________________

3. ___tell an adult______________________________________________________________________

How to create a safe email?

1. ____choose the right email service provider_____________________________________________________________

2. _____choose a good user name___________________________________________________________

How to share files through email

1. ____attach files using the paper clip icon_____________________________________

2. ____click the file you want to attach____________________________________________________________________

3. _____wait for file to finish attaching_______________________________________________________

4. ____send____________________________________________________________________

How to spot spam and phish?

1. ___mismatched URLs____________________________________________________________________

2. _____wrong grammar and spelling_____________________________________________________________

3. ____big promises______________________________________________________________

How does the search engine work?

1. ____crawling______________________________________________________________

2. ____indexing_________________________________________________________________________

3. ___ranking____________________________________________________________________

4. ____serving of results_____________________________________________________________________________

Give some examples of search engine strategies

1. ____Use quotation marks to get exact results for your keyword________________

2. _____Place a dash before any word you do not want to find in the results for your keyword. ______________

3. ____Place an "AND" between the keywords to make sure both keywords will appear in the results.__

4. _____Use an "OR" between keywords. __________

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