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February 27th 2023

By Theresia Puspitawati

1. The sentence has a subject and a verb

 A sentence in English should have a subject and a verb

1. Africa ................. a very dry climate
A. has B. being C. having D. with

2. Nerve impulses ......... to the brain at a speed of about one hundred yards per second
A. sending sensations
B. to send sensations
C. send sensations
D. sensations

3. The Gajah Wong River .......from Sleman into Bantul

A. it flowed B. flows C. flowing D. with flowing water

2. Be careful of object of prepositions

 Ex: After his exams Tom will take a trip by boat

after : preposition
his exams: object
Tom L subject
by: preposition
a trip: object

1. With his friend ............found the movie theater
A. has B. he C. later D. when

2. Still a novelty in the late nineteenth century, to the rich

A. was B. was photography C. it was photography D. photography was

3. Last week went fishing four trout as the nearby mountain lake (correct/incorrect)

4. A schedu;e of the day’s events can be obtained at the front desk (correct/incorrect)

5. Be careful of appositives

 Appositive : is a noun that comes before or after another noun and has the same meaning
( kata benda sebelum atau sesudah kata benda yang lain dan memiliki arti yang sama)
 Tuti, the best student in the class, got an A on the exam (the best student in the class:
appositive, ada koma sebelum dan sesudahnya)
 An excellent basketball player, Sarah rarely misses her basketball shots ( An excellent
basketball player: appositive tanpa koma )

TORFL Preparation Class - Theresia Puspitawati 1

1. ..........., Bambang, is attending the lecture
A. Right now B. Happilly C. Because of the time D. My friend

2. The tetracycline , ..................antibiotics, are used to treat infections.

A. are family of B. being a family C. a family of D. their family is

6. Be careful of present participle

Present participle : ing form (bentuk ‘ing’/ada ‘to be’, bila tidak ada --->adjective)
 The man is talking to his friend (is talking: present participle)
 The man talking to his friend has a beard (talking: adjective)
Exercise :
1. The fruits were rotting because of the moisture in the crates carrying vociferrously
2. The advertisements were announcing the half-day sale received a lot of attention
(correct/incorrect) (dobel ‘verb’)

7. Be careful of past participle (bentuk lampau)

 Past participle : have/has/had (bila tidak ada -----> adjective)

 Ex: The family has purchased a television (has purchased: past participle as part of
verb/bagian kata kerja)
The purchased yesterday was expensive (purchased: adjective)

The pizza is served in the restaurant is the tasties in the county (correct/incorrect)
Any bill paid by the first of the first of the month will be credited to your account by the next day


TORFL Preparation Class - Theresia Puspitawati 2

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