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Vth Revision 1 Sub – Science

Answer the following ( 2 marks each )

1. Green plants are able to synthesise food through photosynthesis. Yet plants,
such as pitcher plants and Venus flytraps feed on insects. Why?
Ans. Insectivorous plants like pitcher plant and Venus flytrap-are green and do
photosynthesis like other plants but they grow in soil which is deficient in
nitrogen. So, they feed on insects to fulfil their deficiency of nitrogen.
2. Is it possible to grow rice in areas that receive less rainfall? How?
Ans Yes it is possible to grow rice in areas that receive less rainfall using pre
Irrigation facilities from canals and tube wells. Example: Development of cond
irrigation and tube wells have made it possible to grow rice in states like Pun
Haryana and Rajasthan where rainfall is less.
3. How is soil important for plants?
Ans Soil provides water and minerals to the plants which are essential
requirements for photosynthesis.
4. Give one word for the following.
A) a crack in a bone- fracture
B)a special device used for putting out fire- fire extinguisher
5. Why do we need machines? How do they help us?
. We need machines to make work easier and finish it faster.
Lift or move heavy loads with less effort

Apply force at a convenient point and in the desired direction.

Perform hazardous tasks with minimum risks.
6 Do garage doors utilise pulley systems? Yes or no? Explain.
Ans Yes, there are four pulleys on a garage door, one on each side at the top
corner where the vertical and the horizontal track join, and one on the end of
each spring. These pulleys have ball bearings which allow them to roll smoothly
and move quietly as the door moves up and down.
7. What is migration? State two examples of animals that show migration.
iAns The movement of animals in a group, over a large distance to breed, to
escape from harsh weather or in search of food, is called migration. . Examples of
animals showing migration are - Siberian cranes, monarch butterflies
8. What do you mean by a seed coat? Write its function.
Ans. The hard outer covering of a seed is called a seed coat
It protects the seed against harsh environmental conditions, injury and germs

9. Give one example of each:

plants that grow through stems
plants that grow through spores
Ans Plants that grow through stem- water chestnuts and sweet potatoes

plants that grow through spores mosses and ferns.

10. Which are the three conditions necessary for a shadow to form?
Ans. Three conditions necessary for a shadow to form are given below.
1. A source of light must be present.
2. An object that blocks light completely or partially should be present .
3 A screen on which the shadow will form, should be present.
11. How does the phenomenon of day and night take place?
Ans. The Earth rotates about its own axis once every 24 hours. During this
rotation, the part of Earth that faces the sun experiences daytime and the other
part experiences night-time Thus, the day and night cycle are caused due to the
Earth's rotation on its own axis.
12.Write difference between hibernation & aestivation

Revision 2 Answer the following( 3M each)

1.Why should we not burn garbage in an open space?
Ans. We should not burn garbage in open space as it leads to emission of harmful
gases which are responsible for causing air pollution.
2. List the properties of air
Ans properties of air are as follows.a
1) Air occupies space.
ii) Air has weight.
(iii) Air exerts pressure.
3. Seeds should not be sown very close to each other. Justify.
Ans. Seeds should not be sown very close to each other because if they are sown
too close to each other, then the seeds start to compete for nutrients, sunlight,
water and other factors required for growth. In such a condition only, the few
best ones can survive and other seeds will die
4. What do you mean by a seed coat? Write its function.
Ans. The hard outer covering of a seed is called a seed coat.
It protects the Seeds against harsh environmental conditions, injury and entry of
5. How is soil important for plants?
Ans. Soil provides water and minerals to the plants which are essential
requirements for photosynthesis.
6.Distinguish between the following

7. Why can’t human breathe underwater

Ans- Humans do not have gills in their bodies .They breath through their lungs The
oxygen dissolved in water can only get absorbed by the blood vessels in the gills
and then get transported to the body. Human lungs are unable to take in
dissolved oxygen from the water. So humans can't breathe underwater.
8.L Abel the different organs of movement
9. Look at the pictures given below & write the names of their breathing organs

10. State any three ways to prevent air pollution.

Ans. The preventive measures we can take to prevent air pollution are as follows
a)We should plant more trees as trees purify the air by taking in carbon diox
b) We should use public transport for travelling as much as possible.
c)For travelling short distances, we should ride bicycles or walk.
d)We should avoid bursting firecrackers.
e) We should avoid burning garbage in open areas.
f) We should use energy-saving electrical equipment
g) We should encourage the use of renewable energy sources.
11. Why do we need machines? How do they help us?
Ans. We need machines to make work easier and finish it faster.
Machines help us to : Lift or move heavy loads with less effort. apply force at a
convenient point and in the desired direction.Perform hazardous tasks with
minimum risks.
Answer the following 5M each
1. What adaptation are observed in underwater aquatic plants
2. Observe the image and answer the following
3. Explain the terms. A
. fulcrum: The fulcrum is the point on which the beam pivots.

B. load: The load in a simple machine is the object that is moved or lifted.
effort: The force we apply to the lever to lift the load is called effort (E)..
complex machine: combinations of two or more simple machines working
together called compound or complex machines.
4. Label the diagram

5 We should use public transport for travelling justify

Ans of public transport reduces the number of vehicles on road.Hence it reduces
the amount of harmful exhaust smoke released and thus lowering air pollution.
Moreover, most public transports (trains, metro, electric and CNG buses, CNG
based auto-rickshaws, e-rickshaws, etc) are less polluting in comparison to private
vehicles (which run mostly on petrol and diesel). Therefore, we should use
preferably public transport while travelling in order to reduce air pollution.
Revision 4
Define the following
1.Safety :- safety is the condition of protecting oneself or being protected from
harm risk or injury.
2. Tourniquet :- A tourniquet is a strip above a wound to reduce the blood flow
and to stop bleeding.
3.simple machine:- Simple machine are basic mechanical devices that are used to
reduce the effort required in doing work or in making the task simple
4. Soil erosion :- The process of removal of the fertile top layer of the soil is
known as soil erosion. There are different natural and human activities which
cause soil erosion like water flow deforestation over cropping etc.
5.what do you mean by evergreen trees :- The trees that remain green through
out the year are known as evergreen trees.
6. Thermal expansion:- Heating an object can cause expansion in the size of an
object this process is called thermal expansion.
7 Pollination :- Pollination is the process of transferring pollen grains from the
anther of a flower to the stigma of a flower.
Name the following
1. Name a plant in which leaves are modified into spines – Cactus
2. A device used to measure temperature – Thermometer
3. The process by which a seed produces a new plant – Germination
4. A young plant that grows from a seed- Seedling
5. Name the parts of lever- Fulcrum, Load and Effort.
6. What is the breathing organ of grasshopper- Spiracles.
7. Three ways of conserving soil:- Afforestation, terrace farming and planting
Give an example of an insectivorous plant :- Venus flflytrap
Fill in the blanks
1. --------- gas is required for burning (oxygen)
2. A tadpole breathes through ------(gills)
3. Banana , pepper and palm trees are -------plants (evergreen coastal )
4. ----is the symbol used to denote the Celsius scale (℃)
5. The chain the wheel of cycle is an example of ----------(wheel & axle)
6. ------- soil is best suitable for plantation ( Loamy)
7. -------- object that needs to be moved or lift ( load)
8. If we heat an object it’s size ----(increases)
9. The stem of a cactus performs the function of -------
10.The addition of ------- makes the soil fertile ( humus)
Choose the correct option
1. ----- is the topmost layer of soil
a subsoil. B Topsoil. C Humus d Bedrock
2. Which of the following is a way to conserve soil
A Afforestation b construction of a dam c terrace farming d all of these
3.what is the temperature in the Celsius scale when water begins to boil
A ) 100℃. b ). 0℃ c) 212℃ d) 98•6℃
4. Which of the following is not part of a thermometer
A ) mercury. b )capillary tube. c) bulb d )water
5.Which of the following is an example of xerophyte
a) pine b) babul c) mangrove d ) rubber
6.T he limbs of whales and dolphins are modified into --- for swimming
a) wings b feathers c flippers d scales
7. Choose the odd one from the following option
A Spiracles b blowholes c cuticles d lungs
8.Which of the following is not a type of simple machine
a) Screw b) wedge c computer d pulley
9. Air pollution can be prevented by --------
a) cutting trees b) planting trees c) bursting fire crackers d) burning garbage in
open spaces
10. Animal bites can cause a disease called -------
a) typhoid b jaundice tetanus d rabies
True or false
1. Stomata are absent in submerged plants =True
2. Air occupies space= True
3. Air does not contain water vapour= false
4. Insects have four legs -= True
5. Children should not play with electrical appliance= True
6. Heat is a measure of hotness and coldness = True
7. A wheel is a type of simple machine – True
8. An earthworm breathes through the gills- False

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