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Effects of World War Two


World War Two is a conflict that arose between 1939 to 1945. This war involved major

European Countries such as Germany, Italy, USA and France. During this tough period, many

people lost their lives i. e approximately 26-27 million Soviet people died (Haynes, 946) , others

lost their property, increased famine and country’s economy sunk. Some families were totally

displaced and were left without know how of their beloved ones. This paper discusses the effects

of world war two in general.

Loss of Life
During world war two, many lives were lost and the statistics can’t provide the exact number.

This is because a lot of this death cases were not recorded. People died during fights and others

like soldiers died due to health issues related to smoking which was introduced to them by

American military (Kelly B and Oliver D, 194.)

Loss of Property and Displacement.

Frequent attacks were launched to different cities, towns and villages by use of heavy weapons.

This resulted to mass destruction of property including well established buildings. The new sets

of boundaries set by victorious nations meant that some had to lose their lands and they settle as

squatters. Some families were totally misplaced and could not re unite again. Italy became a

temporary home to many people post world war two (Ballinger, 370).

Economic Shock.
During world war two, bombings were so common in cities, housing areas, industrial areas and

transport. Industrial and infrastructure became main focus during bombing such that citizen’s

activities could be disrupted. This denied people peace of conducting their daily business and

induced fear and trauma. This attacks impacted negatively on industrialization resulting to

recession as experienced in countries such as German (Brakman S. et al.,218)


World war two had adverse effects to the countries involved and its people. Lives were lost in

millions, displacement of people and property loss without compensation and retardation of

economic growth during that period.


Work Cited

Ballinger, Pamela. "Entangled or ‘extruded’histories? displacement, national refugees, and

repatriation after the Second World War." Journal of Refugee Studies 25.3 (2012): 366-


Bedard, Kelly, and Olivier Deschênes. "The long-term impact of military service on health:

Evidence from World War II and Korean War veterans." American Economic

Review 96.1 (2006): 176-194.

Brakman, Steven, Harry Garretsen, and Marc Schramm. "The strategic bombing of German

cities during World War II and its impact on city growth." Journal of Economic

Geography 4.2 (2004): 20 Haynes, Michael. "Clarifying excess deaths and actual war

deaths in the Soviet Union during World War II: A reply." Europe-Asia Studies 55.6

(2003): 945-947.1-218.

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