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Cloud technology and its implications for entrepreneurship

2. What laws and fiscal policies encourage entrepreneurship .1
3. What alternative marketing tactics work for small-scale food
4. Crowdsourcing
5. Theoretical models for global entrepreneurism
6. University and government’s role in supporting students pursuing
7. Creating the powerhouse of innovation: what ongoing university &
business partnerships have to offer.3
8. The significant benefits of becoming an entrepreneur.
9. Exploring entrepreneurship as a viable long-term solution to
10. The psychology techniques entrepreneurs use to get on top of stressful
11. An empirical examination of the current era’s validity and significance of
established theories of entrepreneurship.
12. Leadership role in quality and innovation .4

Leadership role in quality and innovation

[1] Casarella, Peter. “Archbishop Romero and Spiritual Leadership in the Modern
World, Edited By Robert S.Pelton, C.S.C. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield,
2015), Xxx + 192 Pp.”. Modern Theology 31.3 (2015): 541-542. Print.
[2] Chapparamani, Kirthi. “Leadership Approaches.” GRA 3.2 (2012): 141-142.
[3] Christensen, Joel and Eli Embleton. “Ancient Narrative Therapy for
Leadership: The Classical World and the Modern Leadership
Classroom.” The Classical Journal 112.1 (2016): 78. Print.
[4] Latham, John R. “A Framework for Leading the Transformation to
Performance Excellence.” Quality Management Journal 20.2 (2013): 210-232.
Academic Firms and Entrepreneurial Mode 3 Universities
in Knowledge Economies and Knowledge Democracies
within Quadruple and Quintuple Helix Innovation Systems

 How do knowledge production and innovation in the economy change?

 What are innovative designs for companies and firms (for example the
“academic firms”)?
 What can be said about the future of work (labor) and education?
 How does the future of universities (higher education institutes) appear in
relation to knowledge production and innovation?
 How can networks of research and innovation advance in connecting
“academic firms” and “Mode 3” universities and higher education institutes?
 Is an advancement of knowledge and innovation possible without a
(knowledge) democracy?
 How can a (knowledge) democracy support (for example via policy, strategy,
and governance) the development of the economy and higher education
 What are knowledge-based and innovation-based future scenarios on the
evolution of economy, higher education and democracy?

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