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Republic of the Philippines


Imus Campus
Cavite Civic Center Palico IV, City of Imus, Cavite 4103
(046) 471-66-07 / (046) 436-65-84



2nd Semester, S.Y. 2022-2023
Activity #1

NAME: De Leon, Emizandra G. DATE: 03/21/23

Reflection Paper
(Apocalypto Film)

Instructions: Watch the film “Apocalypto” directed by Mel Gibson. In 500 words, describe the ways of
living and culture of Mayan civilization based on the movie.

For me, the reason of the motion picture is to appear the pitilessness caused on the people by those
accepted to be more effective. Culture has impacted us so solid that we all do what we do presently since
of it. We have tranquil conventions and God-fearing customary practices but it isn't us that murder
individuals to nourish our give a false representation of our beliefs. Our societies and the Mayan’s culture
are two diverse things. The motion picture has too appeared the selflessness of people. We continuously
seekto be on the beat, to be higher than others, and to be considered predominant from those who passed
misfortune. But it is time for us to conclude this. Our world has gotten to be so egotistical that everybody of
us only think about the benefits that we get from things and not on what impact it'll have on other people.
Apocalypto has especially appeared in the Mayan civilization and its culture. Within the motion picture, a
gathering of striking Mayans bowed on pulverizing the town by cutting and dicing their way through its
tenants (babies are not saved nor are ladies and youthful children). The men who were in great wellbeing
are captured, chained to long shafts, and constrained to walk to the Mayan sanctuary. The recently
captured slaves have as it were passing to see forward to at the conclusion of their journey. Once within
the Mayan city, these men are set to be yielded to the divine beings in arrange to halt the starvation and
conclusion the spread of infection all through the arrival. Their hearts will be carved out and shown to
cheers from the horde. Their heads will be chopped off and hurled down the temple stairs, followed without
further ado by their dead bodies. This can be how the Mayan individuals hone their culture. This is how
merciless they are and how uncaring they have become. Jaguar Paw (Youngblood) who, earlier to being
captured, was able to lower his pregnant spouse and youthful child into a pit for safekeeping, is decided not
to kick the bucket. He has battled to remain lively against immense chances. I can compare him to our
heroes here within the Philippines who have never thought around themselves but of other people's
purpose. For me, true heroes are measured not on what they have done but on why they have done it. Life
offers us a part of chances for us to be heroes and it is up for us to seize these chances and gotten to be
heroes in our ways. Puma has never halted to endeavor for his life and save his family. In addition, he has
never overlooked to think approximately his fellowmen and to what they have been through. The genuine
aim of the motion picture is to appear the cruelty dispensed on the guiltless by those accepted to be more
powerful. It made me realize how blessed we are with what as of now happened in us here in Philippines. It
is good fortune for us that we have not been through this kind of incident. In our nation, we too endured a
parcel from those who prevailed us. Our relatives have been slaughtered without benevolence, assaulted
and treated like a creature. But with the case of the Mayan individuals, they have passed through hell. They
have been captured and their men were murdered before numerous individuals. This is often uncaring! But
the issue here is since it is their conviction.


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