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The Dangerous of Hoax Phenomenon

Keypoints : 1. The Hoax Meaning

2. Why people trust in fake stories?

3. Characteristics of Hoax

4. Why hoaxes are dangerous?

5. How can I protect myself from hoax?

Have you ever heard or read a news titled "Covid vaccine can damage the body's
genetics, 10 doctors died after a day of being injected with vaccines, Halal
certification is no longer held by MUI, A missing man is suspected of being
kidnapped by a mysterious creature" Lately we often find surprising news like this.
The news is quite disturbing to the public, but is it true? Or it's just a hoax?

What exactly is a hoax? A hoax is a trick in which someone tells people a lie,
Hoaxes can involve a wide range of subjects. Based on a survey by katadata
insight center, At least 30% to nearly 60% of Indonesians are exposed to hoaxes
when accessing and communicating through cyberspace. Meanwhile, only 21% to
36% are able to recognize hoaxes. Most of the hoaxes found were related to
political, health, and religious issues. All of these stories are designed to be
spectacular but are not based on facts – they are simply being used as bait.

Why people trust in fake news?

Based on research examines belief systems — pools of interconnected beliefs that

are likely to occur together — within certain populations. for example, that a
person who believes that the Affordable Care Act was an important step in
improving healthcare is also likely to support gun control as a means of
addressing gun violence.

Introne attributes people’s individual susceptibility to false information to their

belief systems and tribalism — a state where the identity of the group becomes
more important than the identity of the individual.

For Indonesia itself, the biggest factor that people are easily exposed to hoax news
is because of low literacy and lazy to find out the truth

In some cases, you cannot recognize hoaxes directly, so a quick search on the
Internet is helpful. In other cases, you can easily see through fake messages. They
often describe something that is simply not possible in this way. Information
disorder have three parts, including:

Misinformation: Some spread false information without the intent to spread harm.

Disinformation: People may spread information to cause harm or manipulate


Malinformation: Information that may be true but is spread with malicious intent
or taken out of context.

Expert Staff of the Minister of Communication and Information for Legal Affairs
Mr. Henri Subiakto said,

Some characteristics of hoax news are :

1. if when we receive or read information that can make us hate other people or
certain groups, so that they create hatred, worry and hostility.

2. asked to go viral with the words 'ask to be viral, ask to be spread, don't stop

3. This news is usually written by fake media, where the address of the media and
the person in charge is not clear.
4. Photo manipulation and captions. The photos used are usually old and from
events elsewhere and the captions are also manipulated. Which is time
information such as ―last week‖ or ―yesterday‖ - a clear point in time is never

Why Hoaxes Are dangerous?

Malinformation’s dangers are blatant. For example, publishing a person’s private

address can put them at risk of physical danger. The potential dangers of
misinformation and disinformation are more subtle.

Fake news is created to change people’s beliefs, attitudes, or perceptions, so they

will ultimately change their behavior.

Misinformation and disinformation can also pose cyber security concerns. Fake
news articles can be entry points for hackers attempting to steal your information.
A cyber breach can compromise your virtual banking accounts, so look out for
fake news to grow your financial IQ and establish fiscal security.

How we protect ourselves from hoaxes and fake news?

1. Analyze Both the Content and the Source

First, look at the content itself and try to identify any pieces of information that
seem too good to be true.

2. Identify Whether the Information is Misinformation or Disinformation

3. Try to Identify the Intent Behind the Post or Information

4. Use Authoritative Resources

5. Evaluate how the Information Fits into Your Own Belief System

When we make the effort to seek out truth, we commit to advancing a world built
on honesty, transparency, and perhaps most importantly of all, trust among each
other. So, let’s fight hoaxes, protect ourselves and those around us from hoax

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