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Guide Questions:

1. What event or occurrence is the focus of this article?

Many claim their controversial social media posts are connected to the large spread of "fake
news," or facts that turned out to be inaccurate or misleading. Pro-administration bloggers who are
now members of government took pains at the Senate to justify their controversial social media
posts, which many say linked to the massive spread of "fake news," or information that turned out
to be false or misleading. They stated that the post is entirely based on their opinion and not as

Would you classify this article as hard news? Why?

Yes, since the content is entirely about politics, even though this topic was reported about 2-3 years

2. How has the article clarified the meaning of fake news? Did it show any bias in
presenting the event?

Yes, since the context is all about a member of government official disinforming
people using their own social media platform about their opponent side." Although each of
us has the freedom of speech as an individual and freedom of the press as a blogger or
having our own social media platform, we can critique the government. Still, we do not use
these privileges of rights. You are intentionally spreading fake news, and without knowing,
your audience will completely believe what you post online, which will quickly spread
because it comes from a government official. That way, you misinform the people by malice
and ignorance.

3. How different is fake news from Disinformation or Misinformation?

Misinformation is fueled more by ignorance than malice, while disinformation is deliberately

spread in a deliberate way to persuade and change the perspective or belief of the person. 
5. In your opinion, which of the different media formats are more prone to
spreading fake news? Why?

In today's world we get news online because it is more convenient and faster. Facebook platform is
mainly used in our country and famous due to its accessibility, According to my research, the
Filipino's estimated time spent on Facebook is 4 hours. Facebook is our information collector, and
social networking is the required delivery channel; this platform is responsible for spreading fake

6. What are the dangers of fake news to our society? Suggest ways of identifying and
stopping the spread of fake news.

Fake news influences a person's values, behaviors, or perceptions, causing them to act or respond
in a certain way. It also has an impact on a person's mental health and can trigger anxiety, causing
them to become insecure, overthink, and fearful of what is the greater reality. Spreading Fake news
changes the beliefs, attitudes, or perceptions of a person to act or behave in a certain way. It also
affects the person's mental health and may trigger their anxiety, which starts being anxious,
overthink, and afraid of doing what really is the greater Truth. The first is to check the source if it's
reliable. Secondly, please read the entire article usually; headlines are eye-catching, and we
typically think that headline sums up the whole article, but it's not. Third, do some research about
the author if they're real. Lastly, check the date, some people are reposting old news; for example,
the ECQ lockdown on Facebook that was a year ago, and people thought were back on lockdown but
were not, actually were low risk. So, we should be careful about what we feed our minds by
protecting our inner peace. Of course, each of us doesn't have the skill and knowledge to determine
if it is fake news, opinion, or the Truth. As responsible netizens, we can stop sharing information on
our social media that we are not sure if it's accurate to protect our family and friends' inner peace.

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