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GREEN number: _________________

I. Write W for Warm-up Exercises and C for Cool-down Exercises. Write your answer before
each number.

_____ 1. It allows the heart rate to returns to its normal resting state.
_____ 2. Reduce risk of acquiring injury in joints, muscles, and tendons.
_____ 3. Prime your nerve-to-muscle pathways to be ready on exercise.
_____ 4. Loosens muscle soreness and promote recovery of the body in the state of pre-
workout levels.
_____ 5. Warm muscles, which promotes energy-releasing reaction and makes the muscle to
more supple.
_____ 6. Prepare the heart for an increase in activity.
_____ 7. Making the muscle relax after a physical activity.
_____ 8. Prepare your muscles for more tedious stretching.
_____ 9. Prepare mental set up for the upcoming heavier exercise.
_____ 10. Necessary to prepare the body in doing a strenuous activity.

II. Enumerate the 5 Basic Workout Outline.

1) ____________________________________________
2) ____________________________________________
3) ____________________________________________
4) ____________________________________________
5) ____________________________________________

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