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Grade :4 Topic: Healthy Practices Date:


1. Read the description and identify the asana.

i. This is also referred as one legged prayer pose. The benefits of this exercise include it
helps to develop nervous balance and strengthens muscle of ankle and foot.
Ans: ______________________________________
ii. This exercise involves breathing and helps to develop mental concentration.

Ans: ______________________________________

iii. This exercise is also referred to as dance form pose. It helps to balance the body and
develops mental concentration. _____________________________________

iv. Kenneth has to use computer for longer period at work. At the end of the day his hips
and arm muscles aches. _____________________________________

v. Veera is complaining about dryness in eyes after working long hours as a graphic
designer. _____________________________________

vi. Ashif works in a railway ticket reservation (booking) counter and hardly can leave his
seat during the time counter is open. At the end of the day his hip, shoulder and wrist
muscle pains. _____________________________________

2. Given below are some cases of body strain, match it with the correct asanas to cure it.

GTGS/October /Grade –4/ICT

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